
Reigning Kingdoms

In doing good, she became evil. Cateile, an independent princess of Kajor was often sheltered by her Royal Father and Mother. With the sudden appearance of an older sinister sister that she never knew existed, her life changed completely. In hopes to save her kingdom from an evil threat, Cateile sells her soul for a power that is far too great to handle. A power that eventually will summon "him".

Deja_Andio · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Light at the Edge of the Mountain

Cobrantes rested back in the chair, studying the map that Qemor had displayed on the table. She traced her hand along the ridges of the delicate cloth. After a fortnight of being within Ipreya she had a detailed map of the seaport city.

For two weeks she had sent men to survey the ships docking at the port under the pretense of buying fish to eat. There they had calculated the royal guard's patrol, from the security at the ports all the way to the shift switches at the guard towers aligning the city. They had come so far in such a short time.

"Well? What do you think?" Qemor was standing across from her. His arms planted against the table as he leaned over it. His eyes roamed over the map until he stopped at a specific spot.

"Here. This is the weakest side. No one would see it…." Qemor's voice trailed off as his eyebrows scrunched together. She wasn't paying attention to him. Her eyes were planted on him, but she appeared in deep thought. He leaned back, crossed his arms and waited.

"Do you remember? When I first decided to become Queen? Not ruler quite yet…but just…queen." Cobrantes' expression seemed a bit sad as she recalled.

"How could I forget it? As much as I would like to forget it. But how could I?" Qemor's eyes turned cold and it took him a moment to look away, obviously masking the hurt within.

"Why did he choose me? Of all people?" Cobrantes' gaze continued to pierce his face.

"I cannot explain to you what his intentions are. I told you. It was something about you."

"I suppose I was just strong enough to wield dark magic."

"No… I think not. I think it was because you knew the truth. You saw the orb. When the will of man tries to be greater than the Gods….they often attempt to hide the truth."

"Listen to you. Going on about the Gods. As though you have truly seen one." Cobrantes chuckled slightly.

"Cobra. You are a God. You can't deny that and when it is time for you to show it. I'll be honored to be at your side."

"As the queen's fool, no doubt? Nothing more?" Cobrantes' eyes almost seemed to plead with him.

"There was never anything more." Qemor took that as his queue and his turned to begin his exit out of the room. Before he could close the door shut behind him, he heard one small whisper from Cobra's lips. Liar.

She sat staring at the closed door behind him. The memory she spoke of was almost too vague to remember. Although it was a life changing event for the both of them, she could have never imagined just how much of change it would be. From a destitute abandoned orphan, she became one of the most powerful people in the kingdom of Lusidor. To rule, is not what she wanted. It was to be respected and to be respected meant to rule. Whether it be loved by all or feared by all and she had found the perfect executioner to help her.

"Amka!" Cobrantes called for her personal guard to enter the room. Her mind was determined to speed up the process of her revenge now after remembering the promise Qemor and she made long ago.

"Where is my sweet father?"

"My Queen, the Heliar is at the northern gates welcoming the foreign royals." Amka's head was bowed, one arm crossed over her chest in a respectful manner to the Queen as she awaited her orders.

"Good. Now for some alone time with siblings, shall we?" Cobrantes raised her hand to have Amka help her rise. She escorted Cobra over to the dressor and helped her begin adorning her robes.

"Make sure it's the black satin gown with long sleeves. I would hate for them to see what I have up them."

Today marked the second set of activities for the Moon Festival. Lords and ladies were arrived from all over Kazuure flocked to the palace. It was the day before the hunt! There would be a wide variety of competitions that would happen at the palace grounds. They would have an archery contest, a dance of the swords, and a ceremony to welcome their newly appointed High Priest. They had not had one since Jarhod's 'mysterious' death near 10 years ago.

Ifira and her two daughters stood at the Great Hall welcoming guests as they made their formal bows to the Heliar. Typically, they would show their respect to both Heliar and heir, however Furok was still on his way home with his armies. They should have been here by now, surely?

One lord after another walked in, greeting and speaking to the women. All wore a pretentious smile. All but Cateile.

Cateile kept glancing around the room looking for someone of more importance. A high priest perhaps. She wanted to know about her nightmare that she had for years and even more so about this recent dream.

Cateile had had several bouts of forgetfulness. She remembered she had spoken to Cobrantes after the banquet, but she did not remember what about? She couldn't remember how she had gotten home and how she had fallen asleep there? It was the same when she journeyed to Ipreya. It seemed as though every time her sister was involved, she blacked out.

"Cat. Psst. Cat." Kilik was standing behind a column in the corner of the Great Hall. He was currently on duty and therefore should have been overseeing the guards patrolling. What was he doing there?

Cat could see him out of the side of her eye, but she didn't look over. She couldn't be rude and break the current conversation she was having with Lord Amray, son of House Amray of Aetranthis. He was an 'important' lord, no doubt.

After finishing the conversation, she politely excused herself.

Cateile was dressed in a golden silk gown that shimmered as she walked. Her hair was neatly coiled around her face, dipping far past her shoulders near to the middle of her back. She wore a pair of golden head jewels that outlined her hair line. Tassels of yellow gemstones dangled from the headdress, falling right along her eyebrows. She knew she had turned a few Lord's heads tonight, no matter how much she didn't seek the attention. She was already betrothed and was fairly happy with her father's selection. After all, Kilik was a fine man.

Cateile threw a look out of the side of her eye over at Kilik and grinned. She picked up her goblet of water at a nearby table and surveyed the room. Before she made her move she ensured that no one was watching her, lest she get Kilik in trouble. She made her way over to him.

"What are you doing?" Cateile whispered to him smiling, amused at his posture as he tried to hide behind the column. He grabbed her hand and led her to a door where the east tower's stairway was located. They ascended the stairs hand in hand, careful as to not let the footsteps echo.

Once at the top of the tower, Kilik pointed over to two goblets placed on the edge of a railing. The terrace was large and could be accessed from multiple locations, but Kilik knew that it would be vacant with all of the guests still being entertained downstairs.

"Wine? My princess?" Kilik extended one of the cups out to Cat, smiling.

"You know father told me not to drink tonight! It's an important occasion! Matter of fact, no one should be drinking! We have the competitions tomorrow and the hunt directly after!" Cateile laughed and held the cup away from her face as though it were poison in it. Since when did she ever listen to the Heliar? But this time was different. She wanted to be focused for the activities tomorrow.

"Fine. My apologies." Kilik reached out to grab the cup and scoffed as she quickly jerked it out of his reach. "As I thought."

"I suppose one glass will do it." Cat smiled and turned to lean over the terrace railings.

The night wind whipped her hair slightly out of her face as she stared up into the sky. The terrace they stood on faced West. In the distance she could still see the dark outline of Mt. Loufei. No one had ever ventured further west of the mountain. Rather, no one had ever ventured to those lands and made it back alive as far as she knew. The closest city to that was slightly further north, the capital city Omni of the Western Kingdom. Legend has it that there is a large waterfall atop a cliff that the natives called the Waterfall of Oblivion. She had never heard about the story behind it.

Cateile had been in such deep thought as she watched the mountain that when she snapped to, she realized Kilik was staring at her, just mere inches from her side. His gaze was soft, enticing. She had stopped mid drink and pulled the cup away from her lips after a sip.

"Kilik?" Cateile felt a little shaken at the look in his eyes. It was not the first time he had given her this look, but it was surely the first time while they were alone. It… excited her and confused her at the same time. Is this the way a man looks at a woman? She wasn't sure if she wanted this to happen. What if he didn't treat her as a friend anymore and just as his wife? Did she even understand what that meant? So many words came to her mind, but before she could express her concerns, he leaned in.

Kilik's lips pressed against hers slowly. Cateile was very inexperienced, so she was a bit wary of reciprocating his movements. She dipped her head down as his lips brushed against hers. Was this the correct way? How could she think when her heart was racing this fast? This was the first time Kilik had kissed her and she was clearly distracted?

"You look beautiful tonight." He pressed his palm at the lower of her back as he pushed her in closer. He slightly turned their bodies so that his back was facing the mountain. With his other hand, he lifted her chin and dipped his head back in for a second kiss.

Cateile felt herself gulp a mountain of air as she prepared herself. She was ready!

"Look!" A light from the corner of her eye caught her attention just as Kilik's lips were mere inches from hers. She had been waiting for the light to turn on all night! Just west of the mountain, there was a light shining in the darkness. For years since Cateile could remember she had seen the light shining off into the distance behind the mountain. She had always wondered who and where that light could have come from?

Letting out an amused laugh, Kilik smiled and rolled his eyes as he turned to face what she was looking at.

"Are you that amused at that light? You have seen it from nearly twenty years of your life?"

"Can't be twenty! I'm twenty years now!" Cateile laughed at the absurdity of Kilik's math. She certainly wasn't looking at the mountain when she was in her mother's womb!

"And you're still interested?"

Playfully pushing him, they laughed together. After a few more rounds of conversation Cateile urged Kilik back to his post before he got caught out of his line of duty. Smiling, a bit intoxicated, she watched as Kilik made his way back to the stairway. Telling herself to follow behind shortly, she turned back to look at the light in the sky. The mysterious light had comforted her for years when she had no one else to understand her. Especially about her dreams she had.

"Ah! Love! So fleeting." A voice came from the corner of the terrace.

Cateile gasped, startled that anyone else had been up on the terrace with them. Did they see what she and Kilik had….? Wait. She knew that voice. That haunting voice. It was Cobrantes.