
reincarnated as a boy with uncontrollable powers

Dante2409 · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Chapter 10: Tournament

In the dimly lit chamber, Beru and Dante huddled close, their whispered voices filled with determination and hope. "There's a tournament," Beru began, his voice low yet filled with conviction. "Nobles are recruiting fighters for teams to represent them. Even without special powers, skilled fighters like us can join."

Dante's eyes gleamed with intrigue. "Tournament? Teams? And they're recruiting non-powered fighters?"

Beru nodded eagerly. "Exactly. It's a chance for us to get out of here. There's a noble team that wants me, but they need two more members. If you can fight, we stand a chance."

Dante smirked, his confidence unwavering. "You and me, huh? I guess I've always enjoyed a good challenge."

As the conversation flowed, the complexity of the world they were in began to unfold. Beru explained, "Xentael is just one of five states. They're all fighting to unite and become the dominant force. We're weak right now, and we need powerful fighters for an upcoming war against Ventus."

Dante raised an eyebrow, absorbing the information. "So, the nobles are using this tournament to scout for talent, to strengthen their armies for this war?"

Beru nodded again. "Exactly. And the rewards for participation are significant. Gold coins, silver, and bronze are the currency here. Even slaves can earn their freedom by paying 1500 gold coins."

Dante's expression shifted from curiosity to shock, his mind grappling with the complexities of this new world. Hours passed as they discussed this new reality, their voices echoing in the cramped room.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the moment they had discussed arrived. The noble's entourage, consisting of ten silver-plated soldiers bearing massive glaives, entered the chamber. The noble herself, a young girl adorned with jewelry and ostentatious attire, fixed her gaze on Beru.

"Beru, it's time for you to become a part of our team," she stated imperiously, her tone lacking any hint of compassion.

Beru rose from his seat, his expression conflicted, and he began to remove his clothes. Dante raised an eyebrow in confusion, but Beru's voice was a whisper. "They want to see my physique to judge my worthiness."

As Beru knelt on the ground, Dante's gaze flicked between him and the noble girl. His heart pounded, realizing that this world was far more brutal than he had anticipated.

The noble girl's gaze turned towards Dante, her eyes assessing him critically. "You there, if you want to join, you'll have to prove your strength."

Dante stood up, his frame towering at 5'7". He had a muscular build, a result of his years of training in boxing. A mix of anticipation and nervousness surged through him as he stepped forward.

One of the soldiers, a burly man with a towering glaive, sneered at Dante. "Hmph, this one's just a brat. What can he do?"

The noble girl's tone was devoid of sympathy. "Show us what you've got. Prove your worth."

The soldier lunged at Dante, his glaive whistling through the air. With quick reflexes, Dante shifted his weight, sidestepping the attack. The glaive struck the ground with a resounding thud, sending tremors through the room.

Laughter erupted from the soldiers, their mockery filling the air. "Look at him, dancing around like a fool!"

Dante's lips curled into a confident smile. Ignoring the jeers, he adopted a classic boxing stance, his hands up and ready. "Let's see if you're as confident up close."

The soldier sneered and swung his glaive again, but this time Dante was prepared. He ducked under the weapon's arc, his body moving with the grace of a seasoned fighter. In a split second, he closed the distance between them.

Dante's fist shot forward, a lightning-fast jab aimed at the soldier's solar plexus. The impact was like hitting a solid wall, and the soldier grunted, stumbling backward.

Beru's eyes widened in astonishment as Dante's movements seemed almost preternatural. The soldier, clearly underestimating his opponent, recovered and swung his glaive horizontally.

Dante's head snapped back, evading the weapon by a hair's breadth. He planted his feet firmly and launched a brutal hook into the soldier's liver, causing him to wince and falter.

Using the opening, Dante exploded with an uppercut, his fist connecting with the soldier's chin. The force of the blow lifted the soldier off his feet, and he crashed to the ground, his glaive clattering beside him.

The room fell silent, the soldiers staring in disbelief at their fallen comrade. The noble girl's expression was a mix of shock and intrigue. Dante's heart pounded, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

As the defeated soldier groaned on the ground, Dante turned to the noble girl. "So, am I strong enough for your team?"

The noble girl's lips curled into a faint smile. "You pass. Welcome to the team."

Beru's eyes sparkled with pride as he watched Dante's victory. The journey towards freedom had taken an unexpected turn, and Dante's boxing skills had just secured their next step.

And so, in that dim chamber, amidst shadows and whispers, Dante's path shifted once again, propelling him closer to a destiny he was only beginning to comprehend.