
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Assault the goblin village part 1

[In another dimension]

The two individuals sitting on a couch watching a screen dwarf size man with a long beard and tools around his waist and a woman how looks like a lawyer with glasses and hair tied into a bun. These two are gods of crafting and wisdom.

Craft: he adapts quick i though he was going to freak out more. I also like what he did with his hands that was funny.

Wisdom: yeah well I hope he does well in this new world.

C:says the woman who killed him at least you were kind enough to do it in his sleep.

[Wisdom looks down and brief silence]

C: you usually have a good come back line. Must feel guilty because you were drunken mad.

W: at least we tweeked his system so it's easier for him. Still thanks for helping me, wind and space and sorry for using one of your protected creations. I owe you one.

C: you, Wind and Space. Speaking of which where is Wind and Space.

W:Space had to get something he'll be here in a little bit and Wind is needed to do something.

[A portal open behind them]

W: here he ..... oh no

Three people step out of the portal the first is a man who look like he in his thirties, wearing a suit, no tie and is holding a pocket watch. The second is a woman who looks like in her twenties in punk outfit she is even dragging a man by the leg who looks like he is in his twenties and wearing a blue jacket with a star above where his heart should be. It was the god of time and goddess of war dragging god of space.

C: they found so quickly. (Whispering to wisdom)

W:shut up (Whispers back)

Time: so who wants to explain what in the hell happened.

War:oh and don't worry Wind is on her way to with darkness and ice. So I do encourage try to run so I can catch you.

Space: can you please let me go War. I won't run.

[Craft and wisdom look scared and gulp]

[Back in the new world]

(The weapon description says "image the weapon".)

[Imaging a sword]

The golden lines shined on the gauntlet for a brief moment and a sword is formed in my hand.

(That was easy. I thought it would be harder than I thought. I should do some practice swings.)

[Practice swinging for several minutes ]

The golems Kevin calls Louie and Dan talk to each other.

Dan: are you sure he's alright. He normally keeps to himself and does things on his own l still remember when he took on those scorpions alone.

Louie: well mother did say "he was going to unique compared to the rest of use". Plus he is still are little brother and family love as well as protect one another.

D: your right i'm overeating it just was strange see him planing ahead. I still miss mother i wonder what she would say right now.

L:she would say "kick some ass and watch out for each other".

D:yeah she would. By the way what do the others think.

L:haven't asked yet but I think i can guess what they would say thef(Itsuki) and warlord(Rex) won't care and knight(Natsu) would probably think it would be fun to see what would happen in the future.

D: it so stressful being their older brothers  sometimes I wonder why mother didn't make a little sister.

L: mother once said to a friend of hers "people who make female golems are either perverts, have to much time, or worse both".

D:what's a pervert?

L:your guess is as good as mine.

[Cracking sound]

I stop my sword practice and just like someone was waiting for this moment the part of the ceiling caved in. When the dust settled down there are eight goblins piled on top one another it reminds me of the cartoons I watched when I was a kid. The goblins get off one another then the one who looks like there leader notices me and the others. The leader yells and points at us the other goblins pick up there weapons and get ready for battle.

(Before i fight them i should do a quick appraisal of the leader see how strong he is.)

[Appraisal voice:

Name:(no name)

Race: goblin









Skill points:20

Skills: Club mastery lv1, heighten senses lv1, savagery lv2, dismantle lv1


(He is are not that strong but goblins are one of the first monsters anyone fights that and slimes)

As I thinking of this something flies by my head. A arrow perceives the head of one of the goblins behind the leader. That was the signal for the fight to begin. I changed at the leader and the others go for one of the goblins except for one goblin who is looking around for a exit. The leader is in front of me he then charges and jumps like a monkey. He raises and swings down the club in his hand I jump back just in case. I imagine a spear similar to Jorge's and then I thrust my spear into the goblin it went it easy. I pulled my spear out and just as I thought I pull out the organs of goblin. The leader looks at me and holds his stomach. (Like that's going to help) then he falls to the ground. I look around Rex is done and there is a little red puddle that was once a goblin. Dan sliced his goblin into two. Adam pinned his down and plugged his short sword into the goblin. Jorge sliced the head off of his and Louie's goblin had three arrows in it. Never got close to him. I see Louie look at the last goblin and he is climbing the wall to reach one of the holes in the ceiling. He draws back his bow back and a arrow is starting to form out of nowhere.

(He is using earth magic to create a arrow that's a good idea never run out of arrows but I have to stop him)

I ran and put a hand on his arm to stop him. Louie looks at me and even though he can't show expression I'm guessing he looks at me like what are you doing.

Kevin: we need him to lead us to his tribe. So shoot that goblin somewhere where it won't die.

Louie: uh right.

[I turn and wave to the others to come over so I can explain what the plan is. While the last goblin escapes through the hole Louie releases his arrow and it hits the goblins right leg.]

K:so I want to explain why I stop Louie here from killing the last goblin.


K:I gave everyone here a name. Your Louie, Dan, Jorge, Adam and Rex(as I pointed to each one). Anyway back to the main topic. The goblin i let get away there is mostly a goblin village near by.

Itsuki: so the one you let get away will lead us back to them.

K: yes and itsuki I'm going to need you to track it and kill it before it gets back to its home then return back to guide us. If it alerts it home we lose the element of surprise. Now move!

[Adam was surprised but left immediately after that.]

K:now let's find a way to get Rex out of this room because I'm not lifting him to one of those holes in the ceiling and wait for itsuki to return.

L:let's take the side entrance that mother showed us.

Louie walks behind the podium where the legendary weapon was resting and presses a hidden button to reveal a door with a spiral staircase going up.

(So a hidden door. Also it looks like our creator was a woman wonder what she was like.)

I looked back and saw everyone waking up the stairs and Rex was leaning forward since it was still small for him. We walk in silence for what seems like minutes. Louie stop at a dead-end press another button and open another door light shines through the door. I see a forest and a little ways away i can see a lake.

(I guess those goblins went to get fish from the lake or something. I wish I can take a breath of air i bet it would smell nice and not polluted. I guess coming to this world would be better than staying on my old one. It would be a matter of a few more years before the ice caps melt.)

[Louie, Dan and Jorge talking]

Jorge: why didn't he tell us he was coming up with those names for us.

Louie: that's what your concern about. Not why he is acting different.

Dan: again mother did say "he is unique". Plus even mother didn't give us names it's nice to have one now.

J: and you know that he rarely talk to us even when he was born. So we don't know what he really thinking.

D:Jorge has a point for all we know this is normal maybe he was scared to show us his true self like Adam.

L:wow your already using the names he gave us like it was nothing.

D:I like the names short and easy to remember.

L: it is good to finally have a name and he starting to take charge again means he moving forward now.

D: he took mother's death hard. He was depressed for over hundred year.

J:we kept telling him it was natural mother wasn't like us.

L:yeah but still apart of all of us died that day but she wouldn't us to mope around.

Dan and Jorge: yeah.


L:now let's what umm. What do we call little brother.

D:we can ask him when we are done with the goblin village.

Waiting around for a while then Adam return from his scouting mission with a goblin with a arrow in his right leg and throat slit he then dropped the corpse on the ground