
Reincarnated! The Blind and Deaf Boy

The boy never needed, never wanted anything with his life. He is unlike "normal people." Not that he knew what his life, nor what his world really was. He couldn't see, he knew not of beauty, nor of atrocities. He couldn't hear, he knew not of spite, nor words of tongue. He needn't think much, for he knew no words or images to think with. He only knew desire, sensations, and pain. What would he do when he had the ability to see, hear, and do much more than "normal people"? Would he even understand it?

OmegaChr1s · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (5)

Aria looked upon the plethora of clothes laid out before her and only had one thought.

'Where do I start?'

Excitedly the young lady dashed around the store, many textures made themselves known to her. Some items we're soft, comfortable, and simply looked warm to any that looked upon them. Others were rough, yet form fitting and lacking the same hanging bits one may find in a product made for just it's looks. And, these two nature's battled within her.

It was only natural, she had learned the practical needs of any pursuing a life of magic and adventure straight from Nana. She had also seen the fantastical and expertly knitted dresses adorning her favorite princesses from her favorite stories... There was no reason she couldn't have both, yeah? Something that is... plain yet tasteful. That was when she had an idea.

There were so many colors : pink, red, yellow, black, blue. There were even items tailored with specific variations of these colors like Vermillion. Eric had no such worries like Aria did, he just had to find something in a color he liked and would fit. He came in looking for some new shoes, a nice pair of pants, a belt, and a good shirt. Of course he'd get a couple different colors for each once he had found a tailor he fancied, but he was far less worried than little miss Goldilocks.

'Maybe something like this?'

"Hey, Aria do you think this would look good on me? Aria?" Eric tried to ask her a question, but Aria had found the answer to her own.

The golden ratio of practicality and fashion. She hurriedly collected a few items from around the store before rushing off into a dressing room.


Ruto made his way a few blocks of before coming upon an inn. The sign for the inn was marked in big golden letters : "Heimdall's Hearth : A Rest So Good It Takes You To Other Realms!"

'A bit much for an... inn isn't it? Whatever, as long as it has some good beds.'

Ruto made his way off the roads alternating dirt and stone design, and soon found his feet on the stained grundleblair plank flooring of Heimdall's Hearth. Many buildings in the city made use of the grundleblair trees from the Wailing Woods, the monster infested woods covering a large expanse around the city. That was the main reason this city is known as a military settlement, the fact that there is a nearby swarm of monsters as a result of being settled so close to a dungeon. The two are only so close because the dungeon birthed a new Duke when said Duke, a powerful warrior, single handedly quelled a sudden dungeon break. They are now known as the Cyrul Family, and they were headed by a long-eared elf with the title Duke of the Wailing Woods because of his achievements in quelling the sudden chaos caused by monsters emerging from out of a newly emerged dungeon.

"What can we do for you today kid?" An elf, one that seemed to have the lush green of a plains bordered by a thriving forest encapsulated within her eyes, asked while directing her gaze towards Ruto.

Beautiful was an understatement. It's hard to think that even elves were considered sub human in this kingdom before demihumans saved human settlements enough times to not only become dukes, but to become royalty. Luckily for Ruto, that struggle had ended her long before his time.

"I... Yes um.. sorry I'd like a room for three. It'd just be for the night," Ruto told her sheepishly, trying desperately to maintain eye contact with the long eared lady leaning onto the reception desk.

"Hmmm, for three? Alright we've got a room not far down that hall to my right, and the stay for the night will be one silver. You have the payment on you, yes?"


[ Aria's POV : Outside of a Changing Room. ]

'Hehe, I'm so glad I went all-out on our clothes!' I can't help giggling like this to myself!

I mean, I did such a good job picking out our clothes after all. Although I did eventually have to ask the old cashier to help me choose, but all of our clothes fit together well! Ruto has always liked hoods, he said it helped during his sword fights with Eric because Eric couldn't really make out where Ruto was going to swing based on his gaze along. So, I ended up buying him a black collared shirt with a golden dragon-pin on the cuffs and white accents decorating the cuffs and collar. This fine piece of craftsmanship was called [Rogue's Formal Shirt]. It was probably specially named because it has a special function. That special function is its magical hood that can only be seen when the wearer wants it to be seen, a little stupid, but it sure is made of strong 'stuff'. Yeah I'm not exactly sure what, I kind of zoned out when the old guy was talking about it... I also picked him out a pair of pants called [Rogue's Formal Pants], which looked like a normal thing of black dress-pants, but it is also apparently made out of super strong 'stuff', along with the accessories and foot-wear of the [Rogue's Formal] set.

Eric got a similar outfit, but his shirt was white with black accents and had a pin of an owl. However, he also had an invisible hood on his shirt, and it was called [Libero's Formal Shirt]. His pants, [Libero's Formal Pants], had a similarly inverted color scheme just like his shirt. He also got the accessories and footwear of the [Libero's Formal] set. And now for mine.

I got a surprisingly bubbly white and black dress. Despite the umm... mellow color scheme, it was surprisingly cute! The base color of the dress was white, while black vines climbed up the skirt of the dress. Magical add-ons gave it the ability to emit light depending on the will of the wearer, and it had the hidden hood, again I don't get why. The dress was called [Support's Formal Dress]. Well, there wasn't just the dress, but that was the coolest thing I got okay!

When Ruto had came to get us and we got to our room at Heimdall's Breath, he had said, "The old man who picked these out may have been hinting at something," but what could that mean? That old cashier just helped me pick them out... he didn't do anything special, hmph.