
Reincarnated as a god of blood and dark

Sorry, but I'm bad at summaries.

Avenger666 · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

First problems from god

(Arkon Pov)

Damn, I didn't sleep last night (or as they say here, yesterday morning). I stayed awake thinking about Thanatos' words.

"Wake up!" Melinoe screams in a distorted voice as she breaks through my door.

Yes, you have a habit of doing so. I think it's the humor of Hades' children. In the family we have only two ways to make people laugh, the dark cemetery humor or the classic jumpscare from a horror movie.

"Rejoice, our grandmother is coming." Melinoe says.

From Melinoe's shoulders appears Makaria. You have a completely different temperament. She is cold, distant and at the same time empathetic and close. His character is difficult to explain. It's so strange to be around her.

Every person wants to avoid death, yet every person wants to have a peaceful death and be reunited with loved ones. This is Makaria, she manages to be insensitive and affectionate at the same time.

Makaria has black hair, black bangs and black eyes. His skin is pale. Finally, she wears a black dress.

"I thought he hated undergrown." I say.

"Everybody hates undergrawn." Melinoe corrects me.

"I find it a beautiful place. Never full, like a glass destined to be eternally half empty." Makaria says.

Yes, Makaria is practically the divine version of Wednesday. Only she blinks.

"When do they arrive? I ask.

"Tomorrow morning." Melinoe says.

"Cool." I say.

"I came here to scare you, but since it's not possible I'm leaving." Melinoe says before teleporting.

"I should go too." Makaria says before he has his back to me.

She's about to leave, but I'll talk to her before she does. She turns around and looks at me.

"Wait, I was wondering... Will I become evil according to you?" I say.

"I hear you've started using your domains, congratulations." Makaria asks.

"Yes, but now I wonder how I will become. I don't want to become like-" I say before I am interrupted

"Like Melinoe?" Makaria asks.

"I love her, but I don't want to be like her. Hurting other people is not something I want." I say remembering how many mortals Melinoe kills.

"You want my honest opinion and that's what you'll get. Brother, your destiny has already been written at the time you were born." Makaria says.

"So I'm going to be a bad person." I will conclude.

No god has managed to get away from his domains. Destiny is the most powerful force in the cosmos. Even Zeus and my father are completely powerless against them.

I don't want to be a god who hurts. But what could I do, if this were what fate wants from me? Free will does not exist in Greek mythology. We are all slaves to fate, no matter what we do to avoid it.

Kronos, my father's father, received the prophecy that he would be dethroned by his own children. Kronos went so far as to devour them to avoid being dethroned. Of course it didn't work.

If fate has decreed this for me, this is what will happen. Opposing it could even make things worse.

"There are many visionaries in our kingdom. You might think about asking for their help. A word of advice, avoid their misleading predictions. Accept what fate gives you in lot. Fate will rule you anyway. You have no reason to try to know ahead of time," says Makaria.

Wow, this is profound. I mean very deep, like a catacomb.

Unfortunately, this does not help me. I would have preferred him to answer 'yes' or 'no'. Since I've been here, I feel more and more different. They are not my domains, at least for now.

He is my divinity, he is trying to take away my humanity. Being a god is not like being a human. Mortality and immortality are totally different. Humans experience things very differently.

Unfortunately, being a god is not just a blessing.

Emotions are more intense.

Time is much slower.

The senses are amplified.

Everything seems to be worth a hundred times more. Believe me, it is not as pleasant as it may seem.

"I leave you to your reflection." She says as she leaves.

In the end it wasn't much help to me. I'd have to ask someone else. Maybe my father.

No, better not to let him worry. Same thing for my mother. Moreover, it would be useless. I think they are of the same thought as Makaria.

Thanatos' words keep hammering me ahead. I know her words were just lies. Besides, by divine standards, what are they? Barely a newborn who has just had his umbilical cord cut (at best). Would you always tell the truth to a small child?! I don't think so.

(Persefone Pov)

"Apparently we should talk to our son." My husband says, while he is lying next to me.

"Yes, he doesn't seem willing to accept his domains at all. Can we really do nothing?" I say.

"I'm afraid not. The influence of one's own domains is not something that can be stopped. The domain of darkness and the domain of blood will leave Arkon little choice." Hades says.

"I understand." I say.

"We'll talk to him together." My husband says.

"Yes." I say..

Anyway I feel very, very sad about that. Powerful gods are always respected, but those with particularly negative domains are often turned away from their fellows. So it happened for Ares and many others.

I can understand why, but this is not fair at all. True, gods with negative domains can be evil. However, which god is really good?

My father? He devoured his first wife while she was pregnant. Even my father's father was not guilty of such horrendous guilt.

My mother? She who condemns many mortals to death every year because of the rigors of winter.

There are no good gods, people are much more complicated than that. Many mortals are morally better than we are. Knowing that they will be judged there pushes them to give their best.

We gods have no judges. Therefore, few strive to help others. When Arkon was born, I was very happy with its domains. Darkness is a primordial power, so I thought it would be called to greatness. I did not imagine that he could have such a repulsion against their nature.

"Don't worry, my Spring. It will take time, but I'm sure our son will accept who he is." Hades says.

"I know." I say.

"Apparently Makaria is enjoying her time with her son." He says.

Oh, right, Makaria's demigod son died very young. Death is not easy for mortals, but especially for the young. Usually those with divine blood manage to live a long life. Unfortunately, this was not the case for Makaria's baby. It wasn't even a quick death. The worst part is that it could have been avoided, but no one tried to help him.

We were very angry about what had happened. We sent the Furies to punish those who did not help our nephew.

Who expected the god of the dead to be so fatherly?! If only my mother could recognize him for the man he is.

I miss my mother, but her manners are... sticky. He doesn't leave me alone, not even while I was bathing. I also don't like the fact that she likes to insult my husband. He started using his name as a dirty word.

The strange thing is that in some respects they resemble each other.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

"Nothing, it's just that you looked very similar to my mother." I say by whitening it.

"I like Demeter?! Never." He says hastily.

"Don't you think you're exaggerating? I just made a comparison." I say holding back a laugh.

"A wrong comparison." He says.

"She spies on me using her domains too, you know?" I say.

"I don't see what's wrong with watching anything happen in my kingdom." He says.

"Which coincidentally includes just our son's room and the Elysium." I say.

"Coincidences, unfortunate coincidences. The Fates have decreed that this is so. Who am I to judge?" He says.

I laugh and he also smiles subtly.

(Arkon Pov.)

I decided to try asking a visionary for advice. At least I will be able to know more about my fate. However, I don't want just any seer. Makaria is right, prophecies and visions are unreliable.

I need reliable information. Information that only one person can give me.

First of all I will have to ask permission to leave the underground, after which I will have to go to the Aegean seas.

Someone enters my room, a skeleton. The skeleton is a simple servant without armor or clothing.

"My Lord, your parents want to see you. You'll find them in the throne room." Says the skeleton.

"I understand. Oh, you could ask someone to replace the door. Melinoe tried to play a joke on me." I say.

"Certainly, my little lord." He says.

I go to my parents. As soon as I enter the opulent throne room, I can't help but marvel.

My father's throne is made of pure obsidian. My mother's throne is close to hers. That of her is made of wood, but it is more like a gnarled tree from which flowers of various colors emerge.

The floor is made of marble and the entire hall is decorated with gold, diamonds and other precious gems.

Looking back, it is logical, my father is also the god of wealth.

"Hello Arkon." My mother says.

"Hi mom." I say.

"We wanted to tell you about your domains. We know you're worried about the impact they'll have on you." My father says.

"Yes, father. I was coming to talk to you about this. I would like permission to temporarily move away from the Underground." I say raising an eyebrow of my father.

"I don't understand what can be done with your domains." My mother says.

"I don't know how my domains will affect me. I wish I knew, but I'm not going to rely on an ordinary oracle. That's why I'd like to ask Nereus, The Old Man of the Sea." I say.

Nereus has an unparalleled degree of knowledge within the Greek pantheon. For this reason he has access to knowledge that few can hope to have. It is said that he can even see the future.

"I understand your logic, son. However, you may not know that before you ask Nereus a question, you'll need to catch him. You do not have the skills for such an action. Nereus is a very ancient god and is a master of transformation." My father says.

"I'm aware I might sound arrogant, but I have every intention of catching him." I say.

"Mh, I see. What would you do if he told you that you would become an evil god?" My father asks.

"Then I will resign myself. I'm not going against fate, I just want to know what's in store for me." I say.

"My son, I wish it were that simple, but you have to understand that it is not so. Knowing your destiny is not always good." My mother says.

"Your mother and I will talk about it and let you know." My father says.

"In the meantime, take a day off from your lessons." My mother says.

"Thank you." I say as I leave.

I decide to go see Cerberus to cheer me up. Bizarre how the guard dog of the underworld is so cuddly. If you forget about his large size, he may look like a puppy.

Cerberus is bigger than any cyclops I know. It has three heads and a snake as a tail. The three heads are the same as a rottweiler. He wears a black collar with chains. His eyes are red and his fangs razor-sharp.

He is very docile, as well as being playful. He also takes his work very seriously. No soul has managed to escape from here. At least not since there is Cerberus.

As soon as I see Cerberus he makes me fall to the ground and starts licking me with his three big tongues. Then he puts his faces very close to my face.

"Hello Cerberus." I say scratching one of his heads.

"Woof, (hello, Arkon)." He says.

"Ehy amico, vuoi giocare?" Chiedo io.

"Woof, Woof (certo.)" Dice lui.

I take his huge ball and throw it away. Cerberus quickly chases the ball, and gives me back it.

We do this several times. Finally I lay on the ground and relax. My relaxation is short-lived. There are two people approaching and they seem strangely alive.

"Chivalà." I say noticing two approaching figures. I know all the most powerful people in the underground, but no one is as powerful as these people. Their power is almost at the same level as my father.

They are definitely two goddesses. No, one of the two is different. They are both very powerful.

A goddess has blond hair, green eyes and a light tan. She has a green dress and a golden sickle.

The other has black hair, sea-green eyes and a wreath of flowers. She is accompanied by two lions. Not normal lions, they were both enhanced in some way.

"Woof (Quiet, not a problem.)" He barks Cerberus making me relax.

"Sorry, it wasn't our intention to scare you." Says the black-haired goddess.

"Unless you are one of my brother's servants." Says the blond-haired woman with a hint of hatred.

Hm, the description of this woman reminds me of someone. It will not be that...

"You must be Demeter, my grandmother." I say.

"Oh, so you must be Arkon." Demeter says.

"Sorry, I recognized you." I say embarrassed.

In my defense, I had no idea who they were. Here are no photos and I had not yet met them.

"Don't worry dear. I introduce myself, I am Rea, titaness of motherhood." Says the black-haired woman.