
reincarnated as a boy with ancient power

In a world shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, "Unfamiliar Beginnings" follows Dante, a teenager with an exceptional intellect and a fragile self-image. His life takes a nightmarish turn when he and his friends are captured by ruthless assailants who engage in grotesque and sinister acts. However, amidst this horror, Dante's consciousness awakens in an unknown world, stripped of his former existence. As he navigates unfamiliar terrain and discovers a mysterious tattoo on his chest, Dante embarks on a journey of self-discovery. shocking revelation that challenges his perception of reality. This chilling and thought-provoking tale delves into themes of survival, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Dante2409 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Chapter 21: Defeat

In the heart-pounding clash, Edward Edric's longsword cut through the air with a chilling whistle as it descended upon Porus. The sharp metal clashed against Porus's shimmering barrier, producing a resounding *clang*. The impact reverberated through the arena, accompanied by the sounds of strained muscles and the echo of metal striking energy.

Porus's barrier held firm, but this time, it buckled slightly under the force, causing him to grit his teeth. The sound of cracking energy filled the air as the barrier resisted the sword's assault, and the audience held their breath, sensing the intensity of the struggle.

Porus's determination refused to waver. With a fierce glare, he thrust his palms forward, a brilliant white light radiating from his hands. The air crackled with energy, a high-pitched whine accompanying his movement. The moment his fist connected with Edward Edric's forehead, a sharp *crack* resonated, the sound of bone meeting bone.

Edward Edric staggered back, a trickle of blood escaping the gash on his forehead. A growl of pain escaped his lips as he wiped the blood away, his voice dripping with irritation. "You've got some fight in you, I'll give you that," he grumbled, a cocky smirk still playing on his lips.

As Porus and Edward Edric locked eyes, tension hung thick in the air. Edward Edric's next move was swift and calculated. He lunged forward, his longsword slashing at the ground with a *swoosh*. Rocks and sand erupted from the earth, creating a blinding cloud around Porus. The arena filled with the sound of dirt and debris being thrown into the air.

Amidst the fog, Edward Edric's figure emerged, his longsword raised high. He swung downward with a *whoosh*, the blade tearing through the air. With a powerful *thud*, the sword struck Porus's right shoulder. The sound of slicing flesh mingled with the audience's collective gasp.

Porus's pained grunt echoed through the arena as he staggered back, his breaths ragged. His injured shoulder throbbed, but his resolve burned brighter. Channeling his energy, Porus's hands glowed with an ethereal white light, illuminating the chaos around him. He dashed forward, his boots creating a *thud thud* rhythm against the arena floor.

Edward Edric, sensing the danger, twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the full impact of Porus's punch. However, the blow grazed his cheek, causing a vicious *smack* as skin met skin. Blood trickled from Edward Edric's cheek, his eyes narrowing with both anger and admiration.

Edward Edric's retaliation was swift. He chanted incantations under his breath, his voice rising in pitch as he conjured a protective metal wall with a *clang*. The sound of metal forming and bending resonated, followed by a deafening *crash* as Porus's energy-infused punch smashed through the barrier.

The impact was bone-shattering, a symphony of splintering metal and cracking energy that left the arena ringing with echoes. Edward Edric's defiant smirk was replaced by shock as the barrier's remnants grazed his face, drawing a trail of blood.

The stunned silence of the arena was shattered as a thunderous roar erupted from Edward Edric. He staggered back, clutching his bleeding face, his voice dripping with fury. "You insolent brat! You will pay for that!" he roared, his voice echoing like thunder.

With newfound determination, Edward Edric dismissed his longsword, his hands and voice working in tandem to summon a pair of gauntleted fists. His heavy footfalls punctuated the air, and the *clang* of metal upon metal was a symphony of impending doom.

Porus's breathing was labored, his battered form standing tall against the onslaught. With every *thud* of his boots against the ground, he showcased the indomitable spirit that fueled his resolve. The clash of their fists was punctuated by grunts and the sound of metal meeting flesh, each strike sending tremors through the arena.

Porus's moment came when he deftly sidestepped Edward Edric's punch, leaving an opening. His fist, charged with a brilliant white glow, found its target. The impact was visceral, a sickening *crack* as it collided with Edward Edric's left hand. Bones splintered, and the air filled with the scent of iron as blood welled from the wound.

Edward Edric's agonized roar cut through the tumultuous soundscape. He clutched his broken hand, his voice a mixture of fury and pain. "You'll pay for that with your life!" he growled, his words dripping with venom.

Porus, undeterred by the threats, faced Edward Edric with eyes ablaze. His right shoulder throbbed, and his body ached, but his unwavering spirit pushed him forward. With both fighters battered and wounded, they met again in a brutal dance of hand-to-hand combat.

Porus's fist found its mark again and again, each impact punctuated by the sickening *thud* of flesh against flesh. Edward Edric's retaliatory strikes landed with bone-crushing force, a symphony of *cracks* and *squelches* that filled the air with the sounds of their struggle.

As their energies waned, the two combatants exchanged one final glance, their eyes locking in a moment of shared understanding. With a nod, Porus charged his fist once more, Edward Edric summoning a colossal scythe with an otherworldly plea for power. The clash of their attacks was cataclysmic, a sonic boom that shook the very foundation of the arena.

The ground shattered beneath the force of their collision, the impact generating a deep *rumble* that spread across the arena. A dazzling burst of light erupted, blinding all who watched, and the audience shielded their eyes from the brilliance.

As the light began to fade, the fog of battle lifted, revealing the aftermath. Edward Edric stood, bloodied and broken, his form trembling with exhaustion. Porus lay on the ground, his breathing shallow, his body battered and bruised.

The arena was silent, the sounds of their struggle replaced by a heavy hush. Slowly, the nobles' voices rang out, announcing Edward Edric as the winner of the match. Dante stood, stunned by the outcome, a mixture of surprise and disappointment etched on his face.

As the workers rushed to tend to Porus's wounds, he raised a trembling hand to his teammates. "I'm sorry, guys," he murmured, his voice weak but filled with remorse. "I did my best."

Dante's voice held a reassuring tone as he responded, "You fought valiantly, Porus. We're proud of you."

With those words, the intense battle of porus and Edward edric came to an end, leaving behind shattered ground, injured warriors, and the lingering echoes of their struggle in the hearts of all who had witnessed it.