
Reincarnated as a side character

Rose enjoyed reading books. Her whole life revolves around books, yet she died tragically at a young age. But her life didn't just end with death. She was reincarnated into the recent novel she was reading. She, who enjoyed being around books, is now living as a minor character who got killed off in the story. Using her knowledge, she will try her best to live freely and avoid death.

carmillia · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Ever since I survived the day of my death, nothing out of the ordinary has occured. I also opened up a new shave-ice store, an ice cream shop, and even opened up my own library!

It's only been a year and my business became the hottest trend among nobles and commoners.

Since I enjoyed reading books, I decided to publish my own story that tells a few life stories in my previous life. I didn't expect that it would be such a hit amongst scholars and nobles, so it easily gained popularity. My reputation, with Lady Rose as my alias, continued to escalate quickly.

They were even fascinated about the fantasy theme I created and how amazing my idea of the "future" was. In reality, it was just a description of my old life. But, the biggest hit was the Romeo and Juliet story. A very popular book I pulished and is the current hit among the noble ladies, but I made sure the other books I wrote were affordable for the low class people. After all, books are suposedly costly, but for the sake of people, I made the price lower. Besides, I don't lose anything from making it cheaper.

Although, who would've known that the stories that I got from my old life would be a hit? I'm quite lucky.

Technically, it isn't plagiarism when it doesn't even exist in this world. So why should I care?

Before I knew it, I had become the richest person, other than the royal family, "Oh? It's nice to see you here Lady Vanilla," Margaret appeared as I faked a smile.

Next to her was Keith, and I'm assuming they just came from the cafe, "It's been a long time. How have you been these past few days?" I ignored Keith's presence.

"Oh, I'm doing great! The crown prince and Keith have been accompanying me," she smiled brightly while I raised a brow.

What about Kian? Ever since he didn't appear the day he was suppose to show up, things have been changing, "What about Kian? Have you guys been seeing each other?" I asked as she tilted her head.

Look at that innocent face brimming with fake purity. How nice.

"Nevermind. Anyways, I should get going now! I hope the two of you have a great date," I smiled genuinly at them before taking my leave. She's an ignorant character, but I can't blame her. Who knows, what if she's acting according to how the author created her?

"Wait! Lady Vanilla, please hold on," the heroine stopped me, as I raised a brow, "My cousin is at the forest. Will you give this to him for me please?" she asked as I nodded my head instantly.

I don't know her intentions, but doing what she asked can probably answer my suspicion. If she is truly of pure soul, nothing should happen to me, but if she isn't then I'm pretty sure she's just another bitch. I'm afraid it will be the latter... Hopefully, not.

As I went my seperate way with her, I noticed Keith staring at me with eyes of concern and nothing freaked me out more. Why the hell was he looking at me like that? Where is his usual glares? Maybe I'm just over my head... I hope that's the case.

"Asborn," I called out as he appeared from the shadows in a cat form, "follow Margaret and tell me who she meets up with after Keith and her seperate."

Without saying anything, he disappeared again as I began to wander around the forest. Using magic, I was constantly on high alert for anyone who could ambush me anytime, and to my saddest fears, three humans were hiding behind the bushes with their weapons ready.

Did Margaret ordered them to kill me?

"Help me! T-there's a beast-!" an innocent civilian appeared out of nowhere as a ferocious male beast chased after her. With so many eyes watching me, I couldn't freely use my magic power, so I grab the hand of the lady and quickly put her behind me, blocking her from any attempted attacks.

"Are you okay miss?" I ask while the beast slowly took steps towards me. If magic won't work then I guess I'll have to fight it with my bare hands, "On the count of three, you have to run, okay?" I ask her as she nodded her head with fear.

"1," I took one step back.

"2," this time, the beast paced himself.

"3! RUN!" I yelled so loudly that it startled the beast and caused him to react by jumping to prevent the miss from running. But, I blocked the way for her and had my arm badly bitten by his large fang, "OWW!" I screamed in agony. I tried to shake it off but it wasn't budging.

It sure is persistent.

When the beast took a few steps back, the people took this chance to attack me but I forced everyone to lay flatly on the floor using gravity magic.

However, I was quickly loosing an insane amount of blood from the injury he gave me as I coughed blood. Due to this, my power destbilized for a moment and the beast took this chance to flee while the people took this chance to stab me by my back but it was safely protected by Keith.

"Sir K-Keith. Why are you here..?" I say between my bloody coughs. First, Kian was acting weird, and now him too? What's up with this story? It's definitely not going the way it's supposed to be.

Could it be because I'm alive? The story looks like it desperately wants to kill me. It's surprising that I have more enemies than Margaret. She's the heroine and she's supposed to face the most troubles, so why am I the one suffering the most?

"My life is so unfair!! Even when I-I'm reborn, my life becomes shitty," I cried while coughing blood. Keith ran up to me with that same look of concern from earlier before I completely passed out.