
Reign of Alber: A Tale of Power and Betrayal in One Piece

When an earthly Alber's soul inhabits the body of the feared pirate leader in the One Piece world, a new era of terror begins. Armed with foreknowledge of the realm and a sinister system rewarding every kill, they set out to reshape the seas in their image. Unleashing their lust for power and dominance, they leave chaos in their wake. But as they navigate the treacherous waters of piracy, they must confront the darkness within and the looming specter of betrayal. Will this unholy fusion forge a new empire, or will it crumble beneath the weight of its own malevolence?

FanficPhantom · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


As King arrived at the imposing gates of the prisoner mine, the warder, Babanuki, greeted him with a mixture of surprise and apprehension evident in his demeanor.

"What's up with the sudden visit, Vice Captain King?" Babanuki inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of unease.

King's eyes, gleaming with determination, met Babanuki's gaze squarely. "Take me to Kawamatsu," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

Without a word, Babanuki nodded, leading the way through the dimly lit corridors of the prison. The clanging of metal echoed ominously as they traversed the labyrinthine passages, each step bringing them closer to their destination.

Finally, they reached the cell where Kawamatsu, the kappa, was held captive. The air crackled with tension as Babanuki unlocked the heavy door, revealing the stoic figure within.

Kawamatsu regarded King with a mixture of defiance and contempt, his sharp eyes betraying no hint of fear. "Why are you here, King? I told you I won't join the Beast Pirates," he declared, his voice laced with disdain.

King's response was swift and merciless. "Then die," he stated coldly, his resolve unwavering.

With a primal roar, Kawamatsu lunged at King, his movements fueled by righteous fury. But King was prepared. Channeling the dark power of his Devil Fruit, he enveloped his sword in swirling black flames, unleashing a devastating attack.

"Take this, you fat kappa! Black Flame Sword Style!" King's voice reverberated through the cell as he launched his assault.

In a blur of motion, King appeared behind Kawamatsu, his blade flashing with lethal intent. With a single swift stroke, he cleaved through Kawamatsu's body, the black flames consuming him in an infernal blaze.

The smell of charred flesh filled the air as Kawamatsu's lifeless form crumpled to the ground, the once proud warrior now reduced to a mere shell of his former self.

Witnessing the gruesome spectacle, Babanuki remained silent, his gaze fixed upon King with awe and trepidation. As King emerged from the cell, his aura of power and authority unassailable, Babanuki bowed low, a silent acknowledgment of the vice captain's dominance.

As the moon cast its silvery glow over the world, King's commanding voice pierced the night air, cutting through the stillness like a blade. "Babanuki, bring Hyogoro, that old blue-haired man, out. Bring him to me."

Babanuki nodded in silent acquiescence, swiftly rallying a contingent of guards to execute King's orders. With purposeful strides, they made their way to Hyogoro's cell, the anticipation of impending confrontation palpable in the air.

Hyogoro's voice echoed from within his confines as the guards approached. "Where are you taking me at night?" he questioned, his tone tinged with suspicion.

"Shut up," Babanuki snapped curtly, his patience worn thin by the prisoner's defiance.

With a forceful shove, Babanuki thrust Hyogoro forward, presenting him before King with an air of solemn ceremony. Without preamble, King's eyes narrowed with determination as he wrapped his blade in Haki, the aura of his power crackling with intensity.

In a swift and calculated motion, King unleashed a barrage of attacks upon Hyogoro, catching the elderly man off guard. Despite Hyogoro's valiant attempt to defend himself with Armament Haki, it proved futile against the sheer force of King's assault.

A deep gash marred Hyogoro's chest, crimson blood welling forth from the wound as he staggered under the ferocity of King's onslaught. With a resigned curse, Hyogoro transformed his body, enlarging himself in a desperate bid for survival.

But King showed no mercy, his relentless barrage of strikes fueled by the primal power of his mythical beast fruit and augmented swordsmanship. Each blow fell with deadly precision, wearing down Hyogoro's defenses until he was engulfed in a maelstrom of black flames.

As the flames consumed him, Hyogoro's anguished cries echoed through the night, his once formidable stature reduced to ash and embers by King's unyielding fury.

As King descended upon the Kid's prison, his presence an ominous harbinger of impending doom, the gates were no match for his indomitable will. With a single, fluid motion, he cleaved them open, the metal rending like paper before his might.

Within the confines of the prison, Kid sat with an air of defiance, his eyes alight with a fierce determination that mirrored King's own. "The fuck are you looking at?" he spat, his tone laced with contempt.

But King's response was measured, his smile bearing the weight of age-old wisdom. "Do you not know how to respect elders, Kid?" he retorted, his voice carrying an undercurrent of authority.

With a swift and decisive strike, King infused his blade with Ryou Haki and black flames, the combination of his formidable powers a testament to his mastery of combat. Kid, though formidable in his own right, found himself at a disadvantage, weakened by the sea stone handcuffs that bound him.

Attempting to block the onslaught, Kid coated his hands in Armament Haki, but the sea stone sapped his strength, leaving him vulnerable before King's relentless assault.

"Stop the futile resistance, Kid," King urged, his voice commanding obedience.

But Kid, defiant to the end, refused to yield. "No, I won't die today," he declared, his words a testament to his unyielding spirit.

In a desperate bid for victory, Kid unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, the sheer force of his willpower reverberating through the air. But King, undaunted, met his challenge head-on, releasing his own Conqueror's Haki with ease and overpowering Kid's with effortless superiority.

With a surge of strength, King pressed forward, his blade piercing through Kid's defenses with merciless precision. As the life ebbed from Kid's body, a grim silence descended upon the prison, broken only by the sound of King's footsteps as he departed, his mission accomplished and his dominance reaffirmed.

With the deed done, King's gaze hardened as he issued his final command.

"Babanuki, feed them to the fish," he ordered with a steely resolve, his voice brooking no argument.

As Babanuki nodded in compliance, King turned away without a backward glance, his mind already set on his next destination.

With a powerful flap of his wings, he ascended into the night sky once more, leaving the prison and its secrets behind as he soared towards the mist-shrouded mountains of Wano, his path illuminated by the pale light of the moon.