
Reincarnated as a Girl in a World of Cultivation.

I was reborn in a world of cultivation and had a talent for envy ... Yes, you may have seen many other stories like that, but unfortunately I was not destined to be the protagonist of this world. Despite having a divine body, he simply does not allow me to cultivate correctly, so it is impossible for me to move forward after a certain Realm. Even though I managed to find an alternative way of cultivating my Realm of Cultivation, I can barely face those Realms below me ... I spent most of my life looking for ways to solve my cultivation problems. I found some paths, but in the end I am stolen by these sects ... And when I take everything back I am hunted to death ... And now here I am, fallen to the brink of death without the chance to have used any of these means ... Again I will die lonely ..... Well ... If I am going to die anyway, I will at least use everything that is rightfully mine and that these old men will fuck themselves. ======================================================== I still don't know if I regret doing this ... At least I reincarnated again and now I have no more cultivation problems and I am also very talented .... But now I'm a Girl ...... I didn't reincarnate as a man..... Ah, did you know that in this new world there is more than one protagonist? ... Yes, there is a Transmigrate like me, there is also one blessed by the sky, Ah, I almost forgot the one who went back in time and the one who is the reincarnation of a being divine......... Ah ... I think I'm going to cry ... I'm actually crying .....

Tennouji_Kotarou · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The beginning of a new era.

Moments before everything happens.

Shui Mei is sitting looking at a crystal ball, the crystal ball is reflecting a black-haired girl running across the yard. Yes, she is Li Yue who ran to her room after finishing the awakening potion.

"Bring me the same items, I will try it myself." Shui Mei said with concern.

"My Lady, wouldn't it be better to let a servant test it?." The voice asked concerned about Shui Mei.

"Don't worry, I'm on a high Realm and I will know right away if what she did has any bad effects and the Doctor Qin will be a long time coming." The voice did not answer, she seems to have understood the reason for her Lady's decision and the worry disappeared when she remembered which Realm she is in.

"So why not stop them from taking and waiting for Doctor Qin to arrive and examine?" The voice still did not understand his Lady's actions.

"Yueyue worked hard for these items, she must have some use for them. Yueyue is smarter than those her age and even though Huihui is her twin sister I still realize that Yueyue manages to be more mature and intelligent, sometimes I even realize that she tries to act more childish. I don't know what happens to her, but Yueyue is my daughter and I love her very much. " Shui Mei spoke carefully and lovingly about Yueyue.

"I trust her and that's why I don't want to stop her. But I still have concerns, so bring me the same items." Shui Mei says in a strong voice. A shadow appeared in front of Shui Mei before she disappeared.

"Well. Thank you, Shadow. Keep an eye in them and protect them." Shui Mei was satisfied with the items in front of her and gave her order to the now called Shadow.

"For the Li family." Shadow replied and moments later nothing more can be heard.

Shui Mei looked at the items on the table, they are the same items that Li Yue used to make the awakening potion. Shui Mei did not wait and started the same processes that Li Yue did in creating the awakening potion. When finished, unlike Li Yue who waited for his sister, Shui Mei took her as soon as she finished.

"This potion does not seem harmful and it even improved my soul a little, besides the slight pain it caused does not seem dangerous to me ..." Shui Mei murmured to herself as she tapped the table with her finger lightly.

"They will suffer a little but this improvement in the soul is beneficial in the long run ... Where did Li Yue get the recipe for this potion from? ... Haaa ... I will have to talk to her later." Shui Mei continued to feel the changes in her body as she looked at the crystal ball.

Time passed, Shui Mei saw when Li Hui arrived, saw when her two daughters took the awakening potion and also saw when Li Hui kissed Li Yue and as her daughter became embarrassed and hid.

She also heard what Li Hui had said about her and her husband doing this. This happened when Li Jiang wanted to be a little cheeky and kissed her while her daughter was sleeping on her lap, she didn't realize that Huihui was awake.

Shui Mei despite taking the potion and discovering one of its uses, was still concerned and decided to head towards the girls bedroom.

She didn't expect that when she arrived there the situation got out of hand ...

The two girls' rooms were totally different from a few moments ago when she watched them through the crystal ball.

Li Yue's bed where Huihui was lying started to burn. Li Hui's bed where Yueyue was lying started to freeze.

Shui Mei, seeing how the situation was out of control, called all the doctors in the family and ordered them to bring Doctor Qin immediately.

Shui Mei placed her hand on the forehead of the two girls, one was on fire while the other was freezing. Shui Mei is a cultivator, even if she is not doctor she can stabilize their situation a little.

Even though the cultivation of Shui Mei is high she cannot stop the situation by force, otherwise the two girls would die and for that reason the situation became unstable again, the heat and cold of the two girls grew more and more.

"Miss Mei." Doctor Qin, despite not being a peak cultivator, he still arrived hastily.

"What's going on here, Doctor Qin?." Shui Mei didn't even look at the man and continued to take care of the two girls out of concern for a frown.

"That .... Do your two daughters have a Divine Body?!." The Doctor Qin who looked at the two was paralyzed.

"So it's really divine body ..." Shui Mei murmured while biting his lips.

"Can you stabilize their situation?." Shui Mei asked, several servants came and went, putting out the fire and defrosting the room.

"This ... I have never seen a Divine Body before, but from the records I read your daughters should not have awakened them now, they are still a child and they are not strong enough to support these bodies ... Awakening is a process that they must pass by themselves, but in that state they are likely to not endure ... What made them wake up before their time?" Doctor Qin asked, puzzled as he observed the heat and cold in the room.

"Can you help with something or not?" Shui Mei who was taking care of the two girls looked at Doctor Qin angrily. Of course, she knows what caused it, it was she who allowed this to happen... What is happening now is her fault.

"I can't help much ... But your family may try to suppress the divine bodies temporarily, is there anyone with an element of fire and ice in your family?" Doctor Qin no longer dared to observe.

"We have several with a fire element in the Li family, but not with an ice element, do I use water to help with something?" Shui Mei was concerned now, the temperature continued to rise on the side of Huihui and decrease on the side of Yueyue.

Doctor Qin was frowning at the situation, if he continues like this he will be out of control.

"Bring only a user with a fire element ... We will be able to suppress Li Hui's divine body, but on Li Yue's divine body it is complicated. Only the same element of the divine body or an opposite element can try to suppress, its water element it will probably only increase the strength of Li Yue's divine body." Doctor QIn explained as he stuck some needles into the two girls' bodies.

"Shadow, bring the strongest fire users in the Li family, NOW!" Shui Mei understood what Doctor Qin said and ordered quickly.

The more time passes the worse the temperature of the place becomes, showing that the divine bodies are getting stronger and stronger.

Even when the strongest users of the Li family arrived on the scene, the situation did not improve.

"There is no other user of stronger fire? ... Where is your husband?. If you continue like that these two girls will die." Doctor Qin was sweating a lot. At that time, the fire was black and the ice was white.

The servants are barely able to melt the ice and put out the fire, some of them even burned themselves with the fire and ice and had to leave the room.

Several cultivators were in the room, giving as much fire as possible to suppress the two divine bodies.

"What's going on here ?." An old voice sounded on the spot when an old man appeared ... He looked like a mummy so fallen he was.

"Ancestor?." Some of the cultivators in the room looked at the fallen old man in surprise. The old man did not look at them and just appeared beside the two girls.

"Is this generation lucky, two daughters with divine bodies?." The old man looked surprised when a strong pressure appeared in the room suppressing everyone. Two golden fires appeared on the scene and began to suppress the two divine bodies.

Everyone especially Shui Mei was relieved to see that it was working.

After a while Li Hui's divine body was suppressed by the old man's strength, unfortunately Li Yue's divine body was an opposite element, he was not willing to give in and he grew stronger and stronger.

"These two divine bodies are strong ... I managed to temporarily suppress this girl's ... But this one here ... It is likely that she will die ..." The old man spoke in a deep voice as he continued trying to suppress the divine body of Li Yue.

Shui Mei had her lips bleeding as she looked at her daughters on the verge of death.

"... Ancestor, Doctor Qin ... What if we make the two divine bodies suppress each other?." Shui Mei asked ... She doesn't want her daughter to die.

The old Ancestor looked at Doctor Qin, who looked back at him.

"Maybe it will work." They didn't dare wait so they put the two girls side by side to make it easier, the dying old man controlled the energy that Li Hui's divine body was releasing into Li Yue's body.

After the dying old man did this, the fire and ice that the two bodies were releasing stopped and the skin of the two girls visibly improved ...

Everyone looked at each other and sighed with relief, something finally worked out.

================================================== ======

While the awakening of the two divine bodies was happening something started in this world ...

In the distant future, a man with long orange hair is walking with a sword, his body is so hurt that no one would think that is are alive ...

Above him a strange object is floating, a perverse energy is released from him.

"It ends here ..." With a deep voice the orange-haired man pierces the strange object with his sword, the object did not even react when it was broken when pierced by the sword, the perverse energy ended and the man fell to the ground. .. A ground made of black water.

"It's over ..." Several flashbacks appeared in his head, his journey here, his companions who died on his journey ... The destruction of everything ... With his feat the next generation will be able to live ... Unfortunately he you won't be able to see ...

With that last thought, the man lost his life ... In his Dantian a strange pearl shone in green light.

The next time he wakes up, the man will see that he has gone back in time ... At the 6 years old.

================================================== ======

Nowadays, while two girls are going through a life and death situation.

A boy about six years old is running around holding an herb in his hands, he ran non-stop towards a cave.

Behind him several men are chasing him.

"Take this stupid brat, we can't let him have green heart grass." The man screamed, but that only attracted even more beasts that attacked them.

Fortunately the boy had no cultivation and the grass suppressed his scent, so he made it safely to the cave.

The boy hid behind a rock, it didn't take long for the men to reach her, the boy can only squeeze himself hidden hoping that they won't find him ... Unfortunately his wish didn't come true and one of the men found him.

"Did you think it would be so easy to hide from a cultivator? ... HAHAHA. Give that herb away now, boy or will you die." The man screamed threateningly, his scream resounded throughout the cave. The boy stared at the man fiercely and did not release the grass at all.

A grunt sounded from deep in the darkness but the man paid no attention.

"Won't it work? ... THEN DIE." The sword was about to pierce the boy when the man disappeared ... In his place was a gigantic orange Tiger ... In his mouth was the man ...

The other cultivator who arrived at the site were killed one by one by the orange tiger ... There were none left...

The tiger looked at the boy that it is paralyzed of fear, blood dripped from his mouth while the tiger walked step by step closer and closer to the boy, as soon as the tiger was ready to eat the little boy a green light appeared in the sky and from the bottom of the forest a pressure extremely strong was released, the tiger started to tremble with fear and, not caring about the boy ran, leaving only the he in the cave.

The boy was weak and could barely think, he did not enter the tiger's cave but ran to the bottom of the forest in fear that more cultivators or beasts would appear.

The pressure did not affect a non-cultivator like the boy. When the boy reached the bottom of the forest, a gigate tree was there ...

The tree it was cracked, giving the boy a glimpse of a red piece inside it, the boy curious approached the tree and touched the red piece inside the tree and something entered his body and consumed his heart, but the boy did not die, a new heart took over his old one.

That day the boy's heart stopped beating.

================================================== ======

While the boy lost his heartbeat. The green light was still shining in the sky.

A boy is lying in bed but he is not sleeping ... In fact he is not even breathing ... He had been killed by poisoning.

The green light that shone in the sky opened a small portal that allowed a soul to pass through it and take over the boy's body.

The boy who was supposed to be dead opened his eyes slowly ... A deep look full of mystery took over the boy's eyes.

"Where am I ?..."

A specialist reincarnated that day.

================================================== ======

At the same moment that the green light shone in the sky, a soul flew towards a boy who was totally wounded in the forest. The chic clothes the boy was wearing were soaked with blood. The boy had been beaten and carried to the forest, the people who carried him did not think of killing him, unfortunately one of them slipped and the unconscious boy fell from a peak and died when he hit his head.

The soul entered the boy's body, the boy's wounds clearly improved after the soul entered his body. The boy opened his eyes slowly ...

"... Damn ..... Wait ... I didn't die when I was hit by the truck? ..." Yes ... A teenager in the modern world died hit by a truck and transmigrated to the body of a boy.

================================================== ======

Apart from them, other events took place due to the green glow in the sky. Like what had chased Li Yue when she was still a piece of meat, he appeared through one of those portals, but this time he is here to stay.

Or a cat that faced all kinds of spiritual animals just to be surrounded and forced to use its escape ability ... The green light that shone in the sky changed the course the cat was about to go. After the cat arrived at an unknown location due to the escape ability, she went into hibernation in a cocoon, but she lost all cultivation because of that ability. Fortunately she fell in a good place allowing her to hibernate in peace.

Abnormal changes happened in the world due to the green light in the sky and this caught the attention of many ...

The beginning of a new era has begun.

Hello guys, author here. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Finally the other protagonists appeared, what will Li Yue do when she meets them? ... When will she meet them? ... Only in future chapters, I hope you will continue reading until then ° ~ °.

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