
Reincarnated As A Ghost Fox pup With A System

Drax, a sixteen your old boy that suddenly dies while saving a young fox pup from getting ran over by a truck. Who would have guessed that that young fox pup was just a drunk goddess in her animal form? Giving the young boy another chance at life for saving hers Drax is reincarnated into this new world as a Ghost fox. Follow him on his adventure as he aims to become the strongest monster this world has ever seen.//// This artwork is mine so no using it

Fox_Obsessed_Nerd · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Guild masters ramblings


It's been an entire week and a half since the village chief came to my guild and signed up the promising young fox known as Drax, and in that time the achievements he has racked up has been extraordinary. Whenever the village chief came over and said that Drax had survived a direct confrontation against an S-Ranked monster while not even being Tier 1 I had almost burst out laughing and yet that story doesn't seem so unrealistic now. I had been given a direct order from the village chief to send Drax on a quest to kill all the monsters that have been overpopulating the area as of late. And thanks to a little favor that I still owed him for, I couldn't refuse. Of course, I was a little hesitant at first as in my eyes, he looked no stronger than a newborn fox, but then again, he actually IS still an infant. He wasn't even two months old yet, how can you expect me to send this cute little creature on such a dangerous mission!!! Do you have no shame?

But then in one short week, he brings in a multitude of monster corpses ranging from Rank F to D with the majority of them being Rank D. How is this little fox so strong? I mean, like, I know that the village chief sent someone to help him but this is still ridiculous. And yet, I never even have time to personally thank him because he's not even the one bringing back the corpses. Instead it's a little plant that's about three feet tall with purple pedals.

On top of this, Drax seems to be very intelligent, whenever people are talking around him I can tell that he knows what they are saying. This would mean that he is an intelligent monster, the chances of running into a intelligent monster while it not even being at Tier 1 is about as high as meeting a Elder dragon, Emperor Phoenix, and a Primordial Serpent all at the same time. I never thought that I would ever have the chance to meet a low tier intelligent monster and yet, here is one right Infront of me.

Too bad that I as well as the other guild members can't understand him tho, I really wish I could ask him some things like how he got so smart. Maybe he had one of those rare circumstances where he was able to draw out some of the memories hidden within his ancestral bloodline? Well no point in pondering about it, although the good news is that I was able to order something for Drax so he should be able to converse with us normally in about three months or so, i can't wait!!!! I wonder if he will let me pet him?


Drax has now been at the guild for almost three weeks and he seems to be getting accustomed pretty well. The guilds adventurers have already gotten use to Gale coming in on Drax's behalf to the guild. Infact, it's become regular to bet on how many corpses Gale will drop with each of her visits. Last time she visited she had drag a total of 86 snake monster corpses into the guild leaving a trail of blue blood. Of course, I couldn't let that stand so I harshly 1 reprimanded her before giving her a high tier item bag.

Hopefully this helps, although, apparently Gale wants to keep it secret from Drax as he doesn't even know about her bringing corpses back to the guild for money. I wonder why she doesn't want him knowing, perhaps I should tell him..... Nah. Well maybe next week, who knows, maybe we will have something interesting happen.


This week has been going pretty well, currently I am filling out papers for Drax's new Rank Up. With all of the monsters he's been racking up it's not very surprising. In fact, I wanted to rank him up earlier but the other guild master's said that it would be two much of a rank up. He only joined the guild 4 weeks ago. "Man, those elders are a pain in my a"

Suddenly the door to the room flee off of it's henges as a reptilian woman with red scales covering her entire body barreled through the door way, sending prices of wood fling everywhere as the door crashed into the wall.

"Dammit, what the hell do y..."


The guild masters brain seemed to stop as she tried to process what she had just heard. Drax? GALE? Injured? Before her mind could even process what was happing her body was already moving out the door as her tail followed behind her. Rushing into the main room the guild masters breath was taken away at the state that gale was in. Looking around the guild master was enraged as she noticed all the adventures just standing around looking dazed as if Drax and Gale had appeared out of mid air.

"What the hell are y'all doing, I need any adventurer that has a spare health potion to use it on Gale IMMEDIATELY. The guild will appropriately pay off any potion you use so don't hold back. I need any adventurer with medical knowledge on plant anatomy to come to me immediately. I need the fastest adventurer we have to rush get Kyle to come here as fast as he can, were going to need his help. And can someone pleASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!!"

(Author note- Sorry about the wait, a lot happened including:

A house break in, my uncle's death, my cousins death, my great grandma's death, murdered in Texas four houses down from my aunt ruby's house, and finally, my teacher quit her job.

It's been a hectic few weeks so I hope you can forgive me. But on a brighter note, one of my favorite novels that hasn't been updated in two years recently got updated. "REINCARNATED AS A FOX WITH SYSTEM" I was really sad to hear that the author had died on this book so I unfortunately dropped the book but it seems that I was either misinformed or someone is continuing it's production, in either case, I hope y'all will read it, it's definitely an awesome book.)

(Don't forget to give me your power stones)