
Chapter 1: Leaked Marriage Certificate (1)

"Let us all welcome, the recipient of The Most Promising Rookie Actor award, our lovely and handsome - Mr. Jarx Elrod!"

A handsome man, 23 years of age stepped onto the stage amidst the eyes of thousands of people

The audience wearing their expensive formal attire cheered and clapped their hands while the journalists and reporters pressed the capture button of their cameras to take pictures or record this scene

For a moment, the flash from the cameras blinded Jarx but he was already slightly used to it

Jarx Elrod is the most famous rookie actor of the year. He has a height of 5'11, a handsome face, fair white skin, and a dazzling smile with pearly white teeth

Most people consider Jarx's smile as his most important asset that not many can replicate

In this world, there are countless handsome men, especially in the entertainment industry but not all of them have a charming smile. At most, their smile would be aesthetically pleasing thanks to their handsome face but that was only it

Their smiles do not have the same unique charm that Jarx's smile has. The kind of smile that can capture everyone's heart and melt them into a gooey puddle

"Mr. Elrod" the Host of the Annual Celebrity Fest greeted

He held out his hand indicating a desire to have a handshake with Jarx

With the same polite smile, Jarx also stretched his arm to receive the handshake before the trophy was given to him

It was a golden cylindrical trophy with crystal glass in the middle part with the words "Rising Star Actor of the Year 2022"

In the bottom part of the trophy was a black slate that has Jarx's name on it

This award that Jarx received warmed his heart. He had a hectic year as he strived to receive at least one award

He would already be happy if he received a minor award but it was actually the main award for male rookies. Words cannot describe how happy he is, it felt like he was on cloud nine and all of his hard work was paid off

While holding the trophy in his hand, Jarx walked to the platform on the stage where he would give his speech and also answer some questions

Jarx held the trophy in one hand and adjusted the mic in the other

"Everyone, please listen to my cliché and boring speech. The one that you always heard in events like this" Jarx started, earning a fit of laughter from the audience

Actors and Actresses most of the time have a persona that they portray to the audience

It can be the ray of sunshine type or the ice-cold type. As for Jarx, his image has always been described as genuine

The way he speaks was not as eloquent and 'graceful' as the other celebrities. It was instead a light, sometimes funny, and genuine

It was like he is acting as the real him no matter what the occasion is and such a celebrity is very refreshing

"Hahaha, I don't really have anything to say aside from I am happy. This happiness is not only because I received an award... though, that is of course a large part of it. Who would not like awards, right?" He continued, making the audience laugh again

"But aside from the award itself, I am also happy at the indications of what this award has. For example, I could at least expect that our distinguished directors or producers would want to work with me, right? Please give me a job, hahaha kidding"

After making the audience laugh several times, Jarx felt that it was enough as he spoke with a serious tone this time

"Jokes aside, this reward indicates that all my efforts and hard work have been recognized. Think of it as when you are a kid, you would draw some stickman figures. It's not the most promising art in the world per se but once you showed it to your parents and they complimented your work, wouldn't you feel like you are on cloud nine?"

"As a kid, being praised for the things we put effort into made us proud and happy. When we reached adulthood, for me, that trait of us wouldn't change much. We would still experience inexplicable joy when our efforts bore fruit"

"Today, receiving this award, I can say that the tree of my labor has finally bore fruits. And I hope that this wouldn't be the first and last fruits"

Jarx ended his brief speech by raising his trophy in the air

At first, he was waiting for the questions from the press but all of them suddenly turned on their phones

In fact, even the audience which is mostly celebrities, directors, producers, investors, etc. also checked their phones

"Okay... did I miss something? This is making me nervous, guys" Jarx joked after seeing the state of the audience and all eyes turned to stare at him while the audience murmured with each other

Their abnormal actions cause Jarx's heart to beat faster than normal and he wiped the sweat on his forehead, thinking that something was amiss

Finally, after a moment, one of the reporters raised her hand, indicating that she would finally ask Jarx a question

"Yes, our lovely Miss, what would the question be? Please don't tell me that it's about my sexuality again. I don't think my homosexuality is not known to everyone yet" Jarx said with a chuckle

His full disclosure of his sexuality is also one of the reasons why people think that he is a genuine person

Society might have become more open and supportive to the LGBTQIA+ community but there are still many homophobic people out there

His sexuality is also one of the reasons why Jarx didn't expect to receive the main award for rookie actors

"Haha, that's not the question but related to it" the reported replied

That made Jarx think that the question would be whether he has a boyfriend or something like that. He didn't expect that it would be something that would exceed the word 'boyfriend'

"Mr. Jarx, is it true that you are married to the grandson of Chairman Nixon and the current CEO of Star Entertainment - CEO Zesther Blaire Nixon?"


The smile on Jarx's face froze as the reporter's question came in like an atomic bomb

He had expected various questions about his sexuality or love life but this doesn't include them

Zesther Blaire Nixon... that is a name that Jarx hasn't heard in a long time or at least a name that was not associated with him

He didn't expect that tonight, the night that he received a great award, such a question would be asked to him and he was unable to react

The reporter that asks that question raised her hand and showed a picture on her phone

"Mr. Jarx, is this marriage certificate between you and CEO Nixon real or not?"


Jarx swallowed a mouthful of saliva. His teeth slightly clattering as his body tremble. He can feel his pores releasing an excessive amount of sweat as his blood run cold

If his face wasn't covered with light makeup, people would definitely notice how his face turned pale from that question


The microphone in front of Jarx created a loud static noise and that puts the audience in a frenzy

They had received the same news as the reporter that asks the question earlier and they are also eager for the answer whether they be the reporters, celebrities, directors, and investors

"Hahahaha, this question, everyone please be patient for the answer"

The situation has become awkward and wild that Jarx's manager has to step out

He hurriedly went to the stage to take the frozen Jarx away from the eyes of these people

The flash from the cameras intensified as the reporters tried to forced out an answer from the actor

It took a ton of effort before Jarx and his manager escaped from these frenzied reporters


Inside a van, Jarx can be seen biting his nail in nervousness

"Kuya Kenzo, what should I do now? How did they find out?" Jarx asks his manager nervously

[Note: Kuya - A Filipino term with the literal meaning of 'Older Brother' that can also be used for people that you are not blood-related]

Kenzo Almarez is Jarx's manager but they also have a close relationship and they treat each other as brothers

The two haven't known each other for a long time but they forged a great relationship with each other and it was also Kenzo that discovered Jarx's potential

"Jarx, knowing you, if the marriage wasn't true, you would immediately deny and laugh at it. Why didn't you do so? Was that real?"

At that question, Jarx bit his nail harder than before as unpleasant memories flashed in his mind

The memories of years ago that he already forgotten resurfaced and he felt a tightening sensation in his heart

"K-kuya..." Jarx called out and Kenzo sighed at him before pulling his hand

"You don't have to answer. Jarx, you always bite your nails whenever you are nervous. With your reactions, it's not hard to guess the truth"

Jarx can only lower his head at that. Both of them knew that the answer was yes, the marriage was true

"Marriage certificates aren't something that people can easily get. Besides, you and that man from the Nixon Family didn't have any interaction in your year in showbiz. Who would find the effort to see and check if the two of you have a relationship with each other? The photo... only you know the people that could possibly leak it"

Jarx entered a thoughtful state as his eyes flashed with anger

"Zesther Blair Nixon... are you trying to mess with me? Is your pride that wounded?" Jarx said through gritted teeth


Nixon Family Manor

"Hahahaha! Great! Great! This is great! Albert! Albert! Look at the news! Is this what I think it is?"

Chairman Yves Nixon can be seen sitting in a sofa in the Manor's living room while watching the news from the television

Albert is the Manor's Butler and also a close friend of the Chairman

"Chairman, I don't think that you should celebrate early. I don't think that they are together again. Someone must have probably leaked the marriage certificate to make trouble" Albert that was standing behind Yves said, damping the old man's mood

"Bah! Can't you just be happy on my behalf? Don't you know how much I love those two together? Why do they even have to break up?"

"Every time I remembered that day, I always feel like I would die from a heart attack! What the hell did that good for nothing grandson of mine did to hurt Jarx like that?!"

"Now, look, Jarx is already a famous actor with men lining up to be his boyfriend and husband! That brat Zesther would definitely face many competitors if he were to try and get back with Jarx now!"

The Chairman spoke while fuming and aggressively waving his cane in the air. Smoke almost coming out from his nose as his old and wrinkled face turned red from anger

"Maybe this is the best for them. They already parted and broke up before, why should they get back together?" Albert replied and the already fuming Yves was further enraged

"Come here, you bastard, I will hit you with my cane! I still held on to the hope that they would reunite and here you are, cursing them! Let's see if I won't hit you with my cane!"

"Chairman, don't be like this. If you hit me, my old bones wouldn't be able to take it. I'm saying this for Sir Jarx's sake. You know how your grandson can be, even if they get back together, I fear that Sir Jarx would get hurt again. I know how much you love Jarx and you don't want him to get hurt again, right?"

At that, the Chairman was tongue-tied. His butler was speaking logically but no matter what, he still thinks that Jarx and Zesther can only be with each other