
Chapter 1

The day I died started just as any other Monday. My alarm went off... But my phone was still on silent.

So I woke up way after the sunrise. Naturally my boss didn't like this and told me if I came late to work again I was fired.

The only problem with that is that I live more than 30 minutes away from work if I where to drive but I do have a car. Normally I would be fine taking the bus but that would take an hour at least. So I decided to take a cab.

Of course the cab takes 16 minutes to get to my house. So I tell the driver to drive faster because my Job depend on it.

I got to work just 31 minutes after the call with my boss and luckily he didn't notice that I was a minute to late.

After a long and stressing workday I decide to go home on foot. And on the firs rode I crossed I get flattened by the Sam cab that took me to work this morning.

The next thing I know is that I an in a bright Room and a figure is standing in front of me holding a clipboard.

(???) = " #%@&#@%&/ average life as an accountant and by runaway cab. "

As the figure says my name something weird happens and I can't understand what the figure says. Is it so hat to say..... wait I can't remember my name.

(???) = "You now have the choice do you want to be reincarnated or go to the afterlife. "

Wait I got a choice of course I would take the reincarnation.

(???) = "So you choose to reincarnate a good choice. "

Wait I didn't say anything can that thing read my mind?

(???) = "Yes I can and now be off."

As he ends his sentence a bright light blinds me.

Next chapter