
Reincarnated As A Weak Princess

A man with an average life and no accomplishments gets reborn as a girl, but not just any girl, the daughter of a king. The only thing is she has very low magic potential. A weak princess with the most powerful kingdom at her side.

CuteSpice · Fantasy
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3 Chs

CH 3 - Anger & Magic

The Next Day…

I wake up to find that I'm using Haru's boobs as a pillow. I don't remember what happened last night at first, but after a moment I realize what I let Haru do. Just from the thought of what happened makes me wet, and all that I can think about is how good it felt to have Haru's fingers inside me.

"Haru wake up," I said, and when Haru opens her eyes her stomach growls.

"So hungry," Haru said begging for something to eat. Mother walks into my room to see both me and Haru naked in the same bed.

"It's time we have a talk," Mother said with a serious look on her face, that's almost frightening.

I get Haru to put on her maid outfit, and I get her to leave the room to go tell the cooks to make breakfast.

"You know if your father ever found out that you like girls, he would be angry," Mother said, but I can tell she isn't disappointed.

"You would see me as your daughter no matter what, right?" I asked thinking that it's time to tell her who I really am.

"Of Course!" Mother said wondering why I would even ask that.

"Then it's time I told you," I look at my mother with a look that frightens her.

"Tell me what?" My mother sees a look that she had never seen before.

"Are you familiar with reincarnation?" I asked, and Mother immediately knows the truth.

"I see you were reborn from another life," Mother has always had a feeling that I was different, since I knew how to speak a day after I was born.

"In my past life I was a boy, and there wasn't any magic or monsters in that world," I said.

I thought my mother would start crying, but she isn't sad.

"You are still my daughter," my Mother hugs me tightly.

"Don't tell your father," my Mother knows that my father won't be as understanding as her, so she gets me to keep it a secret.

"To be honest I'm happy. I never knew my mother in my past life, so you are just wonderful," I said, liking that I finally have a mother that loves me no matter what.

Mother starts hugging me even tighter to the point that it almost hurts. Mother remembers that I'm naked so she stops.

"You should get dressed," Mother gets me to put on a light blue dress.

I go to the kitchen to see Haru learning to cook with the help of Fumiko the top maid cook.

"You must put your heart into the food or it won't taste good. Just think of something that makes you happy and make art from it," Fumiko said well looking at the horror of food that Haru cooked that looks like sewage.

Haru thinks of me and she starts dancing well cooking a cake. I watch her cook, and when it was done, it looks amazing.

"Let's see how it tastes," I taste the cake and my face said it all. I try not to spit the cake out not wanting to hurt Haru's feelings, but she already knows it's bad by the look on my face.

"It's d-delicious," I struggled to get the words out of my mouth.

"Let me taste that," Fumiko takes a bite and spits it out.

"What Do You Mean, This Is Absolutely Disgusting!" Fumiko said well I wave my hands trying to get her to not say anything else.

Haru keeps her tears from flowing, but I know she's hurt.

"Apologize Now!" I yell at Fumiko, and an incredibly powerful magic aura released from my body. Everyone in the castle can feel the murderous aura. Everyone that doesn't see me thinks it's some kind of god like monster so they panic.

My father runs in with a group of knights wanting to protect me, but when he looks at me he can tell it's coming from me.

"Sakura!!!!!!" My father yells as loud as he could as my mother walks in.

The murderous aura disappears and my father quickly grabs me.

"What Are You Doing?!" My mother asks thinking that my father is angry. The next thing I know my father lets me go and hugs me.

"Your Magic Is So Strong!" My father said well hugging me with tears of joy. I don't know what he's talking about.

"That magic aura was even stronger than my armies general," My father keeps talking about how great my magic is, and I realize that everyone was scared because of me.