
Chapter 150- Game begins now

In an instant, a grin started to form on the broken face, and eyes that seemed to have diminished started to glow again in fiery flame, with chilling words resonating throughout the whole place.

"Bore....soulsss...to...eattt, kekeke"

"It's nice to meet you again, Belial," said a young man as he entered, turning his amber gaze toward the entity levitating in the middle, a huge red magic circle formed beneath it.

"Do you..know...be..Huban?" The demon's grin started to fade away, looking at the man who identified it, while not showing any fear on his face.

A demon's soul, mostly belonging to the noble ones of a lineage where they are immortal with an undying ethereal body, makes them an entity worshipped by those who want to bring hell upon this land.

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