
Abel's Pain

When Abel opened his eyes it was already morning. Abel stretched his limbs as he stood up from the rock he was sitting.

'' Status''

Name: Abel

Age: 18

Race: Half-Lunarian

Strength: 23

Agility: 19

Endurance: 40

Stamina: 20

'My endurance reached 40. Good, I can use the skill I got without injuring myself. That skill is rather overpowered.'

Abel returned the inn to check up on Nami. Seeing that she was still sleeping he didn't disturb her and strolled around. He picked up the places that Usopp usually visited to see if they will coincidentally meet. 2 hours has passed and Abel didn't see Usopp. After letting out a disappointed sigh he went to meet Merry. Merry was anxious as he immediately asked about the contents of the letter.

'' How certain are you about this?''

'' 100 percent'' Abel answered confidently. Merry's shoulder went down as he looked at the floor dispritely.

'' What should I do, sir?'' Merry answered steeling his resolve.

'' Make an excuse and send Kaya away from the mansion. Also search for his claws secretly. Dispose of them if you find it. Ask him to buy some medicine from the shop at the western side of the village tonight. Also bring a recording snail, your task is to record everything. Don't start recording until I wear my mask. I am undercover after all'' After giving out his instructions Abel left satisfied. 'İt went better than expected, marine captain emblem is very useful.'

Abel checked the clock and realised it was already 9 a.m in the morning. 'Usopp should be awake, let's pay him a visit.' Just as Abel was leaving he heard a familiar voice.

'' Teacher! I finally found you. Where were you all this time? Don't leave without telling me next time.'' Nami told Abel as she looked at him with disapproving eyes.

'' Well, you were sleeping very peacefully, so I didn't woke you up. Unlike you I respect people when they sleep.'' Abel teased.

'' This two situations are completely irrevelant! '' Nami got annoyed immediately. How could he compare falling asleep irresponsibly in the middle of ocean to this!

'' Fine, fine let's go I will treat you to a breakfast.'' Abel conceded.

''... With my money?''

'' ...''

The two bickered back and forth as they reached the same restaurant from yesterday. Abel was about to sit down and order before he spotted someone familiar. After spotting him Abel immediately changed directions while also dragging Nami with him. They reached a table where a teen around Nami's age was sitting alone. Nami didn't understand as he looked at Abel confused.

'' Teacher, this table is taken...'' She softly said.

''... Just sit.'' Abel didn't explain himself as he sat in front of Usopp while Nami sat next to Abel. Abel knew that as a stranger sitting around a child was suspicious so he immediately started speaking without letting the athmosphere get awkward.

'' Hello, kid. Are you Yasopp's son? You look just like him.'' Only after Abel spoke Usopp realised there were strangers on his table.

'' You know my father!? '' Usopp exclaimed surprised.

'' Yeah, he is a good friend of mine. He always talks about you whenever we meet, he told me you were a very spiritious and adventuring kid. He thinks one day you will be one of the mightiest warriors on the sea!'' Abel started farming relationships with Usopp as Nami looked puzzled.

'' Really!? He really said that? Brother, tell me more about my father!''

'' Sure, your father is with a famous pirate known as Red Haired Shanks who is my best bud, I taught him some swordplay but his talent was not very good so I didn't accept him as my disciple. Anyway, your father is a sharpshooter just like you, Red Hair Pirates are very powerful, one day when we were drinking togather we were attacked by a thousand man pirate crew, but your father handled them very well... İn the end he was about to lose because of a sneak attack! But don't worry, I defended his honor and killed that scum in one slash of my sword! Then there is the time when we...'' Abel started fabricating his fan-fiction stories with Red Hair Pirates. He was also mixing some canon knowledge about Yasopp and Usopp here and there to make it more believable. After 20 minutes of eating and merrily speaking.

'Ding! Congrulations for forming a reationship with Usopp(Major character). Current relationship +20'

Abel was very satisfied with the progress but bullshiting for such a long time made him a bit thirsty so he ordered some tea and started drinking in peace. After listening his father's adventures from his 'comrade' Usopp's mood got better. But after Abel stopped speaking and he remembered his mother's condition his mood got down again. Nami noticed this and started speaking with him introducing herself as Abel's disciple and tried to understand his situation.

'' Hey, why are you so down? Did someone bully you!? I will tell my teacher so he can kick their ass!'' Nami tried to encourage Usopp.

Usopp remembered Khalador who was scolding ever since he came to the town but didn't say anything. İt was nothing compared to his concern right now.

Usopp's eyes got red as he struggled to keep his tears from falling down.

'' M-my mother is very sick. D-Doctors, doesn't know how to treat her at all. I... I don't want to lose her!'' İn the end he couldn't keep his tears from falling as he broke down in front of Nami and Abel.

Abel felt a little bit guilty before clearing his mind. 'No, no, no... Calm down Abel. You are not a good person or hero. That immortal grade pill is for you to save yourself when you are on the bring of death, okay...? Don't waste it on a side character, it is not worth it at all.' Abel could naturally save Usopp's mother with the immortal grade pill, it didn't matter which disease she had. Ever since he learned that Usopp's mother was still alive he was considering it. But while he was meditating on a rock and considering his options he realized it was not worth to waste a top tier pill to farm some relationship with Usopp and his mother. he had 6 years before canon, he could always farm relationships but who knew when he will get another immortal grade item. Even though Abel steeled his heart, it was still hard for him to hear Usopp crying and breaking down in front of him. So he wisely focused on his tea.

'' Ah... Your mother is sick? You don't have to worry about such a small thing at all! Cheer up, my teacher is a great doctor who is known as a miracle doctor in his hometown! There isn't any diseases he can't cure!'' Nami immediately assured Usopp and cheered him up. ' İsn't it just a disease? Teacher can handle it easily!'

''Pfft...'' Abel who was calmly drinking his tea immediately spurted the tea from his nose, breaking his noble aura completely. ' What the hell!?' Abel really hated himself for boasting so much. The nonsense he casually spouted was coming back to bite him in the ass!

Usopp was extremely thrilled. He immediately took Abel's hand in his two small hands.

'' Really!? Can you really cure my mother? İf you cure my mother, I will do anything for you! Please, please cure my mother.'' Usopp looked at him with shining and pleading eyes.

Abel immediately felt like thousands of knives were piercing his heart 'Ahh... Abel, don't be rash. you absolutely can't waste an immortal grade item on a side character.' Abel was trying to convince himself but the more he looked at Usopp's eyes the more his resolve wavered.

'Damn it. Damn it. Don't look at me with those eyes. Abel, don't waver...'

After receiving no reply Usopp's hopeful expression slowly turned desperate as tears came out of his eyes again. Abel gritted his teeth and roared.

'' Stop looking at me damn it! İsn't it just a disease? İt is a piece of cake, stop crying. Fuck!'' Abel cursed furiously without any decorum. The restaurant, Usopp and Nami turned to him at shock.

'My only immortal grade item... Ah, the things I do for love, oh no, for farming relationships.'

Note: The last sentence is a referance to GOT. Don't be confused xd.

Possibly last chapter of the day. I am having tons of fun writing this. How about you? Let me know in the comments.

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts
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