
Reincarnated as a succubus enchantress

Linda was a very seductive girl who liked to play with both man and woman one unfortunate day she lost her life to a lowly scum who could only lust over her body till he could only resort to raping her but before he knew it he had killer her in the process. Finding herself in a new world and unholy powers Linda vowed to make everyone payback for her unjust death in the new world

Super_user · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Uncle Paul

Paul was a well renowned war mage who made his name by surviving the deadliest of wars, he had gutted many on the battle field, he was both strong and ruthless and would often rain hellfire and brim stone in the battle field the name Paul would send shivers through the most battle test man he was the only one of a hand full dragon bloodline, S class rank 1 mage.

Ranking in this world: F class to S class and in each class would rank from rank 9 to rank 1 and your bloodline would also attribute to your strength, meaning Paul was a force to be one man army and would be mainly called upon when the kingdom was in a dire situation. Outside a select few no one knew what Paul looked like or even how old he was mostly because all who saw him would be dancing with the angels in the next moments.

One day Paul lost his wife due to a terminal illness living him a son who could barely walk properly Mat and this left him broken and only Mat became his reason to live, by the time Mat was 3 years he decided to retire to a remote town so far away from himself he met a you girl a little younger than Met clearly left to fend for herself, Linda could barely make sense of the world and was so pure that she stared at the Father son duo as if they should explain to her why she's hungry and cold.

It took a whole week for Linda's parents to even notice she was missing and a few more weeks for them to look for her

Man building a back story for Paul was not easy, I want to give Paul a growth like Kakashi sensei, and not make Mat and Linda not blood related (^_-) will leave it here for now Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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