
Reincarnate in Anime world

What would happen if you die and reincarnate in the anime world? A world which you dream of. A waifu that you dream of!!

sushan4T · Fantasy
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6 Chs

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"How dare you? You lowly trash dog, even have the courage to talk to the king." Leo said to both jerky and his father by taking out his black cloth.

…..Prince has come. Useless prince has come…..

"Haha. Now you have the courage to talk with us straightly." Arius said by looking at him.

"Son…" King and Queen say slowly and were happy to see their son safe.

"Mother and Father sorry for the delay." He said by bowing his head and give them a royal salute by putting his right hand on the chest.

"I hear that some useless punk want to be the king. Can you show me who the f**k was that." Leo said by raising his voice. When recovering the memories of previous body owners the feeling of love and anger was also filled in him.

"I guess you have forgotten the beating of mine," Jerky said by pointing out his eyes and run toward him to fight with him and throw a small turbine of wind from his hand.

But Izoke blocked the attacked with his bare hand. "Don't show your useless skill." Saying that Leo's body started to glow green. It was a spiritual element, then a sword structure form in his hand and it was made with the spirit and he uses his wind skill which moves him fast like air. In a sec, he appeared in front of Jerky, Jerky even don't have the time to say a word and Leo slice his throat with the spirit sword and his head fell down. Seeing that all the people in there were shocked and started to talk like crazy.

"Leo killed jerky."

"How is it even possible?"

"Isn't that wind and Spirit elements"

"What have you done to my son, you..." Arius said by holding his son's body which was headless.

"If you don't want to end up like your son, then leave the country or die," Leo said to him by showing his cold eyes which were obviously not of the prince.

"I will get revenge…" Saying that Arius went outside the castle.

His father and mother were like "What was that…"

"Citizen, who is the crown prince. Can you repeat yourself?" he said by looking to the people watching from outside the bar.

All were amazed to see those 2 elements of Leo and they were also scared. "Our Crown prince is Prince Leo." All the people saw that and went outside.

"Son, how did you have the magic element?" The king asked him.

"Father, its long story. Now you don't have to feel ashamed, I promise to be a son which you feel proud of"

"Son…" Saying that both King and Queen hugged Leo and say him to take rest in his room.

Rumors were everywhere that how Leo a cripple have more than one element and how he killed his own cousins.

'I have done my job, I hope you are happy.' Izoke says internally like he is talking to himself.


'Woah what I am even saying. It really feels like I am some kind of the main character, Puhaha.'

Izoke was laughing in the room alone by thinking about his act.

"What happens to the prince?" A guard outside the room asked another guard.

"Who knows?"

It was already noon and Leo was also called for dinner by a butler. He went to the dining room and he saw the king and queen were sitting on the dinner waiting for him. He also sat on the table for dinner. A male servant came thereby with some food in his hand and serve it to Leo. Leo watch carefully at the food, it's structure was different than the world he born. It was like the same as he watches on anime shows. First, he hesitates to taste it, but the smell was unresistible. There were few chicken legs, vegetables, and rice which smells really good.

He takes the spoon in his hand and tastes the vegetable soup. As soon as he tastes it. His head spins with satisfaction. His surrounding changed like he was in heaven and some music started playing in his head. <La la Lalala la la La>

It was also because his body was outside from the home for a quiet day and there is saying that "What is tasty, Hunger or tasty food and obviously hunger makes food tasty." Leo started to eat all the food like a beast. Seeing that his current father and mother were shocked because their son was well mannered while eating food but also they were feeling proud that their son defends them and have the power to fight back

"Son, today I am very proud of you. Now I can rest assured and live in peace. I am happy to hand this king duty to someone like you." The king said by looking at him with a happy face.

"I have told you, Our son will never do anything to let us down." His mother said by covering her smile with her hand. Even the Queen was a mid-aged woman, she looks very pretty. Her hair was brown as a log and she has blue eyes like the sky. Even more than her looks, she was a very good mother.

Seeing that, Izoke was very happy. In his previous life, his mother and father were dead in a car accident.

"Thank you, mother, and father. From now on you don't have to worry about anything because now I am capable to protect you and this country. I will not let you guys down." Izoke replied to them by giving a lovely smile while there was a chicken leg in his hand.

"We know…"
