
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

vampire aided reunion

with the large space now empty, along a new addition successfully and safely added to my realm, my business was more or less concluded here, not that I actually really had any here to begin with.

that said though, coming here was not a waste of my time, not in the slightest, though an interruption that would come seconds later, that, that was more or less a waste of my time.

"my lord! we found mortals and a pillar nearby, we are bringing them here."(vampire) informed me as he quickly threw himself into a kneel.

"why? you guys know that I'm not into the whole prisoner thing, well, that is unless they fucked me over, then I'm all for prisoners."(Granularr) I told him as I waved him to his feet in a nonchalant manner.

"sorry my lord."(vampire) apologized as he began ashamedly casting his gaze downwards.

"relax, you worked off of your in the moment judgement, I'm not mad, in fact I quite like the decision you made."(Granularr) I lied, I honestly couldn't give two fucks one way or another whether or not people were heading this way, but he looked so sad, I had to do something, his expression was bumming me out, and I'd like to not be bummed out.

what? did you expect something else? like me actually caring about other people's feelings?



"we've arrived my lord."(vampire) another bloodsucker of mine announced as she entered the space, three people in tow, each and every last one of them being someone I knew.

"so, what brings the pillar of light and her little cuck pet this way?"(Granularr) I asked as I shot a subtle glare towards the hero whose name I'd never cared enough to remember.

"you!-"(hero) began, only for him to find himself cut off by Andrea's raised scale clad arm, just in time too, the vampire closest to them had already activated her claws and was nearly about to tear him to shreds, they are so very protective.

"careful there, they don't like people offending me, it is more often than not a death sentence."(Granularr) I informed condescendingly as I shuffled my way closer to them, my gaze looking down on the hero, both literally and figuratively.

"why should I care? you're the one starting wars and getting people killed, I say you're the last person we should consider."(hero) spat as he pushed his way past Andrea's raised arm, his survival actually hinging on me already having waved the vampire to stand down.

"you've killed people though, what makes you better than me? the magic you hold? the role you were assigned? your morals? off of your own words killing people makes everything about you null and void."(Granularr) I spoke, using his own words against him.

"that's not!"(hero) began only to trail off, giving me the opportunity to control the moment.

"that is what you meant, you said that killing makes me unable to be considered, but I'm just merely acting in self-defense (some of the time) , I'm a pillar of the universe, a force necessary to maintain balance, I work for God himself, all are treated equal in my realm, my vampires have quite the amazing lives thanks to me, but all of that is apparently meaningless because I've done what you have, kill."(Granularr) I spoke to the hero, his expression conflicting amidst itself from one thing to another.

"can you stop messing with him? it's not necessary."(Andrea) spoke up finally, her hands on her hips as an 'I'm over it' expression was worn on her face.

"oh c'mon, I was having fun."(Granularr) I replied in honesty, it was amusing to mess with the hero, I didn't get to do it often.

"sometimes I think you never actually changed at all, other times...."(Andrea) trailed off, I knew why too, a topic of conversation she had brought up in hell and before, well not so much as conversation but trails of thought.

"well, this has been fun and all, but uh, what brings you all down?"(Granularr) I asked, quickly shifting topics as this whole pity party vibe that topic carried sucked too much to let linger for any longer.

for a moment no one wanted to answer, a long silence drawing forth, lingering for a bit too long, only for it to be broken by the very hero that had to be defended by someone other than himself, some hero he is.

"we're here to use the well of rebirth, light needs to get stronger, she needs to stop the war you so absent mindedly are bringing forth."(hero) barked as his disdain for me could be seen growing, that's cute.

"well, sorry to say but, that's mine now."(Granularr) I informed them with fake apology in my voice.

"how?!"(light) suddenly erupted, scaring me half to death, I had completely forgotten she was here in the first place.

"GAH! FUCK!.........where the hell did you come from?!"(Granularr) I asked the easily forgettable pillar as I held my chest, my racing heart just beneath.

"never mind, but for the whole well of rebirth thing, yeah, that's now in my realm, you want access, I need compensation."(Granularr) I informed as I calmed myself, being startled like that can't be good for my health.

"wait, what? I can actually use it?"(light) asked, genuinely surprised.

"yes, whether or not you get stronger doesn't matter to me, you're still not a threat, you never will be, you want to end a war, go for it, I don't care."(Granularr) I told her, somewhat surprised myself that they actually thought I cared enough about a war that I would be against stopping it.

"name your price then!"(hero) ordered oh so valiantly, (eye roll), as he stepped forward again, he was closer to me now than he was before, something my vampires did NOT like, but I forced them down with a wave.

lucky for them my price was small, barely worth a dime, of course I had ulterior motives though, that's almost always a given at this point.

"my price? well, my price is your word, my price is for you to promise that you will remain uninvolved in any action I take at any point in time against anyone or anything, from now until the day you die."(Granularr) I said as I drew forth a scroll looking piece of paper from my shadow.

a contract.

there's a reason they're never going to be threat to me, two actually, one: because I'm stronger than all of them combined, two: well, this isn't your ordinary contract.