
Reincarnate in Fairy Tail

Josh gets reincarnated in the Fairytail world and tries to be the strongest.

Zeus742 · Anime & Comics
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Eva and Training

Josh: I'll name you Eva then, can u show me the shop

Eva: Ok,

As Josh looks around and buys a few things

Josh: Now I have true slayer arts, 10 million Jewels and a portal to a dimension that will hold a kingdom.

Eva: Would you like to open the beginner pack

Josh: Yes


1x shadow clone Jutsu

1x gravity seal


Josh: cool, send me into the town of magnolia with full metal alchemist outfit, 6 months before lucy joins in

Eva: Sure

Josh arrives in magnolia and quickly runs into the forest where he enters the void and creates shadow clones to eat the void energy and increase his magic capacity.

5 months later

Josh comes out of the void and everyone including the ten saints fill a surge of power come out.

Eva: you may want to conceal your magic power

Josh: Why?

Eva: you have just scared everyone in the kingdom

Josh: What's my magic power?

Eva: comparing you to gildarts who has 80,000. you have 200,000

Josh: Ok then.

Josh conceals his magic power in his dimension for later use and then flashes away.

see while his clones were in the void eating, Josh was in his dimension running around with 1,000 gravity on the gravity seal and can go at mark 1 now.

Josh appears at the entrance to the fairytail guild and walks in

Makarov: And a new member comes...