1 Not So Good A Day

When Yuki opened her eyes everything came back to her in an instant.

She remembered she was doing her normal routine going to school, doing classes, dealing with bullies, until she got home someone was there and had stabbed her killing her as it pierced through her heart. And the man in white robe telling her it will be okay.

When she looked around her she was small and in the forest. She started to walk around but as she took her first step she fell over.

'What!? Why can't I walk around' she thought then looked down at her body and gasped in shock.

'No no why am I in a different body.'

She found some water and walked as if she was a newborn child trying to figure out how to walk in her body. After a while she got okay to walking but after looking at her in the water she found out she was whiter than snow and had scales all over body. She had Horne's that twisted and turned. She also had a long tail and spikes going down her back to the tip of her tail. When she looked at her side she had wings!!

"Wait what Why do I have wings and a tail and horns." She yelled out not knowing others could hear her. A thought came to mind and she looked at herself and her eyes stared to shine.

'I'm a DRAGON!!' She thought this this time and didn't yell out loud. But she stopped when she looked at her eyes they where two different eye colors.

'So pretty.' She was lost in her own gaze. One of her eyes were a grass green and the other was darker than night itself.

She was snapped back to reality when she felt eyes on her sh looked around but didn't see anything but heard people talking.

"You sure this is the place you found a QI underworld racked demonic beast." A man that sounded around 19 or 20 said

"Of course I mean if we are able to get it back then we will be rewarded greatly." The other man said existed

The men came into a clearing and the beast in front of them that was the size of a dinning room table turned its head. They both looked at the beast then each other and a wicked smile appeared on them. They intend to bring it back to their master.

When Yuki had seen the smile on their faces she was scared for her life so she turned and ran with fast speeds.

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