
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

ZEN [14]

Regressor's Instructions Manual Episode 935

Zen (14) (Illustration)

"Seriously, my luck is terrible. Ah... I just bought new equipment... Dammit."

'You just need to clean it. Seriously, this guy. He's making it look so messy. It's like he's going to eat rocks.'


"Excuse me. Please get up."


"I told you to get up. Seriously... people are staring. Ugh..."


"Just give him some gold or items. If this gets known, it'll become complicated for no reason."


"You should be mindful of others' eyes too. How long are you going to act like you're in a tutorial dungeon?"

"But he blocked the path. Hyung. He didn't even collide that hard, but he's lying there like it's all staged... Isn't it disgusting? Just close your eyes a couple of times. If you're short on gold, don't think about resorting to physical violence. Do your job, you good-for-nothing son of a bitch...."

"That's enough."


"Don't make things more complicated. It's a time to be cautious of getting involved in unnecessary matters. The guild master hasn't been in a good mood lately... If an incident occurs, what will we say to him..."

"Since when was he your guild master? He's mine."



"Looks like I'm unlucky. How much do you need?"

I have plenty of money, you bastards.

Even your salaries come straight out of my pocket, you bastards.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not sure, but it seems like there's trouble."

"Is it the Blue Guild?"


Sure enough, voices murmuring with discontent start to reach my ears.

I should have avoided attracting attention suddenly, but there's nothing else to say—it's beyond my control.

The situation and development are so absurd that words fail to describe it properly.

In front of me stood two men and two women, new members of the Blue Guild, dressed in blue.

It's only natural for my attention to turn toward the newcomers' abilities, but I shouldn't appear as clueless as fresh graduates from the tutorial.

Judging by their abilities alone, these individuals are worth investing in.

They might not stand out like Jung Hayan or Kim Hyusung, but they show potential for growth beyond the norm.

If not for the recent incidents, I might have considered nurturing them. Perhaps these newcomers understand their worth better than anyone.

'Yeah, right. Acting like they own the world.'

Their guild was different from when we joined it on the verge of collapse.

The Blue Guild had become the undisputed top guild on the continent, wielding influence not only in their home country but also elsewhere.

Even as low-ranking guild members, their social status couldn't be ignored.

They might attend gatherings that commoners could only dream of, thanks to their high salaries and signing bonuses.

Although the guild generally discouraged such frivolous social activities, attendance was a matter of personal choice.

Perhaps these brats...

'They seem to be enjoying themselves.'

Their expressions showed that they had realized they were part of the privileged class, acting as if their lives were different from those of ordinary people.

Their good looks and confident smiles reflected how much they enjoyed their extravagances.

Their skin was radiant, and their faces were brimming with self-assurance. Having lived ordinary lives before being summoned, they probably felt like they were the protagonists of this story.

The world ahead of them would probably look so beautiful.

'Kim Hyun-seong. Damn it. Did you conduct their personality assessments?

Naturally, they felt uncomfortable with the sudden attention, just as I did.

The only one who seemed to be aware was one one of the men, who opened his mouth with a salesman's smile.

"Mister, are you alright?"

"Long time no see, Teacher."

"It seems like we made a big mistake on our side. Natalya. Could you check if there's anything wrong with him physically?"


"Mister, could you please stand up?"

"There doesn't seem to be any serious problem. He doesn't seem to be significantly injured... He might need some rest, though. He looks quite unwell... But we have something important to do right now... If it's alright with you, can we take you to the hospital? We'll make sure you have everything you need for your recovery... You can hold us responsible for today's mistake."

'At least this guy knows how to read the room.'

However, his gaze is cold.

Yeah, he probably finds dealing with the unprivileged class to be bothersome.

If it weren't for the local bystanders, he might have just ignored me and walked away.

There's even a possibility he'd make a sarcastic comment and pass by. It's fortunate that he didn't just spit and leave.

"It's... It's okay."

"I told you. Hyung, this beggar needs gold. They want to take him to the hospital. Why don't you want to go there again?"

"That's enough."

"All I have in my pocket is this. It should be enough for medical expenses. Use it well. Be more careful and open your eyes next time."

'Look at how the locals are talking about this brat.'

Of course, the locals can't hear them. The scene that nearby onlookers are witnessing appears to be a heartwarming moment of me receiving gold from the guy.

Even the thought that the brand image of the Blue Guild, which they possess, is important seems to have left my mind.

No, the brand image isn't important now. Damn it.

"You're lucky today."

"I told you to stop. Well, we'll go in now. We apologize once again."

The guys who helped me to my feet begin to fade into the crowd, and those who look at this side with envy and disdain come into view.

Opening my pocket, I feel like there's roughly a few dozen gold coins inside.

From my perspective, it might be a small amount of money, but at this moment, it feels like a huge sum.

There's a hint of greed in the air around. Suddenly, a large amount of gold has fallen into the hands of these fat cats, so there's a possibility it might attract unsavory characters.

'Yeah, Damn it. They probably think they own the world.'

- Commander.


- Hey, Jin Cheong.


- Commander Jin Cheong. Can't you hear me?


- Hey!

- Shit! What's the problem now...?

- Did you hear about the new guild members recruited by the Blue Guild Republic Branch?

- ...

- Who picked these guys? Hyun Seong?

- So you met them.

- Hyun Seong picked them, right? Did you pick them?

- To be precise, I allowed them to join under the agreement of two people. The only thing that powerful fool did was ask me for advice. I just told him what he wanted to hear.

- What did Kim Hyun Seong want to hear?

- Quick results.


- He wanted quick results. They seem capable and presentable. They have talent, and most importantly, they grow fast. They're quite... highly regarded in the Republic, especially since they've already completed a dungeon conquest.

- How about their character?

- I mentioned they're quite well-mannered, didn't I?

That might be true for you and Kim Hyun Seong. Who wouldn't bow to the two most powerful figures on the continent?

Even someone with anger management issues would be swayed by Confucianism. That's how everyone pretends to be good.

If you're blinded by the fruit in front of you and suddenly devour it, what will you do?

- Did you do a background check?

- What kind of investigation do you expect for newcomers who just barely escaped the tutorial dungeon? They haven't even officially joined the guild. For now, they're just temporary guild members of the Blue Guild Republic Branch...

- Like you are, Commander?

- ...

- Oh, forget it. It was just a useless joke. Don't get hurt. Don't get upset. Anyway, why did you bring them here?

- Is that important? It's been a while since you had a break, so I guess you're enjoying your leisure time. Maybe celebrating the dungeon conquest...

- Do all the little hoodlums who enjoy their leisure time at the black market exist here? Well, maybe Commander does. He's probably gone to the black market and bought slaves for two million gold. He probably only sees what he wants to see. He probably handpicked those guys just like how you handpicked these idiots. You, this idiot. Kim Hyun-seong didn't pick them, did he? You bastard. You're the one who blew the whistle. And you're a fool.

- I don't know why you're so angry, but I don't know why your hysteria is pouring onto me.

- So if Kim Hyunseong wants something, do we just follow along? It's not like the Blue Guild Republic Branch is doing anything bad to you. Couldn't you help them a bit with sincerity?

- I'm not here to indulge your anger. Act reasonably.

- And what if I don't act reasonably?

- There's a limit to how much I can tolerate.

- Well, if I don't tolerate it, what are you going to do? Hit me? Hey, Jin Intern, if you don't want to work, just leave. Get out!

- ...

- Oh, this little bastard! What the hell did I do to you? I only did what you told me to. Everything I did was what that powerful fool wanted. I matched them up with that powerful idiot, helped that kid with his work, and repeated words like a parrot that he couldn't understand. None of it was what I wanted. Damn it! I'm tired of listening to your petty stories and I don't want to be manipulated anymore. Damn it! Damn it! You bastard, Lee Kiyoung! I don't care about the Blue Guild Republic Branch or anything else! I don't want to deal with that idiot for even one more minute! Damn it! And the way you disrespect me like that!


- Wait... You're getting worked up. I Apologize.

'So frustrating.'

- Damn it...

'Because Hyunseong has ways of making people frustrated.'

I lost my temper with Commander Jin Cheong, who is so serious. He must have had a hard time too... I must have only thought about myself too much. Especially since others are even more frustrated.

- No, I understand Commander Jin Cheong's feelings well enough. But next time, let's not lose our temper. Let's control ourselves a bit.

- And I'm busy right now. I have somewhere urgent to go. See you later.

- Where are you going?

- To make money.

I asked you once, sucker. I need to show these guys how rough and tough the world can be.

And I might be able to involve the criminal I'm managing right now...

I sat there stupidly for a moment, but my actions are swift.

I got up immediately and start searching for them through the telescope.

I'm not sure if people are looking for good spots or choosing a restaurant, but there are still guys walking around the square in sight.

They enter the alley, dragging their legs. The gangster attitude remains unchanged.

"Foolish behavior..."

"I know."

"Think about the meaning of the guild emblem we have. Think about what it signifies for us. We're not in the same class as them."


"We must be able to forgive and show tolerance towards people like that. It's the privilege of those in power above us... and it's the world we have to live in. We have to be mindful of others' perspectives and humbly deal with even the smallest and seemingly useless matters. We are the privileged class. Think of the small responsibilities that come with the power we hold. Compared to what we'll enjoy in the future... they are so easy to overcome."


"I don't deny understanding your feelings. However..."

I withdrew from the alley just as the guys are about to come out.



"This guy..."

"You... you rascal...?"

Was the Saint of Light 's body really that fragile?

"Why is this guy...?"


The pitiful sight of me sprawled on the ground felt as if I had collided head-on with an 8-ton truck.

"Ugh... Aaargh..."

"What the hell is this lowlife doing right now?"

* The next page contains an illustration of Seraphim.
