
Reigning Kingdoms

In doing good, she became evil. Cateile, an independent princess of Kajor was often sheltered by her Royal Father and Mother. With the sudden appearance of an older sinister sister that she never knew existed, her life changed completely. In hopes to save her kingdom from an evil threat, Cateile sells her soul for a power that is far too great to handle. A power that eventually will summon "him".

Deja_Andio · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Cat! Come back here!" Nara went racing down the corridor after her sister. "Where do you think you're going!?"

Nara was trying to restrain her sister from leaving the Royal Infirmary where father had ordered them to take Kilik. Kilik's life wasn't in any danger, but because Kilik was assigned as their guardian during the festivities that meant that their time had abruptly ended.

Nara reached out, grabbing Cat's arm before having it jerked from out of her reach.

"Nara I'm going! I waited all year for The Hunt and you won't deprive me of it now!" Cat could feel anger boiling up inside of her. She had trained with Nara secretly just so that she could honor her father in this year's festivities. She would not allow it to be taken away.

"We have to make sure Kilik is okay!" A look of desperation flashed on Nara's face. She was practically begging her sister to stay, but to no avail.

"That small wound won't kill him. Besides, we are not healers."

"Father told us to stay to tend to Kilik! We cannot disobey him!"

"We shouldn't disobey him, but I am." Cateile finally yanked free from her and bolted out of the corridor towards the training grounds again. She didn't dare to look back lest guild overcome her at the thought of her dragging Nara down with her. However, if the Hunt was a success, then she could beg for leniency for them both. Cateile for being the troublemaker and Nara for not being able to control her sister.

Nara watched her sister disappear out of the corridor without even so much as an apologetic look. She couldn't think of any way to stop her and she sure wasn't going to chase after her. She had to get back to Kilik!

Just as Nara turned to head back towards the infirmary, she saw a silhouette out of the corner of her eyes. It was Cobrantes a little further down one of the corridors staring out into the courtyard where Cateile had just sprinted off. She was leaning forwards against the railing nonchalantly. Slightly turning, her eyes connected with Nara, and a grimace spread across her face. Almost as though she was disgusted? Paying her no mind, Cobrantes turned on her heels and headed in the opposite direction.

Back in the infirmary, Nara sat down beside Kilik who was sprawled across the cot. His waist was wrapped in blood-soaked linens and his chest was bare. He was awake but not saying anything. He just stared off at Nara as she lowered herself beside the bed.

"What is it, Kilik?" Nara rubbed his arm gently, concerned at the blank expression on his face. His forehead was pooled with sweat signifying how hard he had struggled to win.

"Where is Cat?" Kilik disregarded the question as he looked over her shoulder to try and locate her.

"She…. She's with father in the Great Hall." A lie that Nara had to tell. Nara couldn't chance Kilik worrying about her little sister. She knew that he would jump up at the thought of her defying father and cause more harm to himself.

"The Healer said that I won't be able to attend the Hunt today. The wound isn't life threatening, but it is deep." Kilik grimaced in pain as his hand brushed over his abdomen.

"Careful! Don't touch it!" Nara scrambled to help him lift the sheets up to his chest. "You must rest now. Don't think about anything else. Father will be with Cat while you are not there. I'll stay here to tend to you."

"No, it's fine Nara. When you see Cat have her come to see me." Kilik rested his head back and closed his eyes. He had just drunk the pain medicine that the healer brewed up and was nodding off.

Nara watched him drift off into a deep sleep. She picked up the cloth that was in a bowl of water next to the bed and wrung out the excess water. Gently dabbing away the beads of sweat dotted on his forehead, she rested her eyes on his lips.

She shouldn't, she knew, but she couldn't help herself. Surveying the room to make sure there was no one present, she hovered over Kilik. Gripping the cloth tightly in her grasp, she lowered herself to place her lips gently on his.

"And where do you think you're going?" Cobrantes appeared around the corner of the stables, blocking Cat from leaving on her horse. Reaching out, she touched the horse's reigns, shocking the animal.

"Calm…Calm Ulov." Cat gently petted the side of it's neck gently to reassure him that he was in no danger. Cat glared at Cobrantes; her head tilted sideways in question as to why her sister was blocking her.

"What do you want, Cobra? You startled him."

"It's Cobrantes to you….still and it's not surprising. Horses do not fare well with snacks." With one hand still on the reigns, Cobrantes wrapped around to the side of the horse and grinned up at Cat. A mischievous grin on her face. One of pure humor. "I'm only here to make sure the princess remains safe without her bodyguard."

"No thanks to you. I'm sure." Cat stared ahead, avoiding looking down at her sister. She knew the young queen was up to no good and she wanted no parts of it.

"So, I take it that you will be joining us for the hunt. Yes?"

"Us?" Cateile whipped her head around to stare down at Cobra. Surely, she hadn't meant that she was joining the hunt?

"Yes. Us. I will be joining with Qemor since it seems you are down a royal guard now." A slight chuckle left her lips as she leaned back on the stable's rails behind her. She flipped a pair of gloves from her left breast pocket and proceeded to adorn them. "My apologies about that. I do wish to help guard you. The hunt will be terribly dangerous."

A feeling of uneasiness washed over Cat. Her instincts told her that the absence of Kilik was planned. Qemor had done a great job at ensuring to not entirely kill the man, but to achieve the task. This thought was very scary to Cat. Even still, this wouldn't stop her from this event. No matter what.

"I presume that it became even more dangerous at the thought of your attendance, dear sister?" Cat's annoyance showed in her tone and in the look that she gave down to Cobra.

"Now, whatever is the matter sweet cub? After the dance this morning, you seem to be rather hostile towards me? It was simply a friendly duel. I truly wish you no harm little one."

With a roll of her, Cat gently dug her heels into the horse's side and bolted out of the stables. Cobra's laugh could be heard echoing behind her. She couldn't tell if she was nervous about the hunt or excited.

All she had to do was hide out for another hour until the royal party rode out for the hunt. Cat was prepared for the night to come.