
Reincarnated as a snake?

A typical reincarnation story about a dude who got reincarnated into a fantasy world as a snake inside a dungeon... but with some twists! So follow the tiny snake on his journey through the lands to become a bigger snake. --- Only writing it for fun and to pass some time. Chapters will be around 1500-2000 words long. Oh, and English is not my first language, but should be readable. The cover is not mine...

Man_of_culture · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
93 Chs


(Back to our little snake!)


'5 more minutes, please...'


'All right, all right I will get up now... time to survive another day.'


Waking up in the warm embrace of Sahra I let out a giant yawn.

Focusing my eyes again I saw a few blue screens floating in front of me. Why is it that every time I wake up a system notification is in front of me...?

Reading them one by one I was shocked and confused.

[Hidden condition met!]

[Congratulations you unlocked a special monster core!]

[Bonus will be added after reaching level 20!]

*flick* *flick*

Okay sooo, what exactly did I do to unlock this?

Was eating till you are unconscious it?

Oh well, not going to complain about it, but when am I going to gain a monster core? Even goblins have one and they are weaker than me...

I haven´t really thought about it, but what level is Sahra to be able to easily kill so many monsters without getting tired, and does she have a system too, or am I the only one?

Looking at Sarah's sleeping face I just did the closest thing to a shrug and dropped the topic for now. Hmm, will have to investigate that further at a later time, for now, let's wake up Sahra it is almost-


It is nighttime.

Starring into the sky a few small dots of lights could be seen, imitating a starry night. But to my surprise, there was another light source right behind me.

The white tree that we were greedily looting from is now shining in bright white light. Even the few fruits that are still on the tree are illuminating the dark plain.

Turning from the tree and staring into the pitch-black abyss in front of me a sudden sense of fear crept up to me as if my instincts are warning me that something is coming. Looking down at my body I saw that my whole body was shivering. My instincts told me that something was there, watching us.

Flicking my tongue a few times, I couldn´t sense anything besides the sweet fragrance of the remaining fruits and Sahra.

*flick* *flick*

My brain was numbed by the overwhelming emotion. Never in my two lifetimes have I felt this kind of emotion and I have even once been on gunpoint.

Rooted in fear, I continued to stare.

*flick* *flick*


*flick* *flick*


*flick* *flick*

Only the sounds of moving leaves and a howling wind could be heard.

*flick* *flick*

This silence is not good for my nerves.

*flick* *flick*

*flick* *flick*



*flick* *fli-*




A loud and clear bell-like sound could be heard as if drowning all the other noises.

After calming down I realized that it was only the system notification, my muscles gave up and I slumped to the ground.

Having nearly died from a heart attack I covered my eyes and took some deep breaths. 'Deep breathes, deep breaths. It was only the system notification. Deep breathes.'

Taking a few seconds to calm me down, I read the notification that nearly killed me.

'No way... this is punishment I guess...'

[You have hurt a Malim tree!]

'What? Why did I get a system notification for that?'


[Prepare for the first wave!]

'What does it mean by the first wa-'


[Warning! Due to consuming over 30% of the Malim tree fruits this floor's monsters will hurt you.!]

'This is not go-'


[Warning Due to consuming over 50% of the Malim tree fruits this floors keeper will hunt you!]

'What why is there mo-'


[Warning due to consuming over 90% of the Malim tree fruits the dungeon will actively punish you!]



[You have committed the sin gluttony! The dungeon will try to starve you for the next 4 days!]

Gluttony is really a sin and we just let it take over us.

My heart sunk every time when a new message popped up.


[Good luck surviving reincarnator!]


Taping her cheeks with my tail furiously she growled in annoyance and swatted me away with the back of her hand before turning around continuing to blissfully sleep.

Falling to the ground a tick mark appeared on my head as I opened my mouth and bit her in the shoulder. Of course without any venom.

Jumping up from the pain in her shoulder, she packed me by the neck before realizing that I am the one who bit her. Looking at me who was dangling from her shoulder, still biting her I let go and landed on the ground.

Staring at me angrily she raised a finger just to suddenly freeze up.

Making a few rigid movements she clutched her head and slumped down.

Not knowing what just happened to her I slithered up to her and tried to calm her down. Lifting her head and looking into my eyes she gave my head a short rub. Kneeing down and clasping her bare hands on the ground a sudden pulse ran through the plains, making small ripples into the grassy earth. Disappearing into the darkness she waited.

I who was just next to her looked into the darkness, waiting for something to happen.


1 second passed.




5 seconds passed.




10 seconds passed.


But there was still nothing.

Wondering when the wave will arrive, I heard all to well-known howl, but this one was deeper, louder, scarier than the ones in from the earth wolfs.


A loud wolf howl echoed throughout the plain.


""Awoooooooooo~!"" "Hooooooo!"

""Awouuuuu!"" "Huoooooooo~!"

Shortly after continuous howling could be heard as if the void itself was crying in pain.

In the distance, a small fog appeared. Slowly creeping in.

"Kraa" """Kraakraakraa""""

""Kraakraa""" "Kraaakra" ""Kraaaa""

Looking up to the sky, dozens of ravens could be seen flying above our head, circling around us waiting for our death. Their pitch-black feathers blend in perfectly into the dark sky while letting out shouts as if berating us and mocking us for the sin that we committed.

Turning my head back down towards the nearing fog a few silhouettes could be seen inside it. Instead of the brown dog-sized earth wolfs, they were slightly larger. Their piercing yellow eyes could be glowing inside the fog as they slowly walked up to us, gnashing their teeth, and growling deeply.

Now only 50 meters away one of them stepped out of the mist, showing its pure white fur. As its fierce eyes made contact with my green snake eyes a sudden shiver ran down my spine.

Seeing the pack leader stop, the others halted. Even the ravens stopped their mocking cries.

Letting out another howl towards the skies, the wolves charged out of the fog dragging a string of mist with them.

The quickly nearing monsters opened gnashed their teeth and tried to encircle us.

Before I could even do anything Sahra was already sprinting past me, towards them with her dagger in hand.

Getting close enough five of the wolves surrounded her while the other 4 ignored her and charged straight at me with a mad glint in their eyes.

Taking another glimpse at Sahra who was already engaging the attackers I focused on mine.

So two on the left and two on the right.

'Heh, I guess I have to use my secret technique!'

Turning around I slithered away as fast as I could and left Sahra behind, having full trust in her that she would survive. Well, she massacred whole packs of wolves before, so five grey wolves shouldn´t be that hard for her.

While having the wolves on my tail a sudden idea sprung into my mind as I made a B-line towards the tree.

Sorry for the delay...

Man_of_culturecreators' thoughts