
Reincarnated as a cultivation protagonist

I was just a normal guy, had a okay childhood, had average grades, got married had kids. Died of lung cancer in my 30's. Now colour me suprised when I chosen to reincarnate like your typical Web novels fanfic character. --------- Slow pace story.

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 48: Regret


[A table - A table made from Crimson oak wood. A special wood that has some resistance to fire. It was made by the best carpenters money could buy to suite Hong Yu's needs.]

Reading the information given to me I added 99 points to it and a lot more information became readily available to me. Hell it gave me items history from when the seed was a tree a couple hundred years ago till now. This thing is insane!

And incredibly useful ability now I'll now who not mess with. When I feel like not causing a shit storm. Which is as soon as I reach grandmaster. I'll be letting loose.

Now then I took out Horus's egg and it was red in colour with a symbol of Phoenix on it. I then used scan on it.

[Egg of Horus - An egg containing a powerful flame type martial beast Horus. It was reward to Ken Hai after he used a sliver gacha star. It currently has 5 weeks till hatching due to its current environment. The environment suited to hatch would be near gigantic sources of heat and places with high altitudes.] (An\Do know there is fuck ton more information, this is just what's important.)

"A volcano huh?" Drawing up a couple calculations in my head I summoned three runic circles around the egg, I used it to simulate that of a volcano, for the egg it'll be like having an active volcano the size of Mount Everest, except the egg is right on top of it.

It was incredibly easy, it's been getting easier to think at incredibly speeds without the help of Yin qi. It seems it was due to yin qi and my body tempering technique.

I then take the egg and wrapped it in a blanket. When one of alarms went off and I summoned a screen showing Hong Yu was outside my house. I then teleported out my lab and went to greet her.

"Hong Yu? Why are you here?" I asked her my clone already finished tutoring her for the day. "Um! Master Ken my family is holding a banquet tonight to celebrate the successful defense of our city. My father sent out an invite to you." Says Hong Yu as she bows and gives me a Crimson coloured piece of paper.

"I see thank you why don't I give you some more food." Hearing my words her eyes sparkled as she immediately nodded her head yes. Seeing this I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

That night I went to the city lords castle, I was currently wearing my mothers hair clip along with extremely high grade tunic and pants which were red in colour and had black dragons embroided on the shoulders and back.

I used some of my knowledge of modern tailoring to make this, though I won't throw away my usual get up. This is for special events. Now you may be wondering what I'm even doing here, when normally a lot drama tend happens to cultivation mc's at these types of settings.

It's simple I'm not a cultivation mc. I'm just some guy dropped in this world, with a system. So I'll probably be fine unless I don't step on the foot of someone too important.

Walking in I can see a number of different people talking to each other I even saw the Head Alchemists along with some of the Elders. I used scan on as much of them I could and mentally pushed the windows away I'll look at them another time.

Which ever ones are evil bastards I'll rob them clean.

"Ahh! Ken Hai it seems you were invited." said the head Elder as others seem go take note of presence. "Haha! It's a pleasure to see you again Head elder Fa." I greeted the man.

- A couple minutes later -

I regret coming here. I haven't gone to a fancy party before but are they supposed to be this boring? It's nothing but ass kissing and gossiping here. Seriously!

And why is that guy still leering at me! Fuck it.

'Oh wait! Scan!'

[Name: Jiao Wei

Gender: Male


Cultivation: 4th of Martial Disciple

Jiao Wei is the young master of the Jiao Family who are the creators of the Jiao sect. He was born-]

Nope just gimme why he hates me and what he plans to do about it.

The screen then changes as the information I want shows up.

[He hates Ken Hai due to him gaining the attention of his crush, Hong Yu. He's currently planning on an hiring someone from Assassination Guild to deal with you and while Hong Yu grieves your death he'll swoop in and 'save' her. He doesn't currently have the funds needed to kill so he's currently saving.]

Well he's going to die. I don't like killing but he's a threat.

And I might've forgot that this is a cultivation world. Minor characters also get analy fucked all the time.

But why does he needs to save money he's a young master from a notable sect, why would he?

[It's because he knows, his father is not willing to risk killing you, he doesn't want offend the Alchemists guild by taking away such a talented person. Or his cousin Jiao Kung might lose his alchemists title and the entire sect might be banned from buying pills from the alchemists guild. Be he doesn't care.]

That explains a lot. Welp only thing to do now is leave this party and rob all my targets.