
Those Called Geniuses

[Jaya, Southern Coast]

Abel looked around and saw the familiar setting. There was 'Noland the Liar' book on a Tree's trunk. Cricket probably read this book hundreds of times in his life. Even though he tried to escape from it he still couldn't let go. Abel felt a little weird.

' I already died once yet I still can't let go of my childhood dream... Does this count as an obsession as well?'

Abel already read the story but still couldn't help but take the book and examine it's pages. İn Abel's past life this was just a book inside a manga. An insignificant story... yet it was a man's life ambition in this life. Even though Abel found it weird, he wouldn't judge a person's dreams. His own father gave up his life to help other people, to fulfil his own dream. Abel didn't understand those dreams and others also didn't understand Abel's dream. Abel felt that it was fitting. A dream was something personally desired by a person. İt didn't need to make sense, nor it has to have a logical reason.

' Well my own dream seems to be weird as well...'

Robin shook Abel's shoulder to wake him up as she spoke.

'' Noland 'the liar' also known as the king of liars. Have you heard about it?''

'' Yeah. He is not deserving to be the king of liars though.'' Robin looked at Abel curiously and asked.

'' Why not?''

'' Because he is not a liar. Step away from the door.''

Abel felt the presence in the house move with his observation haki and a smile appeared on his face.

Robin was stunned but stepped away as she is told. 3 seconds later gunshots came from inside the house towards Abel who was still in front of the house. Arantruth appeared on Abel's hand as Abel accurately struck the bullets down. Abel looked at the half-house and spoke.

'' You really are not hospitable... A real shame to see this from Noland's descendant.''

Just inside the house was Cricket as he lit up his cigarette and spoke unhurriedly as he reloaded his gun.

'' Are you here for the gold, or to mock me?''

Abel also answered casually as a wine bottle appeared on his hand.

'' For food. I have wine, how about it?''

' Let's farm some relationship. I also want to read Noland's book and I need to learn the timing of the cloud and The Knock-up stream.'

Cricket looked at Abel for a while and spoke.

'' İf I refuse?''

Abel gave Cricket a deeply hurt look.

'' I hope you won't refuse a poor and hungry person...''

Cricket looked at Abel as he sighed.

' This person seems very troublesome.'

''... Come in''

After Abel and Robin went in Cricket prepared food and wine cups as they started to eat and drink as if the fight before never happened.

Robin who was interested in what Cricket was doing asked him various questions and Cricket answered them readily. He even took out the gold bell he found and showed it to Abel and Robin.

Abel was a little stunned as he looked at Cricket.

'' Weren't you very protective of your gold? Are you not afraid I will steal it?''

Cricket drunk his cup as he looked at Abel.

'' You are clearly out of my league. What can I do even if you want to steal it?'' Cricket sighed as he continued.

'' You feel untrusworthy yet trustworthy at the same time... You feel like trouble. I wish we never met.''

' Relationship formed with Cricket. Current relationship -5( Annoyed).'

' Fuck! What does that even mean?'

Abel looked at Cricket with a dark face as Robin who was beside him giggled. Abel shook his head as he asked Cricket the question on his mind.

'' I want to go to the Sky İsland, I heard you are knowledgable about it. How about you help me out?''

Cricket who was about to drink another cup froze as he looked at Abel's light smile.

'' Are you serious? You believe that?''

'' I do.''

'' Why would you even bother to go there?''

' To sign in and farm relationships!'

'' I just want to.'' Abel casually made up a reason.

Cricket burst into laughter as he drank another cup heartily. He looked at Abel who is nonchalantly drinking wine and spoke in a serious tone.

'' The journey towards there is dangerous. I advise you to give up on this thought. Just because you want to do something would you risk your life?''

Abel laughed as he didn't even think about the answer.

'' I'm willing to risk everything to do whatever I want.'' He didn't need to think. His dream was to do whatever he wanted. To do that he decided to visit all islands on his route and sign in. So obviously the risk of falling down from the stream and dying, Abel would take it. Even though Abel didn't have a death wish and would escape or use other means depending on the situation, not going to Skypiea would mean Abel's will to achieve his dream was weak. This was similar to the ring situation. Rewards were unknown, risks was high, but Abel would still take those risks to get closer to his dream.

Robin thoughtfully looked at Abel while Cricket also looked at Abel in shock. After a while Cricket started laughing. He laughed so hard that tears appeared at the corner of his eyes. Abel looked at him with a dark face.

'Fuck! Whenever I say this, people either look at me like I am crazy or laugh like madman!'

Cricket kept laughing for a full 3 minutes as he didn't even care about Abel's dark face. Robin who was beside him also had an amused look on her face. Abel who was very annoyed sneakily hit the table with his hair making all the wine splash on Cricket who was on the ground laughing. Cricket has finally stopped as he went into a sitting poisiton and gasped for breath. He opened his mouth as he spoke to Abel.

'' You... You are a fool!''

Abel nearly coughed blood from anger.

' You are calling me fool!? You wasted your life for a story book from 400 years ago that you don't know if it is real or not!'

' Relationship updated with Cricket. Current Relationship +40(Admiration)'

'' I like you now. I will help you out. Just keep doing whatever you want.''

Abel was stunned from this turn of events and his anger subsided. Cricket went towards the back and took out an old book at which Abel looked at with curiosity.

'' I can calculate the timing and location of the Knock-up stream for you. But... your ship needs to be modified for you to even have a slight chance. I am still working on the modification. I know the theory behind it but I can't implement it yet.''

Abel was stunned by this reveal as his face turned bitter.

' This is 6 years before the start of canon after all. So, he knows the theory yet can't do the modification yet.'

Without the modification Abel wouldn't be able to use the knock-up stream no matter what. Even if he wouldn't take a step away from his dream he also wasn't foolish to walk into a certain death.

' Well, I will figure out a way.'

Cricket opened the old book and gave it to Abel.

'' I will give you the location and the theory behind the modification. Take this as well. I think you will discover things that will be helpful to you.''

Abel took it and was stunned when he saw it was Noland's 400 years old journal. Abel immediately stored it in his storage book as he thanked at Cricket.

'' Ah, Thanks! I will take very good care of it!''

Cricket looked at Abel who stored his ancestor's logbook without any shame with amusement. Abel of course wouldn't refuse a 400 year old travel logbook of a legendary traveler. There might be many useful info about islands that Abel could travel and sign in. Abel happily went out of the door after he learned about the location and timing.

Cricket drank the remaining wine as he looked at the leaving Abel and Robin. Cricked shouted after the leaving Abel with a loud voice.

'' İf you manage to visit those 'unreal' places in the book... come and tell me about them!''

Abel waved his hands as he was leaving.

'' Sure, sure!''

'' Also bring good wine, next time. This tastes like shit!''


[Southern Coast, The Festival]

Around 80 pirates looked on as a young man, a pink haired little girl and a duck ate their food harmoniosuly as they ignored the pirates watching them. The leader of the pirates had an awkward look on his face and the stall owner just sat and watched silently.

'' H-He seems to be Bernard from Dark Moon. So, the rumors about them being here was true...'' A pirate among them whispered in fear. The pirates courage were already gone as he looked at the 100 pirates that were unconcious with terrifying body shapes on the ground.

Their leader gulped as sweat rolled down his chin. He went next to Bernard with a smile to communicate.

'' Dear guest. We have grudge with that woman, could you please-''

'' Don't bully kids!'' Bernard turned towards the leader with a furious face.

The man was stupified. ' İs he not aware...'

Bonney happily laughed as she kept eating. She even sneakily gave the middle finger to the pirate leader.

' I will eat until there is no food left and then leave! This Dark Moon's reputation is really handy! These fuckers are completely firghtened.'

Pirate leader returned with a red face. The pirate leader realised the owner of the stand was watching him amusedly so he cursed immediately.

'' Fuck! I am calling the captain. I can't deal with this shit!''

Meanwhile Cavendish was walking on a street with a cloudy mood. Even though Cavendish's strength rose pretty fast when Cavendish compared himself with others he didn't feel he was particularly amazing. He felt that Bernard's strength was quickly catching up with him while his distance from Abel was still unknown since he couldn't force him to use his full power. Even the newly come Robin started an extremely harsh training and was seemingly improving pretty fast.

' I am talented. I also don't slack! I am the most handsome! Yet... Why do I feel like...' As Cavendish was trying to figure out what he was feeling like his eyes brightened as he remembered Bernard's favorite word and he figured what he felt like.

' I am a small fry.'

This was an extremely hard pill to swallow for someone like Cavendish. But after the events of Alabasta he couldn't deny it anymore. İronically after Cavendish acknowledged this fact he felt relaxed. He realized that his thinking was very naive. Being talented and working hard... there were many people like that. But only a few people among those people could reach the top. Opportunities, luck, willpower. Those things were equally important. Cavendish couldn't do anything about luck but he could create opportunities for himself and resolve his will. Even though Cavendish became very famous this didn't satisfy him at all. Cavendish realized that he wanted to prove Abel and the world that he was a genius that should be revered. Even though it was a childish thing, Cavendish wanted everyone to recognize him and respect his ability. Cavendish also started to feel less jealous of people with bigger fame than him. He was rather more jealous of people with higher ability than him. Just as Cavendish was in deep thoughts he heard a den den mushi call beside him.

'' Bernard from Dark Moon!? Why is he protecting that Bonney woman!?'' The man had a huge iron armour and was carrying a giant sword. People in Jaya was familiar with this figure. He was İron Body Heisuke with 60 million bounty, captain of İron Body pirates. Right now this terrfying man had a bad look on his face though. Even though he was known as a fierce pirate inside the Jaya he was just a joke outside.

İn the past, when Heisuke was a young man with boundless ambition he challanged big shots with over 100+ million bounty in his generation. The result was a total stomp. Those people didn't even seem to think Heisuke was worth killing. İn their eyes he was someone they would never meet again. Heisuke lost to many famous pirates in the first half of grandline and turned into a joke. He wanted to get revenge so he trained extremely hard. But even though he got stronger as he remembered his various failures his courage was broken. He didn't dare to take revenge on those famous pirates and settled into Jaya and built a fierce reputation as he bullied the weak pirates and secretly bowed towards the strong pirates. That was how he stayed alive and well in this ruthless Grand Line. His subordinates believed that he would teach that Bernard a lesson but Heisuke rather wanted to go and apologize to Abel immediately. İn his mind Abel was similar to his opponents that beat him in the past. A super rookie with immense talent, that he shouldn't even think about offending.

Heisuke sighed deeply and ordered with an arrogant voice. '' Keep watching him. I will go and speak with their captain! Let's see if they will be arrogant again.''

Heisuke knew that he still need to put on an act to keep his reputation. But on the inside he was miserable. ' My wife has been turned to a child by that woman... But all I can do is go to Abel and beg for mercy because his underling happened to be on the scene.'

Heisuke still thought what he was doing was right though. Offending super rookies was just a death sentence for those in grand-line.

Just at that moment Heisuke felt something was wrong and turned around reflexively. Cavendish looked at him as he spoke disdainfully.

'' Do you think you are worthy to speak with my captain?''

Heisuke put on a forced smile as he answered the arrogant young man that wasn't even in his twenties with the softest voice he could muster.

'' I was just going to apologise to your captain. Mister Cavendish, you really misunderstood my intentio-''

'' İsn't your wife turned to a child? I heard the rumors. Yet you seem to be giving up. You really are a gutless person.'' Cavendish looked at Heisuke with a disgusted look.

Heisuke's face turned red as he screamed in fury.

'' Brat! You are just a newcomer here! You don't know the immensity of Grand Line. For those at the peak, we are just jokes. Even your captain won't be able to make it to the top. Do you not understand the rules? The weak obeys the strong it is that simple. İf you don't have that powerful captain as your backer I would have already chopped you down!''

Cavendish looked at Heisuke as an enlightened look appeared on his eyes. He seemed to be very strong but Cavendish felt that...

' He is weak.'

Cavendish draw his sword and pointed it towards Heisuke.

'' İt's okay. İn front of all those people in the street as a witness, I Cavendish challenge you to a duel. Whether I lose or win, it will have nothing to do with Dark Moon. You don't need to fear the force behind me.''

Heisuke suddenly felt extremely furious after this provocation. He felt that he was returning to the past where those talented super rookies crushed him with their superiour strength and arrogance.

' I hate this. I hate this so much! İf I was a bit more talented... İf I just had a little bit more potential...'

Heisuke chanted the excuses on his head as his cold eyes sinisterly watched Cavendish.

' Since you are so arrogant as to promise in front of everyone I will properly teach you what it means to know your place!'

'' Brat! I have been in grand line for nearly 20 years. I have trained far more than you. You are nothing. Today I will teach you this hard fact.''

Cavendish laughed arrogantly with a mocking smile.

'' Let's see who is the one receiving lecture!''

Heisuke draw his giant greatsword and slashed at Cavendish with both hands. Cavendish used the tip of his sword to strike back. Cavendish grunted in pain and took a few steps back as he hold his stomach.

' My injuries from Alabasta is not fully healed.'

Cavendish gritted his teeth as he dodged the next attack from Heisuke. And slashed his sword at his giant armour. Heisuke looked at Cavendish mockingly as Cavendish's sword clashed with the metal but hasn't managed to cut it, only leaving a deep mark. Cavendish was not surprised. Even though he managed to cut steel in Alabasta, after the events he was not able to replicate the move again.

' Today, I will master this ability to use it any time I want!'

Heisuke grinned as he mocked Cavendish.

'' All these talk and you are this weak?''

Cavendish ignored Heisuke since he was more focused on his own moves and development. Heisuke swung his greatsword again and Cavendish was pushed backwards once again. This time his wounds also opened as he started bleeding. Heisuke started laughing loudly but Cavendish was not fazed by the wound as he rushed towards Heisuke with his next sword move. Heisuke frowned as he watched Cavendish's increasingly more complicated and strong attacks. Dents started to form on his armour but Heisuke was not worried as he could see Cavendish was already injured when the duel started.

' He won't make it out.' Heisuke's confidence returned as he teased Cavendish.

'' We have no bad blood between us. You are weaker than me. Just admit it. This is the hard truth. Those weaker can't do anything to those stronger.''

Cavendish just smiled at Heisuke mockingly as he kept trying to figure out ways to injure him and activate the state he was in at Alabasta.

' Being injured is nothing to a genius. I can still continue.'

Cavendish tried again and managed to injure Heisuke but he still wasn't able to break apart his armour.

'Not enough. A genius should strive for perfection.'

Cavendish's mind wasn't even at winning. He didn't want the easisest way to win. He wanted the perfect way to win, that would help him grow. A fierce figth went on for several minutes when Heisuke's face turned dark as he realized the strangeness of Cavendish's moves.

'' Y-You! You are trying to use me as a training dummy!? İs that why you are training different things!?'' Heisuke roared in anger.

Cavendish didn't answer as he kept doing his imperfect moves, slowly perfecting them in the heat of the battle. He was already deeply injured. But Cavendish kept moving and trying to perfect his attacks. Cavendish realized that being talented and working hard was not equaled to being a genius. There were many people such as that. A genius should be someone that can walk on his own path to the peak. They were people with great ambition that would struggle to reach the peak. They were people with obsessions and dreams.

Cavendish also wanted to be like that. He also believed he had what it takes to be that! İt was just that the world was unaware. Cavendish also understood why even though Abel practiced hard every day he wasn't at all seemed to be satisfied with his strength. Even though he was arrogant, every time he beat a stronger opponent he would just wave it off, saying 'they are just small fries.'

Heisuke felt the pressure on him increasing and frowned as he watched his injured opponent still trying to improve his imperfect moves.

'' You are really annoying. Now, fuck off!'' Heisuke's armour opened and tens of guns appeared on it. Heisuke gave a winning smile at Cavendish. Cavendish didn't hesitate as he rushed at Heisuke. The guns exploded but surprisingly Cavendish managed to avoid them all at the last second. Cavendish managed to implement the basics of observation haki that he learned in the manual at this last second. He already knew the theory but wasn't able to implement it in practice all this time. Cavendish trusted his ability to implement all he learned in the heat of the battle and didn't hesitate. İf he backed down, he would probably struggle for a long time to implement it in the future.

After dodging the bullets Cavendish slashed as he ignored Heisuke's neck that was wide open and slashed at Heisuke's armour. Heisuke was stunned and then went angry. His opponent was totally treating him as a stepping stone. Using imperfected moves and not finishing the fight immediately. Cavendish who was very injured was still taking his time with him! Heisuke boiled in anger as he swung his greatsword at Cavendish. Unfortunately for him a ear-scraching sound came to his ears as Heisuke shockingly watched his armour broke into pieces and blood flowing out of his chest.

Heisuke didn't even remember when he went on his knees but at some point in time he was looking at Cavendish who was looking down at him from above with an arrogant smile. Heisuke surprisingly didn't feel anger at that moment. He just felt amazement. Heisuke coughed blood and asked the question in his mind hurriedly.

'' Y-You were not stronger than me. You... How did you do it?'' Heisuke couldn't understand how Cavendish who was weaker than him and struggling bitterly suddenly turned things around. Cavendish smiled and arrogantly declared.

'' Because, I am a genius.''

Everyone looked at Cavendish disdainfully for his arrogance. Heisuke's face turned blank as he tried to comprehend the sentence.

Cavendish's sentence was indeed full of arrogance. But different from before it was also filled with confidence and a yearning toward perfection. Cavendish didn't mind if he was a small fry right now. He believed he deserved to be called a genius and thus decided to take the necessary steps. He couldn't stop or hesitate, he should be confident, he should strive to reach his abilities to perfection. He wouldn't believe anyone was better than him. Even if they were, Cavendish would just prove them wrong by stepping on them! Cavendish realised that being talented and hard-working was just a small part for a genius. Creating his path in front of obstacles and never backing down from challenge was the most important.

Cavendish didn't bother to explain himself to the confused crowd as he left the scene while stumbling forwards with a relaxed smile on his face.

Heisuke watched the barely walking Cavendish that is slowly walking away with a bitter smile. At that time, among all those people gathered at the street, he was the only one that understood what Cavendish meant. He asked himself.

' İf I didn't give up at that time... could I challenge those stronger than myself too? Did I ever had that chance?'

Unfortunately Heisuke would never find the answers to these questions as the time never moved backwards, only forwards. Just like those people titled 'geniuses'

A long chapter mostly focused on Cavendish. I hope it was entertaining to see his perspective and growth. Let me know if it was boring or if you liked it :)

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts
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