
Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System

Abel reincarnates in the world of One Piece after his mysterious death. He tries to use his system to get stronger while hiding his identity as a half-lunarian. But as time passes he finds himself more and more into trouble due to his unique identity.

ZhaoYuzheru · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Bloody Tears

2 days after the events of Alabasta...

Abel was lying on his bed with a high fever. On his left side on top of a table was Bloody Tears lying silently. Abel sighed deeply.

' How the fuck did it turn out this way?'

2 days ago.

'' BOSS, this duck tastes really good!''

'' You really have talent in cooking, I must admit.''

The crew complimented as Abel ate his fill of spicy duck with a smile.

'' Of course! İn the past I always cooked my foods myself, since others are just too lacking!''

' Since I was scared to be poisoned.'

Abel ate happily as Karoo who was on top of Robin's lap was trembling with fear. Bernard who was sitting next to them patted Karoo on his head as he spoke.

'' Don't worry! You are the emergency food supply! We won't eat you unless no food left!'' Bernard happily declared which made Karoo even more scared for his life.

Abel really wanted to eat duck today so he was about to cook Karoo but then realised he bought more than 100 types of meat for Luffy already and duck was included in it. That's why Karoo's life was spared. After the meal Abel went to his room and decided to check Bloody Tears. Abel sat on his room and read Bloody Tears for 2 hours while the rest of the crew either rested or trained. They weren't training as harshly since they were still injured.

' So... I need to chant like in Harry Potter!? This is lame!' Abel read some of the chants and realised they weren't very cool. Abel turned the pages and realised he could create his own curses as well. He was very impressed.

' There are all kinds of curses! Some of them are extremely overpowered. They are unusable for some reason though.'

Abel decided to try things out and muttered some strange chants for a minute.

'' QUACKK!''

'' Boss, this bird is too dumb! İt fell from the stairs.''

Abel heard the voices from outside and smiled satisfied.

' İt works!'

Abel started cursing people happily.

[ Your target Spandam has been cursed to have headache for 5 days]

[ Your target Norris has been cursed to injure himself in his next training]

[ Your target Blueno has been cursed to cough blood for a minute]

Abel wanted to curse more people but than felt a little sad.

' I killed most of my enemies... what a waste!'

Abel then had a bright idea.

[ Your target Ace has been cursed to bump his head on something every time he interrups someone speaking]

' Next time, I won't let you waste my time while farming, brat!'

Abel saw something and a weird look appeared on his face.

' Directional Loss curse?'

Abel decided to try something out.

[ Your target Zoro is already cursed by the same curse. Please choose another target]

' ... As expected.'

Abel opened the diseases page and choose a heavy disease to inflict on his potentiel future enemies. Abel choose a disease and started cursing happily.

[ Your target Akainu's haki is much higher than the host. Curse failed. Host will receive a backlash in 5 seconds]

' Wait, what!?'

Current Time

And thus Abel was lying sick on his bed for 2 days by the disease he choose personally. Abel sneezed with a dark face. ' At least the backlash was much milder than the actual disease.'

He heard a knock on the door.

'' Come in!''

Robin came in while Karoo followed her as if she is his mother. Robin put the tray that has medicine and food on the table next to Abel and spoke.

'' You were already injured, now you are sick... Are you perhaps cursed?'' As always Robin had the darkest thoughts.

'' You are right. Hey, can you give me that book?'' Abel agreed immediately and asked for Bloody Tears. Robin gave him the book confused. Abel ignored her as he kept reading the book and learned the various curses. 5 minutes passed as Abel heard Robin whispering ominous things silently by his side. Abel jolted and realised Robin sat next to him at some point and was reading the book very interested.

'' STOP!'' Abel roared in panick but it was too late as a green light appeared on the book.

[ Someone attemted a curse, curse failed. Bloody Tears only recognize 1 owner]

Abel sighed in relief as the book's light dimmed immediately. Abel glared at Robin as Robin looked at Abel weirdly.

'' İs this... like a magic tricks book for children?''

''... İt works when I do it.''

After an awkward silence Robin left to her training and Abel kept reading the book muttering nonsensical things to try it time to time. ' I need to learn how this book operates to not curse myself accidentally.' İn the end Abel played with the book until the night and fell asleep with the book on his hands.

[ 3 Months ago, Bourgeois Kingdom]

'' Son, you will get to the throne after I die. So, you must start to take your duties seriously... SON! What are you doing!?''

Cavendish ignored his father and gave a rose to a girl close to him with a smile.

'' I told you before! I am going out to the sea! Don't disturb me anymore old man. This country can't contain a genius like me!''

The king was furious as he ordered his subordinates.

'' Throw this unifial son to the jail! You won't come out unless you decide to mature!''

3 hours after the order...

'' Y-Your majesty, t-the prince has escaped the country... The guards were no match for him. Somehow the news of his escape reached the capital. Most of the woman in capital formed their own crews and chasing after the prince! The woman population of the capital has been decreased by %40! This is a disaster! Their husbands are expecting an explanation from you otherwise they threatened to rebel!''

The King's eyes turned white.

' What? Y-You unifial son!'

'' DOCTORS! The king has fainted! QUİCK, TREAT HİM!''

3 months later.

Cavendish looked at the white haired man who emberassed him without any hatred. ' I never knew the world was so big. Such a genius appeared the moment I left the kingdom! This stage is indeed more suited for me to pursue!'

7 days later.

'' İt is time for you to sleep.'' Mr.1's cold voice rang on his head as Cavendish swung his sword at his stomach. ' I... managed to cut him.' Cavendish fell to the floor with disappointment. ' This is where I am at right now? A genius... What a joke. Maybe it is not the world who is big, maybe it is I, who is too small.'

Cavendish took a deep breath as he awoken in the middle of the night. He felt pain in his eyes and checked them hurriedly. The thing he found made him chill to his core.

' Tears... of blood?'

[15 Years Ago, East Blue, Goa Kingdom]

İn a kingdom where nobility is everything, kids are expected to fulfil their duties perfectly to rise up the latter in future. Sabo who was forced by his parents but then escaped to be free is just one of the examples. On the other hand even though it is rare, there are kids who fail to meet any expectations. A noble woman and a noble man spoke with lowered voices.

'' This kid is hopeless! He is too stupid to understand even the simplest things! He is fighting with other noble kids and tarnishing our name!'' The man was furious as he complained fiercely.

''...'' The woman didn't answer as she sat on her chair deep in her thoughts.

'' Marianna... We can always make another child. This one is very lacking, you know this as well.''

At that moment a child covered in injuries came inside under the furious looks of the man.

'' BERNARD! You fought again!? You useless garbage! You are useless, you hear me!?''

'' Dad, these people are very dumb! They want me to do what they want even though they are so weak!'' Bernard who was 10 years old didn't understand why he needed to act like a slave even though his father lectured him every day. Bernard's family were nobles, but they were only at the lowest rank. Thus, they had to bow their heads every time they interract with other nobilities. After Bernard's father scolded him and sent him to his room they were left togather again.

'' Marianna-''

'' Let's leave him somewhere far away. I... Don't want to see him again.'' The mother finally made her decision with a guilty look on her face.

Tomorrow Morning.

Marianna smiled at Bernard as she crouched down in front of him.

'' Bernard... stay here for a while. Mother will come to pick you up later, okay?''

'' Okay!'' Bernard didn't hesitate or doubt and sat on a rock at the entrance of a forest.

Day after day passed as Bernard didn't stand up from the rock and waited silently. Bernard closed his eyes as he started to get drenched by the rain. ' Maybe she got lost on the way! İf I leave now she might not find me later!'

And thus another 3 days passed as Bernard stood on the rock while it was raining. Bernard frowned as he stood up from the rock.

' Mom is so silly. She got so lost!'

Bernard's stomach grumbled and he walked inside the forest to search for some food. Bernard searched for food for a day but couldn't find anything to eat. Ten year old Bernard was very confused. ' What does other animals eat?'

Bernard saw a bird flying down to the ground. The bird dived down and caught a snake at his throat. İt throw it on air and ate it in one go. Bernard's eyes brightened with realisation.

' They eat each other!'

Bernard decided that this bird was his friend from now on, since it taught Bernard something he never knew. Bernard went next to the bird and patted it on the head.

'' Thank you for teaching me!'' Bernard than broke the birds neck and prepared himself to eat it.

' Strong eats the weak. So if I got strong, I can eat more!'

Thus Bernard got strong slowly as he ate more and more every day. Bernard already forgot about his family by the time he reached 12 years old. He just saw them at his dreams time to time.

15 years later Bernard walked out from the forest satisfied.

' There is nothing else to eat here! They all escaped.'

Bernard walked for a few days and reached a dock where he heard a man screaming his lungs out.

'' Brothers! We are going to Grand line and becoming famous! We will eat well, get rich and reach the peak! We...''

Bernard's eyes lightened.

' There is more food there?'

And thus Bernard was on board. Bernard saw someone cut the pirate's head in one swing and was amazed.

' This guy... is so strong!'

Bernard immediately acknowledged Abel as his boss since he was strong. He believed the strong can eat the weak whenever it wanted. So he was glad Abel didn't eat him. Bernard opened his eyes as he felt blood flowing out from his eyes.

' You are a waste!' His father's words rang on his mind as Bernard frowned.

' I am not useless! I will be the strongest small fry!'

[ 6 Months Ago, East Blue]

'' Brother, I heard you are getting married today! Congrulations! Ah, I will never be able to find a gem like Natasha even if I waste my entire life.''

'' Hahaha, he has been chasing after her for years! Brother, congrulations, you pair of lovers can finally be togather.''

Barbossa laughed heartily at his friend's compliments.

'' HAHAHAHA! Today is a great day! I feel very generous! Your drinks are on me!'' Barbossa who was the owner of the bar generously offered as everyone cheered. But then he frowned as he warned them.

'' But everyone can drink 2- no one bottle. Actually just share the bottles...''

And the mood went down again as Barbossa started calculating his losses. ' I will be having a family now. İt is best to be more economic for my family.'

Meanwhile in Goa Kingdom.

'' Congrulations son! You are doing great with your studies, you are also friends with the prince!'' Bernard's father coplimented his second son, the brother of Bernard heartily.

Marianne also wathed her son with a smile on her face.

'' Son, you have finally reached 15 years old. We need to prepare for your wedding. You have infinite potential but because our rank is low no one from hgiher nobility will want to marry you. But we found a suitable person for you. She comes from a noble lineage, it is just that her family is dead and they have no money anymore. Natasha, come inside.''

A beautiful woman with blond hair around 27 years old came inside and spoke with them happily.


People started whispering as they watched the lone figure who was standing with wedding clothes.

'' When will the wedding start?''

'' Where is the bride!?''

Barbossa was not anxious as he waited patiently. They grew up togather from childhood. After Barbossa reached 15 years old he took over his father's bar and looked after Natasha whose parents were dead. They were not only best friends and were lovers for years. Barbossa was relaxed as he waited. 3 hours passed as guests left and the wedding was cancelled but Barbossa kept waiting with flowers on his hand with only his friend by his side. His friend guped as he looked at Barbossa's dark face.

'' B-Brother, let's go home for today-''

Barbossa still didn't suspect anything but he was both angry and panicked.'' SHUT UP! How can I leave my wife waiting? What if she got lost on the way!? What if something happened to her!? She is not answering her calls and no one also saw her today. I will take a ship. Help me find her! Nothing should happen to her-''

His friend sighed as he put his hand on his shoulders. He wanted to reveal the truth when he was in a calm state but he couldn't keep it anymore. He gave Barbossa tonight's local newspaper. Barbossa looked confused but took it and started reading.

' Goa Kingdom's Ilbrer family found a bride for their second son Nigel. Nigel Ilbrer will marry Natasha Laurellard whose great grandfather used to be a king. After the tragedy 15 years ago where the Ilbrer family's first son Bernard escaped, it is a blessing that at least their first son is hap-'

Barbossa dropped the newspaper to the floor with a blank look on his face. His friend looked after the Barbossa who was standing still and hesistantly called out.

'' B-Brother, leave it be. İt is a blessing you dodged her. These kind of people does- Brother! Where are you going!? Come back!''

2 hours later.

'' There are voices coming from inside! Should we go and ask?''

'' The bar is closed today. Let's not go there, you know what happened today? Today was his wedding but the bride actually...''

As the people were gosipping Barbossa was locked inside the bar. Whiskey, wine, beer everythign inside the bar was opened and wasted recklessly. There were broken glass and alchole spilled everywhere in the damaged bar. Barbossa drunk another bottle of whiskey and threw it to the floor before finishing it.

' You actually choose a 15 year old boy you never met over me? I have given everything for you. The only reason I worked so hard was to gain money for our family. We have been togather for more than 10 years yet you didn't even bother to leave a message!? Y-You...'

'' YOU BİTCH!'' Barbossa broke more and more things in rage for 10 minutes but calmed down after a while. He sat on the bar alone and took out his rifle. He pointed at his head and prepared to pull the trigger in resignation. But then his eyes turned cold as he threw the rifle aside in fury.

' You would be happy to hear I suicided, right? I would die as a loser while you live your new life happily while gradually forgetting about me, is that it? You think I will accept this!? I will be so rich that you will regret your decision! I will be so famous that you can't help but hear my name every time you go out! I will show you, I can live a great life without you! Love!? Who needs such a cheap thing!?'

Barbossa threw his lightened cigar to the alchole cowered bar as he left. People screamed in shock as they saw Barbossa's lifes work burning up in flames as he left silently.

' No more living a cheap life.'

Barbossa woke up with a dark face as blood flowed out from his eyes.

[14 Years ago, East Blue]

İnside a shabby orpanage a girl was drawing a map with a focused look on her face. A boy nudged her on the shoulders in annoyance.

'' Hey! You are alone because you always draw maps! Are you a freak!?''

Nana was annoyed as she shooed him away and focused on the map again. Unfortunately a bucket of water was dropped on her map. Nana raised her head and saw the boy she shooed away was grinning.

'' This is what happens when you act freaky!''

And then a fight broke out as Nana and the boy threw fists at each other. 2 minutes later a nanny came hurriedly. She saw the fight and was enraged. She slapped Nana without asking the reason and started scolding.

'' You harlot!? I bet your parents were just like you!? You are not even from East Blue! I wish I could send you back from wherever hole you popped from!'' The Nanny scolded in hatred.

Nana looked down. ' I wish that too.'

Nanny looked at her and took her hand. She brought her to a dark room and threw her to the cold floor. A metallic sound were heard as the door was locked.

Nana felt tears on her eyes as she looked at the locked door. ' I wonder how much I have to spend here this time? 1 week? Or more?'

Nana took a paper out from her pocket. The paper was burning and getting smaller each day while pointing at a certain direction.

' At that direction is Grand Line, and then new world. Who are you? Why did you leave me this paper when I was a baby? Are you my mother maybe? Why is the paper burning slowly, then? Are you in trouble? You want me to find you too, right? Otherwise you wouldn't leave me with this.'

Nana took out the candle she stole from the orphangae and lighted it with the paper. She then bit her finger and made it bleed. She started drawing another map on the floor with a focused face.

' I will find out!'

[ A corridor, Timeless Zone]

Abel stood in a narrow corridor which was seemingly with no end. Each side of the corridor has doors attached to it. Abel could see thousands of doors. Abel immediately pinched himself but didn't feel any pain nor he woke up.

' Ah... What is it this time?'

Abel helplessly started walking to find an exit. Abel walked for 5 minutes but didn't see an end to the corridor. He was annoyed and opened one of the doors to try it out.

' At most I will get lost.'

Abel went inside the room and watched a small kid with black hair and cute face following a tall and bald man with white doctor uniform around while jumping around. Unfortunately this public hospital was abandoned by the government who had an economic crisis at the moment. But this doctor and a few others refused to quit their jobs even though they were severely underpaid and the hospital was in shambles.

'' Hey, dad! Why are you working so hard? İs treating other people that important? ''

'' This is just my dream. To help other people. Kid, if you don't follow your dreams it is meaningless to live. Never forget-''

Abel immediately shut the door with a dark face.

' Yeah, and then you died due to exhausting yourself. Leaving a child alone and with nothing to rely on.'

Abel took two more steps and went beside another door as he hesitated.

' I hope this one is the exit. I am tired of your games system!'


Abel took a deep breath and opened the door. He saw his father again on the hospital, this time he was the lying down as a patient though.

Child Abel cried his heart out as he saw his father on his last breath. Abel himself watched it calmly.

'' F-Father. Why did you go so far? Why didn't you just leave them be!? Are they more important then you!''

'' Abel, I don't regret my choices. I would do the same again.'' His father soothed the crying Abel calmly. After a while the man soothing Abel was gone from this world. Child Abel kept crying for hours while Abel himself roamed inside the room. His child self couldn't see him. Abel looked outside the window and saw the shabby neighbourhood they lived in.

' How nostalgic.' Abel remarked as he left the room.

Abel opened another door and saw the child Abel reading a newspaper with an enraged face. Abel sat down next to himself and read it along.

' I remember this time. They used my father's story to gain sympathy from the masses and built the hospital again. But this was just a rich person's strategy to gain money. He turned the hospital into a public one and demanded extreme amounts for every treatment. İn the end most people in this neighbourhood died while the hospital father worked for was cursed for years.'

Abel saw the look on the enraged kid's face and patted him on the head.

' That's just how it works kiddo.'

Abel left and opened another door.

Child Abel was in an orphanage and a smiling Nanny was asking about their dreams.

'' I will be a pilot!''

'' I will be a superhero like Batman!''

'' I will be the richest person alive!''

A few minutes passed like this and it was child Abel's turn. Abel took a deep breath and declared.

'' I will be a person who can do whatever he wants. No one will be able to manipulate my life nor order me around. I will be able to protect anyone I like and destroy anyone I dislike!''

There was a moment of silence and then the room burst into laughter.

'' What sort of joke is this?''

'' İs such a thing even possible!?''

Abel closed the door and went for the next one.

' You just keep laughing, I am finding the damn exit.'

The next door was opened as Abel saw people speaking behind his back.

'' I heard he left the Collage. He was the first place in grades. Why did he even left?''

Abel watched himself leaving Collage after his first year.

' My father was also first in his school. What good did it even do to him?'

' Next!'

'' Hey, kid... Can you take a person's life? When you go in these type of jobs, there is no turning back.''

'' I can.''

' Next!'

'' Y-You were using me the whole time!? Abel!?''

'' Yeah.''

' Next!'

'' A-Abel, come on buddy. We are friends, right? Remember the time we robbed a bank togather...''

'' Why did you try to scheme against me, then? Just, die already.''


' Next'

'' Kid, you worked under me for years, now you are betraying me!? You bastar-''

Abel looked at the corpse who was sitting on the boss position expressionally.

'' Clean it up. I won't sit on a dirty throne.''

'Where the hell is the exit, I am tired!'

'' ABEL! You are a cold hearted beast!''


'' Abel, I can't believe you scammed my business! We were partners!''

'' You should have thought about it when you used my father's name.''

'' Wha-''

' BANG!'

' Exit, Exit, Exit... Come on!'

'' A person left 10 million dolars for our orphanage! He didn't even left his name behind! Which rich person is he? İt just says this is from someone handsome.''

' This should be the one!'

'' Abel, I pity you a lot. Calculating your evey move, living for benefits. You will never be happy in your entire life! You hear me!?''

'' Ok, see you in hell!''

Abel opened door after door and finally after opening one of them he entered a room with a chair and a mirror. Abel liked mirrors to admire himself so he sat down. He looked at his previous self at 23 years old which was the age he died. He sighed deeply. ' I have really gotten more handsome!'

Less handsome Abel smiled at the more handsome one.

'' We did it. We became the richest, had enough influence to be scared even by countries. We had enough political power to influence world events. Yet... You weren't satisfied. Why? Do you regret the things you have done?''

Abel looked at himself disdainfully.

'' You are speaking as if you don't know me! Of course I don't regret at all.''

'' Then, why did you do it?''

'' What do you mean?'' Abel was confused.

'' How did I die, Abel?''

'' We were poisoned. Someone put a drug on our wine. Must be one of my friends.''

'' Don't speak nonsense. You didn't have any friends.''

Abel grew silent as he tried hard to remember. ' Ah, there are so many people that wanted me dead. But who was even powerful enough to do it under my watch?'

Abel sighed as he looked at the mirror.

'' İt was me, huh?''


'' Why did I even do such a stupid thing!? I was only 23! You really are dumber than I thougth!'' Abel scolded the image on the mirror fiercely.

'' Stop being shameless and think!'' Other Abel roared in fury.

'' Because... My dream was never to be at the peak. I just wanted to do whatever I liked. But I needed money and influence to do it. Thus I lived to obtain it. But... I became a slave to the power along the way. I did anything to obtain power, forgetting what I wanted to do myself along the way. I forgot my dream to achieve power.'' Abel answered in realisation. Abel didn't really regret any of his bad deeds but he regretted becoming a slave to obtain power and forgetting what he really wanted.

Other Abel looked at him disdainfully.

'' So, you failed in the end!''

Abel laughed as he punched the window destroying the other Abel.

'' You are the one who failed. I am not taking any step away from my dream anymore. I wil just live as I like while getting stronger. I won't obey anyone nor I will let anyone restrict me! I won't fail like you since I am more handsome!''

After Abel destroyed the mirror a path appeared and Abel left very satisfied. ' İf I knew I just needed to punch myself on the face, I would have left much earlier.'

Abel woke up and was about to stand up when he saw there were red worm like things coming to his room from all directions. Abel took one of it on his hand and looked at it weirdly.

'' Blood?''

Abel turned around and saw the blood was getting absorbed by the cursed book. Abel opened the door and saw blood was coming from his crew's rooms. Abel's face turned dark and imperial flame appeared on his hand. Abel immediately threw it towards the cursed book burning it. Abel heard a woman's scream on his mind but didn't care as he kept burning the book.

' MORTAL! Are you crazy!? I am doing this for you! İf I get stronger you will be able to obtain strong curses and rule the world! Let me feed!'

Abel shook his head and kept burning the book. '

'Power is just a tool for me to achieve my dream, nothing else. I already decided to protect my crew, I will protect anyone I like and destroy anyone I dislike. My dream never changed, I won't lose sight again.'

[ Bloody Tears is readying an immortal grade curse on you. Do you wish to continue?]

' Continue!'

'MORTAL YOU ARE CRAZY! You are out of your mind! STOP! You won't get away unscatched from this!'


' Mortal... We can talk about this. I won't do it again, don't be crazy, stop.'

[ Bloody Tears offers you a contract. Do you wish to accept?]

Abel's face finally relaxed as a smile appeared on his face.

' You should have offered it in the beginning, arrogant woman!'

15 minutes later Abel went outside of his room and saw Robin who was sitting on the deck with blood marks on her eyes. She looked at Abel and asked.

'' You were speaking to yourself. You have seen a dream as well?''

'' Something like that. Seems like we arrived.''

'' Your illness?''

'' I feel much better now. Gather the crew.''

10 minutes later crew was gathered as they met on the shore.

' Sign in!''

' Signed in at Mock Town. D grade reward awarded. MP-3 with 10.000 songs.'

' Nice... I guess?'

The crew arrived with heavy looks on their faces. Even Bernard was frowning in deep thoughts. Abel clapped his hands to take their attention.

'' İs this because of your dreams? Wake up already! I didn't recruit you so that you can sleep all day! Cheer up. Our next destination is sky!''

Barbossa looked at Abel and sighed. ' Maybe you are the one who should wake up.'

Bernard's mood improved immediately.

'' Boss, how do we go up there?''

'' Leave it to me! Let's go, we need to find some people.'' Abel then took out his MP-3 and opened a song with a happy tune.

'' This songs are very good! Why have I never heard of it!?'' Cavendish asked with shock.

'' These are special to Sniper İsland! Ah! I decided, as your captain I order everyone to sing along!''

'' Captain, that's a bit...'' Nana was emberassed as she saw everyone looking at them in the middle of the street. They were also rather famous now.

'' Sing along or I will beat you up!''


Karoo was very scared and tried to tune with the song immediately.

İn the end they left as everyone sang along under Abel's fierce threats under the dumbfounded looks of other people.

' Who are these weirdos?'

Didn't expect to write such a chapter. I hope you like it anyway.

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts