
Game reset?

Great sage "Temporary host body takes over initiating escape."


with great sage controlling his body she grabs Alice she jumps up onto a nearby building and runs along the roofs soon getting far away from the searchers then she changes direction and heads to place to buy a carriage and horse

Great sage "Escape successful returning body to host."

Ding [you are now back in control]

"Thank you Great sage hopefully we are out of search range Alice are you ok?" Light asked

"Am I ok? really your going to ask that when I left my friends dead being hung how could I be ok we're leaving without rescuing them?" Alice shouted with confusion and sadness

"Look we didn't leaving them I have all 4 of them and their souls once we get out of town I can revive them and we all can go to the next town and they can start their guild and we can go and kill the demon king and then get revenge on the church." Light said

"What do you mean you have them? and ok I guess thats good let's get out of this horrible town." Alice said

Ding [reset imminent]

Ding [Quest revive your party timed quest time remaining 3 hours and 59mins]

narrators or great sage POV (3rd person but can be told by sage lol)


Light and Alice walk up to the place where they can buy 2 horses and a covered wagon

[Light's POV]

"How much for 2 horses and a wagon and supplies?"

"Are you a merchant or are you leaving town?" wagon merchant

"We are leaving and go to the next town." Alice responded

"Oh so your heading to the capital then you will need year of supplies if its just the 2 of you." WM

"Sir there will be 6 of us and don't worry about the cost you can even throw in anything that you see that benefits our journey and I'll pay you well for it." Light said

"Oh if I do that the price jumps to 5 lgc do you think you can pay?" WM

"Yes sir and I will be willing to pay double if you do it quickly like say in a hour triple if you do it faster." Light said

"15 lgc? holy cow I'll get everything right away one moment I'll even get you a merchant's permit travel coin." WM

They wait for 20 minutes and the wagon merchant returns and loads the stuff he acquired for their trip in 7 minutes

"Hey merchant what is the little metal cylinder thing on top and in the middle of the wagon?" Light asked

"Oh I had a feeling that you would ask please look inside the wagon." WM

I look in and almost drop to the ground outside

"It's a small wood burning furnace with a chimney." WM

<did we make such a carriage in the game?> I say in my head with a confused look on my face

"Haha that reaction is to be expected not many people choose to buy a wagon unless they have protection but even then people only choose to buy protection instead of a wagon because of bandits but I'm sure a C rank adventurer can handle bandits and other thing that might attack you I can tell you where the adventures guild is." WM

"No need sir I am a C rank adventurer." Light responded

"Oh ok then have a wonderful day and safe travels." WM

I pay the 15 lgc receiving the merchant travel coin

"Ready to go Alice?" Light asked

"Yes I am ready to go Light." Alice responded getting onto the wagon

they hurry and stroll out of town in the wagon heading along the path to the capital as they get out of town a few miles Light pulls the wagon over

### [Light's POV]

"Ok we are far enough away for town I can revive our friends."

Ding [In order to perform the revival you need to put the bodies and soul bottle into a enchanted circle.]

I do so and I start the speak a long ancient language as I do a dark purple light and mist forms from the glass bottle as their souls return to their bodies and they stand up as I return their life to them fully healing them their necks no longer broken from the hanging and I chant something else and make their resurrection permanent

Ding [your fallen party members have been resurrected returning their belongings]

[all of them] W-we're alive?