
Reincarnated As A Dragon With An Evolution System!

Alex Marshall, a 28-year-old office worker, finds himself reborn as a dragon in the mystical world of Draconia after an untimely accident. Equipped with a unique evolution and level system, Alex must navigate this dangerous world alone. Facing perilous creatures, uncovering ancient secrets, and evolving into more powerful forms, Alex strives to survive and thrive. As he levels up and hones his abilities, Alex realizes he might be the key to saving Draconia from an impending doom. Will he master his powers and rise as a lone hero, or will the challenges prove too great?

LyricalInk · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Day 4

The cavern was bathed in the soft glow of morning light as I stretched my wings, feeling the strength and power coursing through my body. My evolution had made me stronger, more formidable. As I awoke, a notification appeared, reminding me of my progress and potential:

New Status: Form: Young Dragon Level: 7 Experience: 150/700 HP: 260/260 MP: 100/100 Strength: 33 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 18 Endurance: 27 Luck: 7

Today, I decided to test my Human Form once again. I activated the skill, feeling the familiar sensation of transformation as my scales receded, my wings and claws vanished, and I stood on two human legs. This time, however, I felt different—stronger, more capable. A new notification confirmed my suspicion:

Skill Level Up: Human Form (Lv. 3) Duration Increased: 2 hours per day

Excited by the prospect of exploring the world in human form for longer periods, I set out to discover what lay beyond the confines of my cavern. With a deep breath, I ventured into the open air, the world spread out before me in all its vastness and wonder.

The landscape was breathtaking, a patchwork of rolling hills, dense forests, and sparkling rivers. As I walked, I marveled at the beauty and tranquility of the world around me. The air was fresh and filled with the sounds of nature, a stark contrast to the dark, ominous atmosphere of the cavern.

After a few hours of wandering, I spotted a town in the distance. The sight of human civilization filled me with curiosity and excitement. I quickened my pace, eager to see what this town had to offer.

As I approached, the town revealed itself to be a bustling, vibrant place, with cobblestone streets, quaint houses, and bustling markets. The architecture reminded me of medieval Europe, with its stone buildings and thatched roofs. It was like stepping back in time, into a world of knights, castles, and ancient traditions.

I walked through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. Vendors shouted their wares, children played in the streets, and townsfolk went about their daily lives. The sense of community and liveliness was infectious, and I felt a sense of belonging, even as an outsider.

As I wandered, I noticed a large building with a prominent sign that read, "Adventurer's Guild." Intrigued, I decided to investigate further. The guildhall was an impressive structure, with towering columns and intricate carvings depicting various heroic deeds.

Inside, the atmosphere was lively and bustling. Adventurers of all shapes and sizes filled the hall, discussing quests, exchanging stories, and preparing for their next adventures. The walls were adorned with maps, trophies, and wanted posters, showcasing the guild's rich history and achievements.

I approached the reception desk, where a young woman greeted me with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild! How can I assist you today?"

"I'd like to register as an adventurer," I replied, my voice steady despite the excitement bubbling within me.

"Of course! Please fill out this form and then place your hand on the magic ball for registration," she instructed, handing me a parchment and a quill.

I filled out the form with the name "Alex Marshall," my chosen human identity, and other necessary details. When I placed my hand on the magic ball, it glowed briefly, confirming my registration. The receptionist nodded approvingly, unaware of my true identity.

"Congratulations, Alex! You are now officially registered as an adventurer," she said, handing me a small, silver badge. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Yes, I'd like to know if I can sell some monster materials I have collected," I inquired.

"Certainly! Please bring the materials here, and we will evaluate and offer you a fair price," she replied.

I thanked her and left the guildhall, making my way back to the cavern where I had stored my collection of monster materials. The journey was swift, and I quickly gathered the items, eager to see what they were worth.

Selling Monster Materials

Back at the Adventurer's Guild, I laid out the materials on the counter. The receptionist's eyes widened in shock as she examined them. "These are... A rank and B rank monster materials! Not even an average adventurer can take down these creatures. How did you manage to obtain them?"

I smiled, choosing my words carefully. "Let's just say I have a knack for survival and a bit of luck."

She nodded, still amazed, and called for an appraiser. The appraiser, an elderly man with a keen eye, inspected the materials thoroughly before offering a substantial sum of gold. "These are indeed high-quality materials. We would be happy to purchase them from you."

I accepted the offer, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The gold would be useful for future endeavors, and it also provided me with a sense of legitimacy in the human world. As I pocketed the gold, I couldn't help but feel a growing attachment to this place and its people.

With my business at the guild concluded, I decided to explore the town further. The markets were bustling with activity, and I took the opportunity to purchase some supplies and food. The townsfolk were friendly and welcoming, making me feel at ease despite my draconic nature.

As I wandered through the streets, I came across various shops and establishments. A blacksmith's forge caught my eye, the heat and noise drawing me in. The blacksmith, a burly man with a kind smile, greeted me warmly. "Looking for something specific, lad?"

"I'm just browsing," I replied, fascinated by the array of weapons and armor on display. "Your work is impressive."

"Thank you! If you ever need anything crafted or repaired, you know where to find me," he said, returning to his work.

Next, I visited a small apothecary, where the air was thick with the scent of herbs and potions. The apothecary, an elderly woman with a gentle demeanor, offered me a selection of healing potions and other remedies. I purchased a few, knowing they might come in handy during my adventures.

One of the most intriguing places I discovered was the town's library. The building was old and imposing, with tall, narrow windows and shelves upon shelves of books. Inside, the air was filled with the musty scent of aged parchment and the soft rustle of pages being turned.

I spent hours poring over the ancient texts, learning about the history, magic, and lore of this world. The knowledge was invaluable, providing me with insights into the creatures I might encounter and the challenges I might face. I also found references to dragons, though none hinted at the existence of a dragon like me, capable of assuming human form.

As evening approached, I made my way back to the Adventurer's Guild. The hall was quieter now, with many adventurers having left for their quests or retired for the night. I approached the receptionist once more, eager to discuss my plans.

"I've decided to take on some quests to gain experience and help the town," I told her.

"That's wonderful! Here are some available quests," she said, handing me a list. "Feel free to choose one that suits your abilities."

I scanned the list, selecting a quest to hunt down a group of goblins causing trouble near the town. It seemed like a manageable task and a good opportunity to test my skills further.

With the quest accepted, I left the guildhall and headed towards the outskirts of the town. The night was dark and quiet, the only sounds the distant hoot of an owl and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. I felt a sense of anticipation, knowing that each challenge I faced would bring me closer to my goal of becoming the strongest dragon.

The goblins' lair was located in a dense forest not far from the town. The trees were tall and imposing, their branches forming a thick canopy that blocked out the moonlight. I moved silently through the underbrush, my enhanced senses alert for any sign of danger.

It didn't take long to find the goblins. They were gathered around a campfire, their grotesque faces illuminated by the flickering flames. There were about a dozen of them, armed with crude weapons and chattering in their guttural language.

I observed them for a moment, formulating a plan. With my enhanced abilities, I knew I could take them on, but I needed to be strategic. I decided to use my Water Breath to create confusion and disorient them before moving in for the kill.

Taking a deep breath, I unleashed a torrent of water at the goblins, dousing their campfire and sending them into a panic. They shrieked in surprise, scrambling to their feet and looking around wildly. I took advantage of the chaos, charging into their midst with a roar.

The first goblin fell easily, my claws slicing through its flesh. The others reacted quickly, brandishing their weapons and attempting to surround me. I fought with a combination of Fire Breath and physical attacks, my movements swift and precise.

Despite their numbers, the goblins were no match for my strength and agility. One by one, they fell, their cries echoing through the forest. The battle was intense but brief, and soon I stood victorious, the goblins lying lifeless at my feet.

Experience Gained: 200 XP

New Status: Level: 7

Experience: 350/700

HP: 250/260

MP: 80/100

Strength: 33

Agility: 21

Intelligence: 18

Endurance: 27

Luck: 7

I took a moment to catch my breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline and the satisfaction of victory. The quest had been a success, and I had proven my capabilities once again. With the goblins defeated, I returned to the town, ready to report my success and claim my reward.