
Reincarnated as a Plant

What? I became a plant in a cultivation world? At least I get a second chance. This is so boring, I have stayed on the same spot for many years. I wish I somehow get a human body. This is my journey as a plant after getting a human body in a cultivation world.

RoamingScribbler · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Dreaming Flower

2 people carrying a school bag each could be seen walking side by side on a footpath next to a busy road. Both of them were boys with black hair and around 17 years old, but one is shorter and sturdier while the other is slightly taller and thinner.

"Don't you guys think that we are getting too much homework nowadays?"

"Right. But at least we have 2 days to finish it. By the way Mark, you wanna go and meet up with Gary and his friends? They are planning to go bowling tomorrow."

"Nah, man. I think that I will just complete all this. I have piled up a lot of work already."

"Well, it's up to you anyways. See you later. Tell me if you change your mind."

'Let's drop by the grocery store. I need to buy some snacks and oil. Huuu, I wish my mother and father were also here. Why do I have to study so far away? Well, whatever.'

Mark, who is the shorter one, walked in a grocery store after separating from his friend. After walking to the aisle with the snacks and cold drinks, he started to browse through the options when suddenly the door of the store burst open.

"Hands up. Anyone who doesn't listen or tries to play hero will die right here. Hey, you. Yeah you, put all the money in this bag. Quick." A man with a big bag and a black mask covering his face shouted while pointing his gun towards the cashier.

"Ye... yes." The cashier started throwing all the cash he could get his hands on in the bag in front of him.

'Shit, shit, why did this have to happen right now. Fu*k.' Mark screamed in his head and sat where he was as he was not visible inside the aisle.


*Bang Bang*

The door once more flung open but this time 2 police officers entered and a shootout between the robber and the policemen started.

'The heck is happening now? Did the police arrive?.'


'This fu*king hurts'

"Hey, this kid got shot, call the ambulance. Someone gave me a clean cloth. Fast."

After the shootout started, one of the bullets of the robber flew past the officers, injuring Mark in the stomach. One of the officers after the robber was injured went to Mark while the other arrested the robber. He started shouting instructions to his partner and the people in the store.


"Kid bear with it. I am trying to stop the blood or else you will die even before the ambulance comes."

At this point, Mark fainted from the pain and stress that had accumulated and could not even hear properly what the officer had told him.

-In another world-

'It's so dark. Wait, what happened before? Oh yeah, I got shot. Huh? Why is it not painful anymore? Did I die and this is the afterlife or something, or am I being treated and just unconscious? No, if I were unconscious then I would not be thinking so clearly or something, right? I can't open my eyes, let's try moving and touching something. I can't even move? Seriously, what is even happening? Uhhhhh, I want to see where I am. Oh finally, it looks like I can understand the outside. It looks like a garden with many weird plants or something. Wait wait wait, I am in a garden? So does this mean that I died and I am in heaven? And here I used to think that all the stuff about gods and the afterlife was false, LOL. One sec, what do I mean by, I can understand the outside? I am not able to see anything but somehow I know what the outside looks like. It is like I can sense everything but not open my eyes and nor can I move at all? Let me see, wait no, sense myself. I look like.... A plant? The heck is this. Man, I don't get a single thing that is happening. Let's leave it and focus on absorbing. Absorbing? Absorbing what? What am I even thinking of? Fu*k it. I'll just do whatever I feel like for now, I am tired of all this thinking and confusion. But what could be happening, did I somehow get reincarnated into a cultivation world like in the novels and become a plant? Hahaha, of course not. This is the most ridiculous possibility. I might be in a coma and be dreaming or something. Forget it. I will just stop thinking only.'

What Mark thought is actually true. After dying, his spirit had merged with a plant in a cultivation and martial arts world. In this world, plants naturally absorb the QI and after reaching a certain stage, they will start forming a spirit of their own. Mark merged with the Dreaming Flowers spirit that had just started to form. This flower falls under the spirit category and is also used to make people fall under a dream. The Spirit category is one of the 4 major categories under which all the medicines are divided. The categories are spirit, flesh, meridian, and QI. Plants after reaching a certain level, start using offensive as well as defensive powers. Like, most of the plants develop the power of controlling the earth element to a certain degree so that they can dig underground to escape. The Dreaming Flower is not only proficient in controlling the earth element, but also the wind element. Though its main strength is the ability to make people fall under a dream.

This was the start of Mark's new life as a plant in another world.