
Reincarnated as a bedridden side-character

Tooru Fumiya was just taking in the news that his parents were getting a divorce, with his mind spinning around as he tried to go to a place to calm down. However he would never get there, as he was run over by a speeding car and wasn't being able to react quick enough to it. But he woke up, to his own surprise, in a completely foreign room. A letter sitting on the cabinet beside the bed... With hands, hair and a body that isn't his, how will he be able to survive in this new world? Even worse, he's deathly sick!?

shiyon · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Slimes

I was woken up in pure darkness, a moist air wafting through, whistling softly as it passed by. My body felt heavy, and my head flared up. It reminds me a bit of the one time I got ill enough that I had to take a week off of school. Back then I was lovingly nursed by them back to good health, quite unlike what's happening now.

I could see some movements, as the shadows transformed and flickered, but had no idea who or what it was. It didn't help that the thing didn't make any sound. The creature came closer to me upon realizing I had awoken. Soon enough, I could hear a soft squish on my lap.

It was the same type of gelatenous blob I had seen earlier in the day. Contrary to what I expected it didn't attack me, nor showed any hostility toward me. It simply jiggled around, trying to convey something I have no way to interpret. As I reached out my hand, it decided to nuzzle it's body up against it. It felt cool to the touch, much like the place we were in. I took a look at my status, and noticed quickly not only that no damage was done to me, I recovered a bit, bringing my health to 11.

The slime let my hand enter it's body. I could see the blue liquid that leaked constantly from my body being dispersed in it's weird inner structure. Creating a spade like outlining of the blue mist in it's green body. The swelling on my hand became a little smaller, and looking at my status a few negative effects at that spot became removed.

Basically, it looked like we were powering each other up. At least I assumed the other party got something out of it, as it's body started to enlarge, pressuring my stomach it laid on top of a bit more.

I laid back and let it happen, but stayed a bit wary of what would happen next. Monsters are still supposed to attack humans, right?

As I thought that, a bunch more slimes came closer. If they seriously want to attack me, I have no way to defend myself.