

As King ushered the Beast Pirates into Wano, Queen, Jack, and the Tobiroppo wasted no time in staking their claim to the finest chambers within Onigashima. Meanwhile, Kaido turned his attention to his beloved daughter, Yamato, with a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Yamato, my dear, you are a princess from this day forth," he announced with a booming laugh, reveling in her joyous reaction.

Yamato's eyes sparkled with delight as she processed the news. "Really, Father? Yay!" she exclaimed, her laughter ringing out in the room.

But their jubilant moment was abruptly interrupted as the door swung open, revealing Kozuki Toki and her daughter, Kozuki Hiyori. Kaido's expression darkened as he gestured for the Beast Pirates to leave the room.

"All of you, out," he commanded, his voice carrying a weight of authority that brooked no argument.

As the room cleared, leaving only Kaido, Toki, and Hiyori, a tense silence settled over the chamber. Kaido fixed his steely gaze upon Toki, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the room.

"Now, Toki," he began, his voice low and dangerous. "What am I to do with you? You should have already sent Momonosuke to the future, along with that pink-haired samurai and the elderly man with blue hair. I cannot sense them in Wano."

Toki nodded solemnly, her expression betraying no hint of fear as she faced the fearsome Emperor of the Sea. But Hiyori, overwhelmed by the imposing figure of Kaido, couldn't suppress a shiver of fear that ran down her spine, her eyes widening in trepidation at the sight of the powerful tyrant before her.

Toki's plea pierced the heavy atmosphere, her voice trembling with emotion as she begged for mercy for her daughter. "Please, spare Hiyori's life," she implored, her eyes brimming with tears, a mother's love shining through her fear.

Kaido regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. "And why should I?" he questioned, his voice cold and calculating.

Toki's heart sank, but she refused to yield. With a determined resolve, she turned to Hiyori, her expression filled with maternal tenderness. "Hiyori, my dear, please leave this room," she urged softly, her voice quivering with emotion. "Wait for me outside."

With a nod of understanding, Hiyori silently obeyed her mother's request, slipping out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Alone with Kaido, Toki knew that her fate hung in the balance. With a heavy heart, she began to disrobe, a gesture of resignation in the face of overwhelming power. Stripped bare, both physically and emotionally, she stood before Kaido with quiet dignity, her gaze unwavering despite the fear that gripped her soul.

Toki's words hung in the air, a solemn acknowledgment of her surrender to Kaido's will. As she looked upon the Emperor of the Sea, her voice trembled with a mixture of fear and resignation. "Master, I am yours from now on," she murmured softly, her gaze lowered in deference.

Kaido's laughter boomed through the room, a cruel echo of his dominance over those who dared to defy him. With a swift motion, he discarded his robe and lowered his pants, revealing his imposing physique in all its raw power.

Toki's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. "So big," she murmured shyly, her words barely audible amidst the tumultuous emotions that swirled within her.

Toki's plea for mercy trembled on her lips, a desperate plea born of fear and uncertainty. "Please," she whispered, her voice barely more than a hoarse whisper, "have mercy."

But Kaido's laughter rang out once more, a cruel mockery of her vulnerability. With a dismissive gesture, he silenced her plea, his expression unyielding in the face of her anguish.

As Kaido loomed over Toki, toying with her as if she were a mere pawn in his twisted game, little did they know that Hiyori, Toki's daughter, was silently observing from the cracked door, her eyes wide with horror and determination.

As Kaido's cruel laughter echoed through the room, Hiyori's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and defiance. She watched helplessly as her mother endured the Emperor's torment, her fists clenched in silent rage.

With every passing moment, Hiyori's resolve strengthened. She knew she had to act, to find a way to save her mother from the clutches of this monstrous tyrant. But as she weighed her options, a sense of dread washed over her, knowing that any misstep could lead to dire consequences.

In the shadows, Hiyori remained hidden, her presence a silent witness to the unfolding tragedy. And as Kaido continued his cruel game with Toki, she silently vowed to find a way to rescue her mother from the clutches of darkness, no matter the cost.

Toki lay beside Kaido, her lips meeting his with a fervent hunger that mirrored the intensity of their shared desires. With a boldness born of desperation, she explored his mouth with her tongue, tracing every contour with a feline grace that left no corner untouched, no boundary unexplored. In that moment of raw passion, she surrendered herself entirely to the tempestuous embrace of the Emperor of the Sea, her every kiss a testament to the depths of her longing and the power of her submission.

Kaido's climax washed over them both, a primal release that echoed through the chamber with thunderous intensity. Toki's cries of ecstasy mingled with his own as she surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her veins. With a final shudder, she collapsed against Kaido's powerful frame, her body spent and her mind awash with sensations too intense to comprehend. As sleep claimed her, she nestled against him, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace amidst the tumultuous storm of their passion.

In the quiet aftermath of their tumultuous encounter, Toki succumbed to exhaustion, her body yielding to the gentle embrace of sleep in Kaido's strong arms. With a soft sigh, she nestled closer to him, finding solace and security in the warmth of his embrace.

Outside the closed door, Hiyori stood in silent vigil, her heart heavy with worry for her mother yet understanding the sacrifices she had made. With a gentle touch, she closed the door, shielding the intimate scene from prying eyes and granting them a moment of respite from the chaos of the world outside.

As the night stretched on, the room was enveloped in a peaceful stillness, broken only by the rhythmic cadence of their breathing.