
Reincarnated as a side character

Rose enjoyed reading books. Her whole life revolves around books, yet she died tragically at a young age. But her life didn't just end with death. She was reincarnated into the recent novel she was reading. She, who enjoyed being around books, is now living as a minor character who got killed off in the story. Using her knowledge, she will try her best to live freely and avoid death.

carmillia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Death day

The pain on my body caused me to uncomfortably wake up with a small black cat sitting down next to me.

Didn't I die?

"How the heck am I alive? That's weird" I asked myself while petting the black cat, "You should be glad you're alive," the cat yawned as I immediately jumped off the bed.

A-a cat is talking.

"Are you perhaps... Mr, Dragon?" I ask him as he smiled. First of all, seeing a cat smile is both creepy and adorable. However, he leaned more on the adorable side so I ran up to hug him, shoving his little body on my chest, "How did you become so cu-" I had to throw the dragon on the bed when Sasha barged inside while crying, "You're alive, my lady! I was so scared because you were in a coma for a month after a strange man brought you back home!"

"Who brought me home?" I asked but she shrugged her shoulders and embraced me, "By the way, my lady, this cat has been following you ever since you came home a month ago," she tells me as I gasp.


"You should name the kitty, my lady," Sasha tells me as I stare at the cat. It's weird how the ancient dragon is now next to me, acting as my cat, but I had no problems with it, "Asborn. do you like it?" I ask the cat as it glared at me.

It's so cute that I just wish to pet it the whole day.

"Oh right, my lady. The crown prince's birthday is in a few days. I have already received an invitation for you."

Hearing the news about the upcoming birthday of the prince horrified me to the core. That day is the day of my damn death! I must avoid going to that party at all cost!!

I panicked and panicked for as long as I could remember, then my father suddenly visits my room without notifying me, "My daughter," he started, "I heard from the maids that you're not going to the birthday party. Do you plans on ruining the reputation of our family?"

Wow, look at you lecturing your daughter, who you didn't even come check up on despite being in a coma. Are you even a father?

"I do not wish to go. I can just inform the royal family that I am too sick to even walk," I tried to convince my father but he wasn't budging, "You are going. If not, would you rather I marry you off to the neighboring king as a concubine?" he threatened as I bit my lip.

The neighboring country's king was a powerful fellow. Not only that, but he was also known as a womanizer. Right now, he should have at least ten wives and around fifteen children. According to the book, he sold off his children to the black market.

Just thinking about how I could be one of those women who will get violated by that man... I decided to hesitantly go to the birthday party.

It's useless. Either way, Jeannette was meant to have a horrible ending... I wish I at least had the love of my family since I never knew what its like to be loved. In my previous life, I grew up as an orphan and was adopted into a family who only took me in for the money. Well, it's useless thinking about it now.

I slowly waited for my death day until it finally came. This day was specially important to Margaret since all love candidates will be present. Since Keith is from the duke family, he was naturally invited while Kian is the hero of the city and he was also invited.

Usually, Kian dislike attending parties but due to the intention of wanting to see Margaret, he decided to come.

It took at least five hours for Sasha to help me get ready since she was the only maid who tends me, but the outcome was surprisingly stunning, "Hey Sasha," I turned around to face her, "thank you for everything. Make sure you take care of yourself, okay?"

"My lady, you sound like you're going to die," she laughs as I smiled sadly at her. Looking back, she's truly the only one who cared for me whether it's her job or not.

When I set foot inside the carriage, my heart began to race, "I feel so nervous right now," I mumbled to myself while looking at my appearance on the window. If I'm going to die today, then I should at least die prettily, right?

"Why are you so nervous? if you can stand a few minutes fighting me, then this party is nothing. I will be watching you from the shadows, so make sure you have fun," Asborn speaks in our language as I hugged him, "You're so adorable. If I don't come back, make sure you live a good life, okay?"

With that said, I arrived inside the ballroom. Compared to the first party, this palace was much more grand and elegant. The chandeliers and glossy floor seemed like they were made of gold and diamonds, "Wow. I never thought I would see this kind of place my whole life," I whispered to myself.

Suddenly, a horde of men gathered around me, asking for a dance. It's no wonder why I died... My beauty probably hurt Jeanette's feelings and she started acting up in a way that the prince most likely didn't like seeing Margaret like that and issued to behead me.

Speaking of her, Margaret noticed my presence from the distance and looked away. See what I'm talking about? It seems like I'm about to die.

I quickly went to an empty balcony with a couch resting on the side, so I sat there and let out a heavy sigh.

I'm really going to die today. I'm really going to die. What should I do? How can I avoid dying? Does chopping my head off hurt or do I not feel pain because I'm already dead by then? Oh god, I'm going to die!!

"Vanilla...? It's you, right?" Margaret appeared with an expression of sadness and jealousy. I mentally scream at her appearance because my death is HER.

"Aah yes it is. What is it Lady Margaret?" I nervously replied. Just as she was about to converse more with me, the prince appeared, causing me to die... Mentally.

"Lady Margaret. I have been looking all over for you. Will you do me the honor and dance with me?" he asked, placing his right hand over his heart and extending his other hand, but she was sending me a few glances before replying to the prince.

"I think you should be dancing with Lady Vanilla... S-she's way prettier than me after all,"

And.. I'm dead...

"You! How dare you bully Lady Margaret and force her to say such words! Prepare for your punishment," Prince John say while I quietly stood still.

I was too shocked from the idea of my death coming that I had completely forgotten what I'm capable off. Before I knew it, two guards were already pinning me down while the prince was pointing his sword at me. Meanwhile, Margaret stood at the back silently.

Isn't she supposed to be a good person? Or is the story controlling her?

"Prince John, please don't do this to my partner," Kian, who left me in that damn forest, appeared out of nowhere.

"She dares to bully Lady Margaret. I am simply putting her in her place."

"Let me repeat myself, do you really want to start a war against me?" Kian glared at John with a smirk plastered on his face. Eventually, they all left, leaving Kian and I alone in the balcony.

I still couldn't register what happened, as I remain on the cold ground, shocked, "Little kitty, I saw everything from the beginning. Why didn't you say speak up?" he ask me as I simply stared at him in shock.

Now that I think about it, is it okay for me to live? I mean, if I'm still alive, will this world crumble? Will something happen? I'm too insignificant to change the world right?

"Little K-"

"Don't touch me!!" I slap Kian's hand away and jumped off the balcony. An unpleasant and hazy memory from my previous life played in my head when Prince John's sword touched my neck.

It was a younger me where a man and a woman attempted to kill me with a mere knife. Who were they? Why do they look so familiar?

I don't know why, but that unpleasant memory caused me to jump off the building just like I did in my previous life. I survived that fall, so I should survive this as well.

I was shaken back to reality when a handsome man caught me as I fell, "Why did you jump?! Are you fucking crazy?!" that voice....

"ASBORN?!" I raised my voice as he landed safely on the ground and ran towards who knows where.

"If I didn't come to check up on you, do you have any idea what would've happen to you? You would have been dead!!" Asborn yells even more as I was too shock to comprehend his new form. But well, I suppose this is pleasing to the eye.

"Hehe," I laughed while caressing his soft cheeks.