
Chapter 12


A crosbow bolt flew through the gate.


Keira quickly raises her shield but is to late.

{You have been hit with a [Crossbow bolt] you have taken 30 hp damage.}

"AAAAARG FUCK That hurt like hell"


Another crosbow bolt flew through the gate.

"Not this time"

Keira blocks the next blot in time and the bolt dissappears.

---POV Shield---

'How dumb is this girl.'

'and of course she can't block Crossbow bolts.'

'hey it looks like she can at least block the next one. [Absorb]'

{You absorbed [Flint] + 5 VIT}

{You absorbed [Oak Wood] + 5 STR}

{You absorbed [Feather] +5 AGL}

'OK so I get bonuse for every material I absorb.'