

It took Kai and Andre three days to get to the kingdom of Valen which was mostly humans. Then ,Kai and Andre looked for a place to settle down before heading to the castle the next day. After settling inside the house Andre asked " why did you decided all of a sudden to come to this kingdom when you heard about the king looking for his close relative to take the throne after his death."

Because I am a close relative of the king* answered Kai making Andre eyes to widened in surprise ." So you mean u are somehow related to the king" asked Andre " But how are you related to the king I don't understand " asked again Andre " My mother was the mistress of the king grandfather. However she got pregnant, that was the time during the invasion of the castle to kill the king and his son. My mother was the first to see them and she took on her heels to leave the castle " .

So you mean you are not just some random relative but also a blood line of the royal house?" asked Andre " Yes " answered Kai. Andre then said" so if your mum is the king's mistress there is no need to investigate you but make you the king as soon as possible " " I think so".

On their way to the castle the next day, they passed through many villages but dusk came sooner and they had to wait again "we still have a long way to go" sighed Andre. "Don't worry, I'm not in a haste. why don't we wait and rest for some days?" asked Kai "that would be better" said Andre who was already sitting on the floor with his back rested on the wall of a house he sat near.

Walking ahead, Kai saw a maiden watering a garden he thought to be hers at the corner of a house he also thought to be hers. On getting there he greeted, "good day lady", lifting her head she saw a delicate being standing at the other side of her garden. He had thin pink lips, dull green eyes and inky black hair, she concluded he was Avery good looking man. When she saw his brow raised up which clearly indicated he was anticipating her reply, she realized she was staring too much.

Clearing her throat, she answered "good day to you sir, how may I be of help?" "I was wondering if I could live at your place for some days" he said so straight forwardly. After hearing what the stranger said, she was so surprised 'how can a stranger ask to live at her place' she thought. Anyways, she was not the position to make that decision.

Excusing herself, she went inside the house and came back after few minutes followed by an elderly lady. "good day ma" greeted Kai once again making Chloe roll her eyes at the so gentle, straight forward stranger. "good day, how are you doing?" she asked back. "I'm not doing ok as I'm looking for a place to rest for a couple of days actually I'm on a journey with my friends over there" he said in a row as he pointed at Andre who seemed to be asleep...