
Reincarnated as a Rock lee... Konoha Green flash born.

This novel does not belong to me and belongs to the naruto anime adaptation. has all the right to it. Hello! My name is Rock Lee, yes one of the characters from the Naruto world. Though! I am just a reincarnated person, who was thrown into this world. Although the setting of the world had changed along, with the survival of Minato and the death of his mother, who was by kushina side and gave her life to keep Kushina alive. Minato who was really angry about it continued to grow at a rapid state even though naruto's growth in the original series seemed way too slow in front of it. Rock Lee, who was an orphan lived under the Shinobi Jurisdiction for orphan children. As he walked in the path of the Green flash of Konoha in the fourth great ninja war.

DevRomeo · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Changes along with originals

It was the early morning of the next day, Rock Lee was barely able to walk down from his bed due to sour muscles and screaming fatigue.

Although! His intention was to warm up his body by jogging to reduce the fatigue for school sessions.

Rock Lee felt his muscles were truly out of gas for today, that is why the secret weapon he had been holding up all this time will come to use today.

Taking out the pill, that Guy Sensei had given to him, on the first day of his meeting, he had been saving for the day like this.

So, by cutting it in half, he chew half of it and dashed out of the room while gritting his teeth.

"Ahh! As I thought live rest is the best option to reduce working fatigue."

Live rest is a method in which professional athletes from earth do some light exercises that helps them to reduce the chances of muscle cramps during the fatigue period.

With the changed clothes, Lee come out of the apartment and found a yellow figure jumping from one roof to another, with high speed and high accuracy.

Behind him, there was a shinobi who was chasing the yellow figure with a smile on his face.

"Naruto Namikaze! First-year genius student and the son of Hokage. Although his habit of writing curses on his old man's face in the mountain did not change."

Lee looked at the mountain face on which a message was written.

'Old man come quickly home tonight...'

At this, Rock Lee thought that Hokage summit is not a message board for them.

While making his way toward the school! As he looked at the various ladies looking at Naruto's figure with stars within their gaze.

He had mastered his own fighting style while training with Kushina, Minato's expertise in the quick handseal method was passed down to him, which made Naruto really strong.

Even though he was in the first year, it is said that Naruto might graduate in the second year like this.

Although turmoil around the area was high, so having skilled shinobi graduate faster and join their rank was good news for Konoha higher-ups.

Whereas Hinata who was clumsy, shy, and weak-willed in actual anime was not the same in this world.

Currently, Lee was looking at her inside the School entrance, where Hinata tight clothing along with long hair.

Made her look out more than ever, not to say the cold gaze she held making all those approaching her stop in their track really scary.

"Hina!" Sakura walked in, as she ran by Hinata's side, and smiled.

Sakura and Hinata were close friends in this world because Sakura was once saved by Hinata, and after that, both of them come to know each other.

While Sakura started to learn under Hinata some basic Tai-jutsu and they had been growing together while sparring with each other from time to time.

"Sakura!" Hinata smiled! It was the first time all the students in the surrounding saw Hinata smile which sent all of them dazed.

Lee was also startled, but he shook his head and walked inside the school building.

After all, It was Naruto's future wife and he had nothing to do with her.

But unknown to him, in this world, Naruto had never saved Hinata and there will be no relationship between them in the future as the thing was going...

Naruto! Sasuke!

Both of them were the hot choice among the ladies, whereas poor Kiba was normal as always not being connected to Naruto or Sasuke, none of them grew that fast.

Where Lee believes that if Naruto learns how to control Kyuubi chakra to a certain limit, then Minato might teach Naruto Rasengan too.

After all, as a Hokage, he was able to tell what was happening around at this period of time in this world. Especially Akatsuki!!!

"Rock Lee!"

Turning back! Rock Lee saw Tenten since she had been the only girl that would talk to him from time to time. "Hello!"

"You had a complete makeover or what? But this suit you more."

She smiled and patted his shoulder and walked inside the class, where Lee looked at her leaving figure with a silent smile on his face.