
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Conversation with gods

I can tell that these two are very dangerous i say they can kill me in a second. I create a sword and try to take a fighting stance even though I'm shaking.

War: hahaha! I like this guy he knows he can beat us but he's willing to try. Hahaha!

Time: easy War we did come out of nowhere so it's only natural.

W: I know but still funny.

T: allow me to introduce ourselves i am the god of Time and this is the goddess of War call us Time and War.

Kevin: what do you want?

T: by order of the counsel we are here to apologize for what happened to you and I came to answer any questions you have and to give you some gifts.

W: yeah your current position was caused by some colleagues of ours.

K: so my death was caused by some gods. What did I do to piss off gods?

T: well nothing the three gods represent Space, Wisdom and Wind they got drunk and killed you.

W: well Wisdom and she tried to cover it up the help from God of Crafting.

T: we quickly found out and they were punished by doing that.

K: well that's good they got punish. Did they say why a golem body?

T: yes they said "they wanted you to live a easy life and that you can try many things" or something like that.

K: well that answered my next question so I don't really know what else to ask.

W: really you don't. Why not the existence of life or something?

K: no I was never curious about that stuff I just went with the flow.

W: ...? I-I'm not to sure what to say now.

T: yeah same here. So since we got the questions out of the way let's talk about gifts. The first is my blessing or protection I found you interesting so which do you want.

K: what the benefits of the two?

T: blessing gives you the ability to see into the future. Protection it gives you immunity it effects that slow you down or distort time.

K: well I choose the blessing but isn't that...

[New skill acquired god of time blessing and future sight lv1]

K: huh? wait what!?

T: didn't you want it?

K: no I wanted it but isn't it to strong?

T:not really at your current level you can see into the future for about a day into the future. Even if you reach level 100 and max the skill out you should be able to see three days or so. Plus it consumes a shit ton of mana.

K: I see.

T: trust me anyone who has the skill doesn't use it because of the mana cost. By the time they finish using it there on the ground and everything they did was for nothing since it already just happened. Anyway what else do you want?

K: wait how many gifts can I get?

W: four more the one you just got was his gift.

K: is there a way for me to have a flesh and blood body?

T: your a golem so it depends on what you are made of but let me check. [a screen appears]. It seems like you can't but if I add something you can.

K: really! What do you have to add?

T: as you know the materials use in golem will be able to gain certain skills. Well golems like monsters can also evolve. So if I add doppelganger material you'll gain access to their skills and have a chance to be a new species. That means you can change your race and form [Concern look]

K: why are you giving me that look?

T: well doppelganger are very powerful and rare monsters so if anyone finds out there is a chance that the entire kingdom will be after you.

W: there was a incident in Atlas a few decades ago that scared the surroundings countries. Do you still want it knowing that?

K: ...

T: why don't I give you the option when you reach level cap you have a distraction of what you want to be. So at level 40 if you want the ability to shape-shift just go down the doppelganger evolution tree. Also I'll do the same thing for your brothers.

K: I see thank you. For the last three thing is there a ...

[time skip]

T: well that everything we needed to do.

W: I feel like we should have him as more questions.

T: your right. I got an idea here take this ring it would act similarly to a genie in a bottle. You get three questions afterwards the item will disappear.

K: it feels like I'm being spoiled.

W: just take it you little shit. What happened to you was our fault so be a little spoiled.

K: o-okay.

T: she saying that means she likes you.

W: Shut up Time!

T: well we should get going now and a piece of information. There is a group of knights coming to subjugate the bandit camp arriving in about a six days and you might want to look at the cargo in that cart over there.

He points to a undamaged carriage. After that both of them disappear and time starts to move again.

Kaidan: Mr golem is nice. He even save me from those men and even made me food even though it wasn't good.

[They all look at each other.]

Rabbit beastman: I trust Kaidan he wouldn't come up with a lie like this.

Goat beastman: well they did risk there lives to help us so why not give them the chance.

More of them started to agree or maybe they didn't want to risk going alone in the the monster filled forest.

Kevin: before we go we are going to need supplies like food, weapons, money or anything useful just put it by the south gate. Also if any are injured stay by the gate. Just in case there are any bandits still alive and hiding stay close to my brothers.

They start to par up. There were five injured and the children they stayed close to Rex. The rest broke into teams of three. Except Kaidan and the rabbit beastman who are talking with each other it looks like there close. (I wonder what will happen if I say that Kaidan ate a rabbit before getting here. Now why did the time god tell me to look at the cargo in the carriage). I walk towards the carriage and see two strange looking birds in cages. The first is an owl with black and purple feathers. The second is what looks like a phoenix red, blue and yellow feathers. It has long tail feathers that's the length of my forearm I decided to appraise them.


Race: storm owl

Level: 9

Hp: 43/43





Speed: 56

Skill points: 25

Skills:lighting magic lv2, wind magic lv1, night vision lv3, talons lv1, stealth lv2

Titles: (none)


Race: fire empress bird







Speed: 50

Skill points:30

Skills: fire magic lv2, wind magic lv1, talon lv1, eagle eye


I notice that there is a small bag that fit in your palm. I grab one of the bag and take out a small pill with a lighting bolt logo on it. I decided to open the cage and feed it to the owl. The owl looks at it and then eats it.

[New skill acquired tamer lv1]

[New title acquired beastmaster]

Surprised I took the other small bag and take out the pill and appraise it.

[Appraisal- taming pill]

[Achieve- taming pills come in nine different types one for every element and one for a natural. Feed the appropriate pill to the right species and gain it as a pet. It only works well for babies and rarely or impossible for adults. The creation of these pill cost a tremendous amount of money so it is rare to have a tamer.]

[Appraisal: tamer - it allows you to tame monsters and summon them to battle.

Beastmaster- allows you to tame higher classes of monsters and grants bonus exp to all monsters you own.]

The owl walks out of the cage and flys on my shoulder. I then realized that Louie was right next to me.