
Reincarnated as A's Heir! (Naruto-Haku)

A crackle of lightning, a chill in the air, and suddenly, everyone's favorite frost-ninja, Haku, is back – but not in the way you'd expect. Born as Ryomaru in the village hidden in the clouds, he's got a mix of blood that could put any cocktail to shame. Being the Raikage's son, heir to the lightning throne, and blessed with the ice-cold charm of the Yuki clan, he's out to prove that second chances can come with a dash of lightning and a whole lot of frost. In this life, he's blessed with an even more dazzling visage, guaranteed to make hearts flutter. If his soulful eyes and graceful demeanor don't sweep you off your feet, his rap battle showdowns with Killer B will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Navigating through his youth with the ever-responsible Samui and Mabui as sisters, the fiery Karui keeping things interesting, and the unconditional love of his mother, Miori, Ryomaru's life is anything but ordinary. And let's not forget the harem of admirers trailing behind our icy prince. It's not his fault that his combination of Raikage power and Yuki mystique makes him irresistible! But don't be fooled, behind those sweet smiles, there's a tactical genius ever-ready to step up to the shinobi plate. From charming his way through tea ceremonies and stumbling upon memories of a past life to engaging in heart-stopping battles that threaten to freeze over the village, Ryomaru's journey is filled with humor, drama, and a sprinkle of teenage angst. So, prepare for the frosty, the funny, and the fantastic in this Naruto-spinoff. Will Ryomaru rise to the challenge of his new life, or will he get caught in a blizzard of his past? Can he reconcile Haku's memory with Ryomaru's reality, and can he handle the charm he was born with? Only one way to find out – dive into the world of "The Ice Prince of the Hidden Cloud: Reincarnated as A's Heir!" and join Ryomaru as he chills, charms, and challenges his way through a reincarnated life in the Naruto universe. Brace yourself, because it's about to get frosty! --- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Ryomaru's memories from his past life(Haku) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Ryomaru attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All.

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs


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At the Raikage's office, Ryomaru joined his father and B, who were both waiting for the Hokage's arrival. A, the towering figure known as the Raikage, was as stoic as ever, his gaze focused on the road ahead.

"Raikage-sama," Ryomaru greeted, keeping his voice steady. A turned towards him, his hard eyes softening marginally at the sight of his son.

"Ryomaru," A acknowledged with a nod. He scrutinized Ryomaru's appearance, his gaze appraising. "You are well-prepared," he noted, his voice carrying a rare note of approval.

Ryomaru couldn't help the flicker of pride that sparked within him. Coming from A, that was high praise.

B ruffled Ryomaru's hair fondly, a proud smile playing on his lips. "Look at you, Ryo. All grown up," he teased, though his eyes were filled with warmth and affection.

Ryomaru responded with a grin. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he felt a thrill of excitement. Today marked a significant milestone in the path of his life, and he was ready to face it with confidence.

As the Hokage's group came into view, Ryomaru straightened up. His heart was pounding with anticipation. He was the son of the Raikage. Today, he was more than just a five-year-old boy; he was a symbol of the future, a testament to the budding peace between the two villages.

As the Hokage's party drew nearer, Ryomaru took in the sight before him. The group was a colorful blend of characters, each radiating their own aura of significance and power.

Leading the group was the Hokage himself, Hiruzen Sarutobi. His older age was evident in the lines etched across his face, but the spark in his eyes belied a strength that remained unwavering. His gaze was serious yet kindly, revealing the wisdom of many years of leadership.

Behind him, the prominent figures of Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, and Akimichi Chōza formed a distinguished triad. The three men moved with an ease born from years of camaraderie and shared battles, their rapport palpable even from a distance.

Accompanying them were two youthful figures, Hatake Kakashi and Might Guy. Despite their apparent youth, their posture spoke of strength and discipline, radiating the aura of seasoned shinobi. Kakashi's visible eye bore a calm, collected expression, while Guy's firm gaze reflected unwavering determination.

The sight of the Uchiha family captivated Ryomaru's attention next. Uchiha Fugaku carried himself with an air of dignity and authority, his wife Mikoto, by his side. Their older son, Itachi, despite being just nine, mirrored his parents' solemn demeanor, his eyes reflecting a depth far beyond his years. Next to him, Sasuke, who was the same age as Ryomaru, looked on with innocent excitement, his young eyes wide and filled with curiosity.

Finally, a handful of other Leaf village shinobi and dignitaries were part of the entourage, their collective presence accentuating the importance of this occasion.

As the Hokage's party arrived, A stepped forward to welcome them. Formal greetings were exchanged, and Hiruzen's voice, soft yet authoritative, echoed in the square. "Thank you for your hospitality, Raikage-sama," he began, inclining his head in a respectful bow.

A responded with a curt nod. His gaze swept over the Hokage's group, acknowledging each of them with a nod. When his gaze met Ryomaru's, he motioned his son forward.

Ryomaru took a deep breath, gathering his composure. With confident steps, he moved forward, stopping beside his father. He bowed, a practiced and graceful movement. "Welcome to the Cloud Village, Hokage-sama," he greeted, his voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

The group seemed mildly surprised at his presence. Itachi and Sasuke, in particular, were intrigued. Sasuke's eyes widened, while Itachi nodded in acknowledgement, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Fugaku and Mikoto exchanged a glance, seeing a reflection of their own children in the young boy standing before them.

Sarutobi regarded Ryomaru thoughtfully, his aged eyes reflecting a quiet wisdom. "Thank you, young man," he said, his voice warm and welcoming. He then turned to A, a note of admiration in his voice. "You have a fine son, Raikage-sama."

A merely nodded, his stoic face betraying no emotion. But Ryomaru felt a faint sense of pride in his father's words.

As the formalities concluded, the group dispersed to settle in their quarters, leaving Ryomaru, B, and A alone in the square. Ryomaru watched them go, his mind replaying the encounter. Today had marked a milestone, not just for him, but for his village. It was a symbol of peace, a testament to change.

A visible sense of relief washed over B as he and Ryomaru finally stepped away from the formal meeting ground. The towering shinobi let out a long, exaggerated sigh, his shoulders sagging with the weight of unspoken tension.

"Man, I can't stand these stuffy ceremonies," B whined, ruffling his afro in exasperation. His lips curled into a grin as he glanced down at Ryomaru, his gaze softening. "I bet you're glad that's over too, eh, Ryo?"

Ryomaru laughed in response, nodding enthusiastically. "You have no idea, B," he chimed in, his laughter echoing against the backdrop of the Cloud Village.

As they strolled down the village paths, a burst of curiosity sparked in Ryomaru's ice-blue eyes. The Hokage's visit wasn't just a diplomatic mission; it also signified the impending Chunin Exams, an event that had always intrigued the young boy.

"B," he started, his gaze fixed on the shinobi, "how do the Chunin Exams work?"

B chuckled, scratching his chin thoughtfully. "Ah, the Chunin Exams. Well, they're quite something, Ryo."

Ryomaru listened intently, his youthful curiosity piqued. B proceeded to explain the process, detailing an original blueprint that was specific to the Cloud Village.

"The exams have three main stages," B began, his eyes reflecting a glint of excitement. "The first one's a written test, designed to measure the mental strength and strategic skills of the participants. It's not just about knowledge, it's also about handling pressure and deception."

Ryomaru nodded, absorbing the information. He could already picture the scene, young shinobi huddled over their test papers, their pens scratching against the paper in a race against time.

"The second stage," B continued, "is more physically challenging. It's a survival test conducted in the Valley of Clouds and Lightning. Participants have to navigate through the harsh environment while completing various objectives and combating the dangerous creatures that inhabit the area."

Ryomaru's eyes widened at that. He had heard tales of the Valley, its treacherous terrains, and deadly creatures. The idea of young shinobi testing their survival skills there was both exhilarating and terrifying.

"And the final stage," B concluded, "is a series of one-on-one matches held in the Cloud Arena. The victor is decided by either surrender, knockout, or if an examiner deems it necessary to stop the fight."


Read 45(15 chapters for each novel) advanced chapters in my Patreon!
