
Reincarnated as a Dog with System

After an unfair life and death, Qin Hua was miraculously gifted with a second chance. But she was a dog now? And the world suddenly changed? Terrifying beasts roamed the streets instead of cars and trucks. Plants turned deadly. Rifts to other realms opened in random street corners and more importantly, humans gained unimaginable abilities! Earth entered a new beginning where mana was abundant and one's monetary wealth no longer determined their fate! With the strong surviving and the weak perishing, will Qin Hua kill or be killed in this new world? This is a story of the earth's spiritual awakening and a dog's rise to power!

Yolohy · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Grinding, grinding and more grinding Part2

Shortly afterward, Lu Chen returned back to their underground camp even though he had just stepped out. 

And the first thing he did after coming back was to look for Guan Ye and Alex who were the strongest fighters in the group apart from him.

"We need to talk." He dropped the zombie's corpse in front of the two and then tore its neck apart to reveal the unusually big mana core. 

The size and thickness of this core were definitely several times higher than the zombie mana cores they had previously collected.

"What the hell?" Alex exclaimed in surprise and Guan Ye was also visibly shocked.

"So they grew stronger? Did you have trouble killing this one?" Alex had already begun scanning Lu Chen for any injuries.

"No. There was only one, so I managed it easily." Lu Chen shook his head.

"That's good then." Alex nodded. She couldn't help but imagine a horde of these stronger zombies and that thought was frightening.