
Dragons have School?!?[only this Chapter or maybe not who knows]

(jack) (hold up wait wait wait what!??!)

"come follow me oh and your name is a little um, irregular so we will go with Jaeger, it is quite the rare name in are Kingdom but I find it close to your fitting" behamut said

(jack) ( Huh oh Jaeger sounds good enough I'll look up the name in the so called library for its background on why it's rare)

They walked for close to ten minutes to stop at a large Mountain nearly twice the size of MT Everest they found an opening at the bottom and top which seemed like the other building

"alright here is the school of our kingdom and the building before was the library follow the signs to the main office, I will see you around and keep my eyes on you little Dragon" behamut said

"mmmh ok" jack answered

Pov (jack)

I walk towards the entrance, were all the others seem to go I look at the large frame at least seven meters tall and ten meters wide the top of the arch has words written in Draconian Titans Lair

(jack) (Huh that name was given quite the thought wasn't it)

(Author) (ok shut up you try making up a name out of thin air)

(jack) (I ok fine you win this one)

as I walked in the building seem to have multiplied in size countless dragons on tens of floors there's was even ramps from the sides were dragons would enter from which had pillars holding up a large frame, that allowed access with ramps from the top so that dragons could land on and walk when entering, from the square frame opening about twice the size of the libarys one, I follow the signs to the main office it was quite easy to get to

although I find it a little awkward that all the other dragons seem to be looking at me, I looked a one and she ended up fainting with steam coming out of her face it was definitely a sight I walked up to her and asked if she was ok she started blabbering nonsense so I just said get well and walked of I finally made it to the Main Office there stood a rather large Dragon with a intimidating voice

"Hello I have been expecting you Jaeger I am Renfold, welcome to our one and only school the biggest I know of, if anything is bothering you please come and tell me, or meet the local Dragon therapist" Renfold said

"thanks, um on unsure of my class and what time school starts?" I thanked and asked

(jack) (hmm I wonder if there is a time in this world for dragons)

"aha yes I see here this crystal is now blue this indicated when scho is going to start right now it is blue because class will be in session in a while, the darker the blue hue is the longer time you have till class of course the crystal will become orange once class will be staring and hours time and once red class will start the crystal will become black until midnight hits, the school has the crystals which are bigger in size across the halls and will send out a ding sound every ten seconds once it has rung six times you will then be written down late and proceed to the room that has a crystal in it which you will be in until the crystal goes fully green from red now that you know this please proceed to class da da da da A-1 when class starts" Renfold explained in detail

"thanks" I said in recognition

he handed me a crystal that had orange glowing at the bottom while the rest was a deep blue

(jack) (this seems to be quite handy I'll need to get used to the time zones and the crystal )

I walked over around the school and found my class "ah A-1 great" I said aloud I found that no one was there so I walked around the outside of class looking at my stats while in the library of course it be weird to see a dragon sleeping in the hall ways so I went in a corner

and checked my stats while my eyes closed so other presume I'm sleeping



(species) Titan Dragon

[level] (50/50)

[Evolution Available]

[age] (Juvenile )


(Metal) Small Affinity

(Fire) Average Affinity

(Wind) Small Affinity

(darkness) Small Affinity

(Strength) 400

(Vitality) 600

(speed) 200

(Agility) 250

(MP Regen) 200


(enhanced inborn ability)[Titans Breath]


(inborn ability)[Titans Girth] (Passive)(Minimized)

(inborn ability)[Titans Flight](Passive)(Minimized)

(percentage increased through [Evolution]....)


(jack) (maybe I should wait, I don't want to be suspisicous and have question on my powers I should leave asap)


"wh-what the?"

"whats happening what the hell? I need to get out of here"

(jack) (holy shit an attack from were)

I need to find out I walk out of the library dragons with pale blue sling are shooting ice at the building and crashing into them breaking them down "shit" I quickly bolt outside and towards a forest suddenly u feel I chill down my spine I dodge to the left nearly getting a bjone deep wound in reaction I use [Titans breath] nailing the attacker in the chest I used my darkness power to about 50% not to kill him I envelope darkness around him and break his mind

(jack) (good it worked)

"who are are you and wait territory is your tribe from" I said in a menacing voice filled with killing intent

"I, uh I'm from the blizzard territory the Frozen Blizzard tribe my name is Frost..." he answered

"good now you will die" I sliced his thought with a blade made of metal

I then gather all the mana I could and created thousands of needles each at least 2 meters long and a thickness of 3 centimeters I intend of killing or fatally wound the attackers one by one I circle around in the forest shooting and killing all Blizzard dragons I see each one going into the jugular into there head giving them a quick death and some adding darkness to and shooting there thigh or neck into the blood stream using darkness affinity to keep them down

I have restrained about seven of them one was a commander in the back while the others were generals

(jack) (The attack seem to have formulated with the intent to over run our territory.... calculating from the amount of higher ups involved with this attack there was around a hundred or so dragons)

(jack) (I guess all the dragons in our tribe were power less we don't have a military do we?)

I walked over to the commander and interrogated it was harder than his men which took less than a minute

"tell me why you attacked us and what are your future plans or I will torture you" I said with extreme menacing killing intent

"I we were dispatched with the intent to destroy your territory, because of the contract which reduced your military power we thought we could destroy and use your land for a military base our plans are to manipulate the other territorys" he said

(jack) (so I was right)

"tell me what other tribes are going to be attacked and what your tribes status in the list of dragons are" I asked

"We plan to attack the crimson fire tribe and the green poison tribe after take the children and grow them to become our weapons our status is ranked 4th out of the ten main tribes" he answered with a smug expression

I used a wind blade to cut his head of and threw his body into the city I then dug a hole into the ground about 20 meters Down then looked at the evolutions