
Reincarnated as a cultivation protagonist

I was just a normal guy, had a okay childhood, had average grades, got married had kids. Died of lung cancer in my 30's. Now colour me suprised when I chosen to reincarnate like your typical Web novels fanfic character. --------- Slow pace story.

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 5: Len Bo (Edited)

I woke up early in the morning, I bought some toothpaste and a tooth brush last night, so right now I'm brushing my teeth. I can buy anything in the multiverse, I'm not letting go of the comfort I had back on earth....probably should've bought a capsule house from dragon ball.and, but that would bring attention.

I got up and wrote the same runes as the other day on my body but these versions were better as I have alot qi to use now which should extend the absorption rate.

I open the lid and took off my clothes, I then sat in the blood buck naked. I slowly began to absorb the energy inside of it and began to compress it while I circulated the energy in my dantian in a circular motion, this is seem purify the energy more and it became even denser.

I was close to to breaking through to a another minor realm when "TRASHY LEN GET OUT HERE, WE HAVE WORK FOR YOU!!!" shouted at a very loud voice. This startle Len.

[Sir are you okay? That could've caused some serious damage!]

'Damage? What kind?'

[A person cultivation can go berserk if they lose focus while cultivating, in some cases they may become a cripple and the worst case scenario you die.]

'Holy shit that is serious!' But the voice again was heard "Oi! Len Hai you trash don't make me come in there and cripple you. This daddy has work for you." I got out and washed myself before closing the lid and going outside to see a relatively obese person with black hair and eyes he was wearing a green cultivation robe.

I recognized him as my youngest brother, Len Bo he was fourteen and had a cultivation Foundation level 5, the reason why he's at this level when first started to cultivate at 10, was because he is lazy, he would spend time eating and having fun with women more than cultivate, that and he wouldn't get the title of Patriarch, that was for Len Hui my older brother, he was an affair child but due to his talent father accepted him and threw me away.

That's why he is so weak, he accepted being mediocre, and decided to live like that. Truly a sad thing, but he doesn't have my sympathy as he's normally the one who bully's me the most.

"Hmph! Your finally out trash. Hmm why do you look so different?" he said confused. 'Wait I look different?! Eva what's going on?'

[Simple it's due to removing your impurities your now more good looking.]

I said nothing but give him a confused look I replied with "I don't know what your talking about brother Bo."

"Feigning ignorance are you!" he was about to strike me and couldn't fight back, I couldn't afford to offend him now, which means my only choice is to....

I immediately kowtowed and said "Elder brother Bo, this stupid one doesn't mean to offend you, I really don't know what your talking about!" The Len Hai inside of me wanted to immediately jump up and teach Len Bo a lesson, but I can't.

I must not are else my revenge ends here, if I attack Len Cang will definitely kill me and I don't know what their reaction will be when they find out I can cultivate. As they think I'm without cultivation, not everyone has the talent to cultivate these people are called mortals and people without cultivation are regarded as grass on a road.

"Hmph! This one is merciful and will spare you for now, however I have work for you, I want you to sweep my yard I couldn't be bothered to clean it!" He huffed and ordered me, he's been giving me work that servants normally do, he's been doing this for years to shame me.

I got up cuffed my fist and bowed "Make sure it's tidy before sun down!" he walked away when he was gone a deep scowl set up on my face. I wanted to strangle that bastard. My hands were turning red due to how tight I was clenching it.

[Master please calm down!]

"*Sigh!*" I sighed and breathed in an out, I slowly calmed down. I had to shame myself just to get revenge. It doesn't matter, I'll let them treat me like trash for how long just wait until I end them all.

"*Sigh!* turns out theatre class wasn't completely useless."

[Sir you've unlocked the skill Acting-(6/100)]

"Huh didn't expect that. Let's just go clean the fatty yard and get back to cultivating. But is so high?"

[Its due to you practicing acting in your past life. And sir I've done a few calculations and it seems you have a higher amount of Martial qi than the average Foundation realm practitioner.]

'So where am I equal to?'

[About the 3rd of Foundation realm.]

It seems I can have my revenge in only nothing but a few months of hard work, good I should probably go deeper into the forest to gain more points after my body strength reach the tenth of Foundation Realm.

Later I went to his compound and got a broom and began to clean his yard. While cleaning, I thought that I've never really been in a life or death battle before I've only ever been in a few school fights and I picked up a bit of boxing when I was working out. This is worrying I'll have fix that.

I just finished cleaning his yard and left, I haven't practiced the [Surfing Cloud Steps], why not remedy that.