
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

death and awakening

with struggle to breathe weighing down on my chest, I coughed blood onto his shoe, cursing him weakly as the words faded from my mind, my emotions seemed to be the only thing to linger as the unimaginable hate I felt towards the bullies almost radiated out and into the visible world.

I was wishing, praying, hoping, for his slow and painful death, something I wanted to be there and see with my own two eyes.

but life didn't work that way, we don't always get what we want, cause if we did then this fat fuck would've died already and I'd be living happily with my ex, who dumped me because of him.

but who was I kidding, I thought to myself as my world became a void, slowly my thoughts too faded there, the only thing that still lingered was the overwhelming hatred I felt towards him.

"well then you're in luck!"(man) a voice echoed in that void, a light soon exploding to life and drawing me towards it, my eyes soon finding a medieval looking room where a white robed man sat in front of me, hovering just barely above the stone floor.

"you don't have much time, so here's the short of it, I pulled you into my world because I need an evil for the era, well more accurately I need a returning evil, from legend, don't worry you'll have all the memoires you need, anyway the important thing is you are now sealed inside a girl your age, she's 16 like you, any who, the seal can only be opened during small windows of time so take advantage and take over, wreak havoc or just live quietly, do what you want, if you successfully live past five years I'll return and answer all questions you have, good luck, oh and before I forget, that bully of yours was just diagnosed with terminal stage four cancer in his bones, blood, and skin, he'll die very slowly and very painfully."(robed man) rambled, his beginning words making no sense and his last words bringing me great joy.

but before I could voice any of that he vanished and my view changed, I was now seeing what the girl was doing, unable to move or speak.

I wanted to panic but something within me wouldn't allow it, it was like id already been used to this.

something I was unable to find the source of as the girl I was now seeing through began speaking, directly to me.

"you're not usually this quiet Granularr, something off today?"(girl) asked, her tone holding genuine concern.

"Granularr?!"(girl) panicked, calling out the strange name once more as she quickly rushed to a mirror, where without any hesitation, poked an ornate knife into her right eye, an eye which quickly changed to all black.

"he's still here, why isn't he speaking?!"(girl) pondered aloud as she dropped the knife, which clattered noisily to the floor, her feet beginning to pace back and forth in front of the mirror.

I was still watching the girl pace when a wave of images came flashing and burning through and into my mind.

images that answered every question I had.

"I am still here child, merely questioning the meaning of life, a difficult thing to answer."Granularr) I said, my voice different, darker, deeper, inhuman.

I answered, relying on newfound information.

information that did its job perfectly.

"Granularr!"(girl) shouted in glee, rushing to the mirror where she lovingly looked at her all-black right eye, at me, I think?

a question that vanished when I too gazed into all black eye, and everything became immensely clear.

I was Granularr, an evil so great it was sealed away into a bloodline of holy women, a manipulator of darkness so powerful that even god was afraid of him, well, according to these images.

and as soon as that revelation was in mind all the other images began to make sense, painting me a clear picture of who I was brought back to life to be.

that picture allowing my words to flow freely, a rambling thought this being Granularr frequently pondered while having been sealed within this young girl.

"child, I plot to free myself and resume what I started, yet you treat me with such kindness, why?"(Granularr) I asked, following along with my new role.

"well because you're my friend silly, what kind of person would I be if I didn't treat my friends right?"(girl) said innocently, still gazing into the all black eye, raising in me a feeling that felt familiar yet alien, a feeling of relief.

call it weird all you like, but, talking with someone that didn't hate me was all I ever wanted in life, it was my only goal, but it wasn't real, I wasn't the person she had been talking to all her life, I was just the person that took over.

and just like that the feeling of relief had ended.


holy woman pov....

it was time for my daughter's usual checkup, ever since she volunteered to be the sealed vessel in our bloodline, we've been checking the seal on Granularr often and given how much she talks and interacts with the being it only seems to concern me more.

she wasn't supposed to befriend the great evil that our family members died to trap, she was supposed to ignore it and continue strengthening the seal, I fear that if this continues the seal will be too weak to contain him.

after all the seal has been in place for over a thousand years, his power was bound to eat away at it over time.

and now that is has begun doing so the already weak seal is crumbling beneath it, soon he will be reborn in the body of my child and then not even a holy womans seal would effect him.

"truly terrifying it is, knowing what is slowly happening and being unsure of how to change it,"(god) spoke as he sat down next to me.

"the bad news is that the great evil has undergone a change, a drastic one at that, no longer will he pursue an army but power that would defeat any army, or your daughter could be successful, and he would cease seeking power."(god) suggested, nudging my arm with his elbow.

"doubtful, from what I've seen he hasn't changed at all."(holy woman) I refuted, still confident in my observations of him.

"he no longer speaks to you, but to your daughter, who has shown kindness and given friendship, I belive that things will be very interesting for you and your family, especially when she is sent on missions."(god) stated with a hopeful grin on his face, even now he seems optimistic of a good outcome but accepting of the bad one, I am unsure if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

but regardless, for now I will have to trust him, the true problem isn't his odd words, its whether or not the great evil has changed in the ways he has predicted.