
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

the vampire in the forest, finishing the job

light pov...

the forest before us had grown thicker with each passing step, the atmosphere had also thickened, neither of us had uttered a word to one another ever since that few minutes after I woke up.

it was super awkward, like really awkward.

and to almost make it worse was the fact that Andrea seemed to be the only one here taking everything seriously, at least, that's how she looked to be feeling.

I wanted to say I could blame her for that, but I really couldn't, I hadn't been that helpful, especially not against the man who attacked us from what they told me.

maybe Andrea was right, maybe I needed this power, I had been reluctant up until now, given how powerful darkness is and how corrupted by that power he is, I didn't want to change, and if more power did that then I didn't want it.

at least that was until now, until it felt as if I wasn't any stronger than one of those humans.

as much as I hated it, as much as I protested it, darkness was onto something, he did whatever it took to be powerful, all so he could live whatever life he wanted, is that really so evil?


YES, it is! he willingly killed every angel, hundreds of lives gone, and for what? sure they were bad, but murder isn't always justified, but what if it was in this case?



c'mon light, get a grip, these thoughts are just simply because you lost a fight so badly, ignore them, don't become like darkness, don't give in.

"hey, Andrea, can I ask you a question?"(light) I found myself asking, surprising me too, I had hoped to move past my thoughts before saying anything, but the doubts were piling up and I needed answers, answers someone who spent time with darkness could give me.

"sure, I guess."(Andrea) answered with a misdirecting shrug, almost as if she was trying to hide how she was secretly hopeful that a topic other than impending doom was being brought up.

"you spent time with darkness, what do you think he's like?"(light) I inquired, my question causing her to stiffen in posture for a moment only to force herself to relax, maybe the two of them were fighting?

"he...(deep breath).....in some ways.......in some ways, he's still the same person I've always known, but lately, there's a dark side, and it's growing, I'm worried that it's going to swallow him whole before he even realizes it."(Andrea) answered solemnly, as if she was talking from regret, as if she blamed herself for causing it.

I wasn't even able to offer my hand in comfort before another voice joined in, placing all of us on guard, the sad mood vanishing in an instant as it was replaced by an anticipatory one.

"worry not dear child, my lord has complete control over his power."(vampire) a voice could be heard echoing from off in the tree line, a female voice.



death laid all around me.

not a single soul had made it through alive.

each and every cult member now laid broken at my feet, their lifeless bodies being nothing more than obstacles to step over as I strolled my way to the center of the encampment, or town, whatever this mostly ruins filled place was.

"lookie here, someone listened and stayed put like a good dog."(Granularr) I spoke condescendingly to the cult leader as I flung open the doors to his in shambles palace looking thing, a look of hatred on his face.

"YOU."(cult leader) sneered as he readied to speak once more.

"you bastard! you don't deserve your power! YOU STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!"(cult leader) bellowed as he lunged at me, the bladed tendrils in the shadows reacting for me, their metal slicing cleanly through his body, through all four of his limbs, leaving him nothing more than an armless and legless mass, screaming in agony on the ground.


he disappoints me.

"I thought you were smarter than that, guess not."(Granularr) I sighed as I bent down and hoisted the mass into an upright sitting position, his rage filled eyes locked on to my eyes, my very bored eyes, that alone seemed to enrage him further.

"here's the deal, your cult is finished, your numbers gone, your influence wiped clean, you have my vampires to thank for that one, and you're lying here in front of me, bleeding, dying, helpless. the only choice you have right now is to die."(Granularr) I spat as my fist rocketed through his chest, his heart in my clutched fist on the other side, somehow still beating, at least, for a moment.

just long enough for him to cuss at me one final time.

"go to hell."(cult leader) breathed as his final words.

"trust me, I'm already way ahead of you, and I gotta say, it was a massive letdown."(Granularr) I told him as I held the remnants of his life in my hands, ensuring he was alive to hear my response.

of course, after he heard me, I allowed him to die, before he could get the last word.


looks like my business here is finished, I guess I have enough time to check out that one curiosity my vampires found, call it a thanks for so effectively ending the reach of the cult for me.



light pov...

"fear not pillar, you and your company have nothing to fret over from little old me."(vampire) the woman spoke as her form slowly exited the shade of the canopy, her eyes kind and her mouth fashioned in a wicked smile.

"another one of my bro-!....one of darkness's lackeys, what does he have you out here for?"(Andrea) questioned firmly, her hand already gripping her sheathed sword in preparation.

"ah the former vessel, sadly as you no longer contain the essence of darkness you no longer have the authority to question me."(vampire) informed through her smile, her eyes never leaving their blank kind filled stare.

"what about a pillar? do they not have authority enough to request answers?"(light) I interjected in my best serious voice.

"if the pillar is strong enough, they may ask a question or two, key words, strong enough."(vampire) answered with a glare, her gaze aimed at me, and it was no longer kind.

"then how about we trade, we tell you what we're here for, and you tell us if darkness sent you, we don't even need to know why you're here."(Andrea) interjected quickly, an attempt to de-escalate the situation.

the vampire seemed to think on this for a moment or two, until finally she nodded.

"that is acceptable, very well, you may tell me why you are here."(vampire) said as the overall atmosphere drastically fell from hostile, a weight removed from all of our shoulders.