
Reincarnated as a wandering spirit

After dying early due to the Reaper making a mistake, Milaina is then sent to another world as an apology. But due to an error in the reincarnation process, she becomes a wandering spirit that can turn physical.

Joe_Clucks101 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

CH: 1/Death is Surprisingly Chill

Hi! My name is Milaina Tanda, I'm 17 years old...



---Flashback end---

Was 17 years old, I apparently died in a car crash and am now sitting next to my own dead body, (how am I so calm right now?) my parents are probably going to be crying their eyes out when they find out.

While I'm in my melancholy thoughts, a dark portal-looking thing opens not too far away from me.

Me being the curious person that I am, decide to walk towards it. but before I could get very close to the portal, a figure shrouded in a dark fog, appears out of it.

"Boss is gonna kill me for this screw up" the shrouded figure says to itself with a deep voice.

The figure then looks towards me, "Oh... your still around and not in limbo yet, that's good" the figure says to me.

"I-uh..." at this point I'm very confused, "Well come on, we got places to be".

I then feel myself floating (how can a dead person even feel?) towards the figure, and by extension, the portal.

"Wait! Am I getting kidnapped?!" I start to panic at the thought, before the shrouded figure replies, "No, you're not getting kidnapped, you're just being taken with me without your consent".

'Thats essentially the definition of being kidnapped!'

As I was worrying about my own safety, we were already through the portal. The side we are currently on is very dark and had this eerie fog hanging around shin level.

"Hey boss! I got her!" the figure that is currently carrying me via telekinesis says to the darkness, "Good, bring her to me".

When I heard the darkness say that I, not gonna lie, almost crapped my pants (can dead people even do that?). As we went further into the darkness and fog, I start to make out the silhouette of a building in the dark.

The building looked like a run-down Greek temple, only a lot more... thanatocentric. When we got to the temple entrance, the figure carrying me give me some advice, "your gonna meet my boss soon... just don't be an asshole and you'll be fine".

I somehow think I won't be fine, but whatever, too late to run away now (has been for a while).

We then enter the temple, and inside I see another figure, this one however, is...

Sunbathing on a black beach? And also wearing black sunglasses, an opened up Hawaiian t-shirt, swim shorts, and a pair of flip-flops, all of these are in a black and white pattern, including the figure himself who has void black hair and eyes, and his skin is as white as skin can get if not whiter, "Ah! you're here! great!" the figure says to me.

"Uhhh... hi?" I reply, confused, "Can I, ask you something, mister...?"

"Azmaveth, and please drop the formalities" the being now identified as Azmaveth states, "and yeah sure go right on ahead"

"O-ok" I say with a stutter, "Just out of curiosity, where am I?"

"You are in the realm of darkness and death, my realm!" Azmaveth states.

"O-oh ok, c-cool" 'why is this happening to me?' I think to myself.

"Because Grim here made a mistake in their reaping and killed you instead of the person that they were supposed to" Azmaveth said as if reading my mind, while giving the shrouded figure a death glare, that actually caused it to start shaking, before turning to me and becoming cheery again, "Oh! and yeah, I can read your thoughts, that's how I knew what you were thinking".

"T-thats an invasion of privacy!" I say, surprised at the honesty (and the audacity) of the man in front of me.

"Don't worry about it, I won't do it anymore while your here alright?" Azmaveth says with sincerity.

After some thought, I decide I can (probably) trust this man, the one next to me though...

"Ah, right", Azmaveth turns to the one who brought me here, "hey Grim your shroud is still active, could ya turn it off?".

The person now identified as 'Grim' starts to lose its 'shroud', revealing a short, messy, white-haired woman, who has deathly pale skin, and black eyes (they also look very, no, EXTREMELY tired). she is wearing a black t-shirt that had a design on it that said, 'I'll be waiting for you' with a scythe swinging towards something, she also wore white ripped jeans, and black sneakers, "Thats better, Grim".

Then there's me over here who just came to the realization of what kind of situation I'm in, and what the two beings in front and next to me are.

A god and the freaking Grim Reaper, great.

"Well, anyways, if you haven't figured it out by now, I am what you would call a god" Azmaveth says, confirming my suspicions, "the god of darkness and death, to be specific".

"WAIT! I'M TALKING TO A LITERAL GOD OF DEATH?!" I exclaim in shock. "Uh, yeah that's what I just said" Azmaveth confirms.

Azmaveth then becomes serious "But we have more pressing matters to attend to considering your... untimely demise" as he says this, I feel a tingle run down my ghostly spine.

"O-ok, so what about it? where am I going? up? O-or d-down...?" I say with a slight amount of fear.

Azmaveth gets this look on his face that is implying he is confused, "what do you mean? Oh, you mean heaven and hell...".

He grins at me, "Well I have great news for you, Milaina" the suspense is metaphorically killing me, "You're not going to either!" he says as black confetti appears from seemingly thin air.

I think my soul just left my body (Wait... that already happened when I died), "Well I guess it's good I'm not going down to the fiery pits of... yeah".

I look at Azmaveth again, "But if I'm not going to either, then where am I going?"

Azmaveth shrugs, "Dunno, but it's definitely not earth" he says with indifference, "I may not know, but a friend of mine does. fun fact she is actually the one who is reincarnating you, not me".

"Oh- wait, did you say reincarnate?" I ask just to confirm, "Why yes I did" he replies.

"C-cool..." 'What the heck is going to happen when I get there?' I think whilst also trying to keep my composure.

"She should be done any minute now- oh look at that she finished it" Azmaveth says as a large book appears in a burst of flame, hovering next to him. He grabs it, "Here you go; one freshly made system tome for your use when you reincarnate" he hands me the book which has a phoenix on the front, "Don't open it yet, she told me that when you do, it will send you to your new world". Azmaveth says.

"So, before you go, do you have any questions?" Azmaveth asks me, "Is this like a thing I can just summon? or does it stay when I don't need it?".

"It goes away when you aren't using it, it also just floats in front of you when you will it to, but just know that it is not physical so you can't use it to block things. Also, only you can read out of it, to everyone else it just looks like a regular tome".

"Any more questions?" he asks politely, "No none at all thank you".

"Alright, then when you're ready just open the tome" Azmaveth say to me. I look at the book I am holding then back look at Azmaveth and Grim, "thank you both for this chance at a new life, goodbye!" I open the book, before hearing Azmaveth and Grim say goodbye as well.

I become surrounded in darkness as I lose consciousness.

---Back with Azmaveth and Grim---

"Boss... Why do I have this bad feeling?" Grim says worriedly, "Dunno Grim, maybe its just you're imagina-" Azmaveth gets cut off by a female voice that does not belong to Grim, "It's probably because I screwed up".

The two beings of death look behind them to see the friend Azmaveth mentioned to Milaina, looking at the ground in regret, "I made a mistake when I was writing her stats and everything".

"What?! how?!" Grim says in shock, "I must have accidentally put a different thing other than human" The friend says, "What did you put?" Azmaveth asks, "I think I put..."