
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Picnic (43)

Regressor's Instructions Manual Episode 1080

Picnic (43)

[[[Kim Hyun-sung's POV]]]

A sense of warmth enveloped the room. Slowly opening my eyes, I was greeted by the bright sunlight flooding the room.

It felt like I had finally had a peaceful sleep after a long time. Though still lacking a sense of reality to the point where I wondered if I was still in a dream, the sudden rush of thoughts brought me back to my senses.

Naturally, I quickly surveyed the room. The scene looked somewhat desolate. The first thing that caught my eye was the scattered bottles of alcohol everywhere.

Not only on the table, floor, but even on one side of the bed, empty bottles lay. Moreover, the room was littered with unidentified debris.

Seeing signs of furniture being damaged here and there made it feel less like a place where people lived and more like a place where beasts resided.

'Not entirely incorrect.'

Even thinking to myself, it was hard to deny that it wasn't entirely incorrect. For the past few days, I had indeed been living like a beast.

'A person who doesn't even appreciate kindness.'

I couldn't understand why I had behaved in such a manner. If I were to offer an excuse, it would be that the situation left me with no choice but to be stubborn. It was a situation that couldn't be resolved through conventional means.

The idea of rescuing those suffering in other continents was something I couldn't comprehend from my narrow perspective.

How great a price had been paid for the current peace. It wasn't just a simple story of sacrifice and resurrection that could be attributed to the god of sacrifice and resurrection.

While it could be called a happy ending, in the process, we had to lose many things and let go of many things.

Despite everything seeming perfect, deep down, it was likely still tainted by various events.

For the person who had been hurt more than anyone else, the present was a time to recover from that pain.

Even now, due to those Templars who wouldn't feel satisfied unless they tore him apart, he had to walk the path of penance once again.

Having to walk a path similar to before, having to venture into the thorny path, having to once again save a continent with a new Regressor...

No matter how much I thought about it, it was an incomprehensible story. It was natural to harbor discontent.

The problem lay in the way that discontent was expressed. It was that I had made a mistake.

"Ki Young."

A strong yet tender person. Always smiling as if nothing is wrong, but more than anyone else, he carried a lot of pain and suffering.

After hearing unexpected news from Chanelle Hermès, Ki Young's heart must have been uneasy as well. Perhaps more than anyone else, he must have been tormented.

Ki Young was inevitably someone born to love everything and was not someone who could turn a blind eye to the unhappiness and pain of others.

The result of all his actions was kindness, bringing joy to the world, and healing its pain.

Perhaps when Chanelle told the story, Ki Young might have been even more confused than I was. 

When I was struggling, he was always by my side.

'I couldn't do that.'

Isn't it shameful as a friend? Instead of supporting and embracing him, I ignored and rejected him.

Instead of sharing the burden, I might have even contributed to it. 

I pretended not to notice his solitude and pushed him to his limits.

Perhaps, I pushed him to the edge of the cliff.

"Let's talk about it again."

Yes. Let's talk about it again. Since you mentioned talking again today.

Though the memory of yesterday suddenly came to mind and felt embarrassing.

'You did well to gather courage.'

The method might have been somewhat crude and rough, and I couldn't remember exactly what I said in my drunken state, but at least I conveyed my feelings, didn't I?

I didn't express my feelings. It might have been too late to realize that dialogue rather than maintaining a standoffish state was the solution.

Finding common ground might be difficult, but still, if we speak openly, perhaps there could be another way. There must be a solution that satisfies both of us.

I quietly got up to start clearing the scattered bottles.

I remembered Ki Young telling me to quit drinking, but despite that, a wry smile escaped me, thinking that the reconciliation was thanks to those bottles.

[ Ki Young, I'm truly sorry for yesterday. There are many things I want to say, but I'd like to meet you in person and say them. There are also some overdue stories, and... Also, formally... I'd like to apologize. Please leave a message at your convenience, and I'll come to you right away.]

I sent the message and waited for a reply, but there was still no response. He probably couldn't sleep properly because of me last night, so the reply might be quite late. 

As I went to the bathroom to wash up, contemplating how to apologize and how to unravel the story of the Rohan continent, time passed mercilessly.

'Yes. Chanelle Hermès. She was there. Since there's spare time, rather than wasting time here meaninglessly, wouldn't it be better to tell me a bit more about the story of the Rohan continent? Even if it's not directly intervening, there may be other ways to help.'

I went outside immediately, and the familiar figure came into view.

'Cho Hye Jin.'

Suddenly, the events of yesterday came to mind. Cho Hye Jin seemed to flinch at the thought of yesterday's incident, but then she greeted me as if nothing had happened.

"Hye Jin-ssi, and... Alphs is here too."

"Ruff! Huff! Huff! Ruff!"

"I-I greet the GuildMaster."

"Yes. Guildmaster. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Hye Jin. It's sudden, but... do you know where Chanellia Hermès is?"

"Ruff! Ruff!"

"I believe she's still in her room and hasn't come out yet. What's the matter?"

"Yes. There are important matters to discuss."

"Let me contact her."

"She said she'll be waiting in the office."




"I apologize for yesterday."

"No, Guildmaster."

"I should be the one to apologize..."

"Yes. I also plan to apologize separately to Ki Young. I've caused embarrassment in various ways. To Ki Young, to Hye Jin, and to other guild members."



"Everyone makes mistakes."

"Thank you for saying so."

"Surely, the vice guildmaster must have forgiven as well."

After that, I went straight to the office. On the way, I noticed Ki Young's room, but I couldn't knock on the door recklessly.

'He must be very tired.'

Perhaps he'll wake up around lunchtime.

It wasn't long after that the Goddess's Hand Mirror rang.

- GuildMaster.

- Yes, Hye Jin.

- Chanelle Hermès can't be found.

- Yes?

- As I just mentioned, Chanelle Hermès hasn't been seen. I went into the room she's staying in, but it was neatly organized. There's no sign of her going out either. I asked Chang-ryeol to read the traces inside the room, but...

- Yes?

A sinister thought crossed my mind.

- Um... I see. For now, I understand.

- Are they in Labeha? Li-an and Yeri are looking into it. We'll contact you as soon as we find out.

- Yes... Yes, understood. Oh! Please send Yeri to the Labeha Desert. I'll send you the exact coordinates... And...

- Then...

- Hye Jin.

- Yes?

- Is Ki Young...

- Yes? The Vice GuildMaster...

- No, it's nothing.

Even though voices continued to speak afterwards, nothing registered in my mind.

I hoped it was just a groundless worry, but I couldn't help but fear the worst. My mind kept conjuring up the worst scenarios.

'What did I say yesterday?'

I said I was scared to share the burden. I apologized for being a coward... I remember speaking in that tone.

Though only vague fragments remained in my mind, I couldn't recall the exact wording, but I distinctly... I distinctly remember saying I was scared.

Perhaps... perhaps...

"Oh! Blue GuildMaster."

"At today's workshop, I'd like to briefly mention the topic for discussion..."

"GuildMaster. You're here. Did you come a bit early today? Haha."

"Kim Hyun Sung."


"We have a plan to introduce supply innovations during dungeon expeditions. It's still in the early stages, but... I believe Blue GuildMaster will be pleased. I wanted to mention it quickly, but you're gathering a bit early today..."

"GuildMaster! While supply during expeditions is important, I have a better idea. Perhaps... special creatures... chimeras..."

"Haha. You're quite enthusiastic from the morning, aren't you? GuildMaster, don't you think you should take a little break too? Everyone?"

"Isn't it necessary to workday and night for the continent's development? Isn't that right, Blue GuildMaster? Hahaha."

"Shut up."




"GuildMaster Blue? What did you just..."

"Fuck off."

Stiffened figures unable to move can be seen.

After pushing them away, I tried to head straight to Ki Young's room, but my feet wouldn't move properly.

It's just a short distance that wouldn't take more than a few seconds, but I couldn't bring myself to take a step.

Perhaps it's due to anxiety. Thoughts I didn't want to entertain lingered in my mind.


'Ki Young... Ki Young... Ki Young...'

Did what I said yesterday sound different?

"Ki Young... I'm... It's Kim Hyun Sung."

Maybe he accepted that I was tired, scared to carry the burden together. He's the kind of person who wouldn't expect anything in return for something given.

"Ki Young, can you hear me? Hayan...Is Hayan there?"

There's no voice coming from inside. Not even a response...

"Ki Young-ssi! Hayan-ssi!"

Even the usual sense of connection...

'I can't feel it.'

Since when?

Since when has the connection been severed?

Are my eyes... Are my eyes still the same?

In my desire to deny it, I looked into the hand mirror, but there was no message, I tried to make a call, but there was no answer.

"It can't be."

Slowly, with my eyes tightly shut, I opened the door.

'It can't be...'

"Ah Fuck..."

The space was empty, devoid of any warmth.

* * *

"Where is he?"


"Where's Hayan? So Ra?"


"Hayan? Sora?"



"Damn it..."

[Ki Young has entered the 'Beginner's Trial' tutorial.]



Get ready, we are on our way to the Rohan Arc, hehe.