
Reincarnated as a Slime? (Rewrite)

---- -----, your resident shut-in! Lazy, unambitious, apathetic, all words that describe this terrible excuse for a person. While he's the type of person to only leave his cramped apartment only once a year or so, he finally leaves for a bit to get some food, however, life had different plans for him. Before he could even react, a car comes crashing towards him while crossing the street. Hardly able to even think properly, he hears a strange, almost robotic voice speak to him. Without another second to even contemplate what happened, he appears in a strange place, his sight, hearing, and sense of smell robbed of him. ___ Hey! I hope you do be wary if you decide to read this! The first fifteen to twenty chapters are incredibly old, like two years old! After that, it gets a bit better, but do make sure you know what you're getting into.

Jearbear · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Not a chapter!

Oh man, I haven't been existent on this place for a while. So, a little update for all of you who still have this story collected, it's officially cancelled! Kinda.

See, I've been working on rewriting all of this... again. Yeah, yeah, what do they say? Third time's the charm? Well, it's not coming out on Webnovel, no, no. I've recently gained a new love, for a place called Royal Road. Heard of the site? Haha, silly, you can't respond to me, I'm just text!

Moving on... I'm not completely sure about Webnovels policy on promoting a different website, so, you'll have to go find it yourself.

So, go search up Royal Road. And then, this is the hard part, search for "Slime of Gluttony"

Yeah, we've got a new name for the series! It actually has a decent name now! Well, a few other things are going to be changed. Okay, a lot of things are changed. Really, it's practically a whole new story! Well, with the same protagonists...

Mostly the same protagonists.

Oh, you'll find out what's new, so why not go and give it a try?