
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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140 Chs


Regressor's Instructions Manual Episode 1079

Picnic (42)

A time when emotions could run high, a time when one could drink and knock on someone else's door without feeling any guilt, 2:33 in the morning.

Kim Hyun Sung, mumbling with a faint pronunciation, seemed truly devoid of any guilt.

"You, you, aren't you being too rude?"

"Sorry... hiccup. Sorry. Hayan Just a moment...."

"This, this person, is, is not a decent person! I, I didn't see it that way... Leave! Right now! Why is there... no... no respect in this situation! For people!"

"Hayan... It's not like that."

"Oh, if you have something to say to Oppa, come tomorrow morning! Even without that, to someone already having a hard time... There should be... some... dignity!"

'What's dignity. Hayan was too excited. Calm down a bit.'

"I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hayan."

"It's... it's really chilling... The apology... should not for me!"

"Hayan, So, um. I want to... apologize...."

'This guy is really a mess. Totally drunk. Whatever happens, I need to address the alcohol issue first.'

The sight of a guy drinking and then banging on someone's door was a typical unwanted guest, or a drunkard.

Nowhere in that scene was the appearance of a hero who saved the continent seen.

Who could see the current Kim Hyun Sung and think of the sunset hero?

The common point between the Sunset Hero and Kim Hyun Sung, the god of drunkards, was only having a face flushed like dusk.

If it weren't for the face reddened like dusk, I wouldn't have recognized who this guy was.

The face already seemed soaked in alcohol. The unfocused eyes meant this guy wasn't in his right mind.

'He seems even more drunk than last time.'

If a person like Kim Hyun Sung couldn't control his body properly, it's hard to imagine how much he had drunk.

Is he still staggering? Even standing alone seemed difficult, leaning against the wall, and the effort to enter the room was also strange.

He kept whimpering, and tears filled his eyes as if he were about to burst into tears at any moment.

I was worried he might suddenly burst into tears; what more needed to be said?

He started drinking around 6 o'clock, so nearly 8 hours....

'How is he going to recover tomorrow morning?'

No, maybe he's in a completely blank state, so he might not even remember.


'How can this guy be so pathetic.'

I thought I had seen Kim Hyun Sung hit rock bottom, but it seems there was an even deeper abyss beneath it all.

"I think I misunderstood... Hic...."

"So, um... right now...."

'In the midst of all this...?'

What was surprising was realizing that Kim Hyun Sung was originally a superior seed.

I never imagined that appearance-based discrimination would come out so prominently here, but seeing Kim Hyun Sung in such a degraded state felt like watching a protagonist with a tragic backstory in ruins.

If an ordinary person had shown such a sight, it wouldn't have been strange for affection to plummet and even call security immediately. [[[I'm wheezing.]]]

I somewhat understood why they cast all lead actors as handsome men and beautiful women.

If it wasn't Kim Hyun Sung in that spot but Park Deok Gu... No, Deok Gu has a cute side at least, if he had brought one drunken guy there....

'The drama would have been too realistic.' 

Meanwhile, the situation was escalating even further, as everyone who had been in other rooms burst out due to the sudden commotion.

"Guild Master, you're too drunk."

"Hye Jin-ssi, I... have something to say...."

"Guild Master... I'll take you to your room."

"Hyung, let's not do this. Wh-what's all this commotion in the middle of the night? Hyung, I understand your feelings, but... there's not just today... If you want to apologize, you should speak seriously with a clear mind... This isn't right. Pull yourself together. Is this the behavior of a leader? Mistakes should happen once or twice... What would you do if Hyung-nim saw you like this...."

'Thankfully, the new guild members are using a different floor. Even Ye Ri...'

Even so, if you act like that in front of Vallery and Alp's, it doesn't do justice to your role as a guild master. You won't have a face as the Guild Master.

It's fortunate that the original members like Hye Jin and Deok Gu are here to hold him back.

"Y-yeah! Come back tomorrow morning when you're sober!"

"I... I... am clearer than ever right now. Please believe me."

"No, don't say that...."

"I'm thinking more clearly than ever."

It probably wouldn't be something the 2nd generation members like Yu Ah Young, Kim Chang Ryeol, and Han So Ra would want to see.

Realizing that intervening in this situation wasn't their assigned role, Han So Ra, lying on the bed, also looked at me with sleepy eyes.

'Reminds me of the old days.'

Yul-Ha was like this too.

When noise was heard from outside, memories of childhood when we pretended to sleep in the room, maybe Han So Ra was feeling something similar. [[[A hint to his life on Earth]]].

It's best to just wait for this storm to pass.

"Aren't you going out? Vice G-Guild Master?"

"I have to go out. Just a bit later."

"Oh... okay."

"Let So-ra go out first."

"Huh? How can I... what am I supposed to do...."

"That's up to So-ra's discretion."

"If the Vice Guild Master goes out, it'll be resolved."

"The main character always appears last."

"No... what do you mean... What if the Guild Master catches us?"

"Hayan's here, why worry so much. Whether So-Ra gets caught or not, your duties are fixed. Anyway, if he wakes up tomorrow morning, he won't even remember who scolded him. So hurry up and go out."

"But... but, somehow, the Guild Master is... intimidating."


"I'm a bit scared."

"No, just go for now. If you're uncomfortable sticking to Hyun Sung's side, pretend Hayan's stopping you."

Of course, even if Han So Ra goes out, the situation won't change much. Kim Hyun Sung was still causing a scene.

Han So Ra's role was simply to regulate and calm down Hayan, who was getting too excited.

"Jung Hayan! Calm down!"

"So Ra! Let go! Th-this isn't right! It was a rare peaceful night!"

"Inappropriate, Guild Master!"


Whitey barged in.

"Ki-Young. Ki-Young!" 

[[Damn, even I feel embarrassed about Hyun Sung's behavior. Man fell too low.]]]

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The situation was becoming even more chaotic, resembling the fierce barking of a dog when it sees a drunk person.

Even though loud voices could be heard here and there, it was clear that a different approach was needed to subdue the stubborn drunkard who refused to yield.

"I... have something to... say...."

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

It was the moment when Ki Young appeared.

"Ki Young...."

As I looked in the mirror, roughly straightened my clothes, and slowly rose from my seat to move outside, for a moment it felt as if time stood still, and the now quiet hall entered my vision.

Perhaps everyone sensed my presence, as heads turned in my direction, and suddenly, all eyes were focused on me.

The sight of a wounded Ki Young. With slightly swollen eyes and an aura of vulnerability, I overwhelmed the audience.

"Hyung... Hyung, please go inside. Here... I'll..."

"I... I must be a worthless person. Sob... Sniffle...."



[[[Creative liberty was taken.]]]

Even Whitey remained silent in the face of his self-declaration.

"Don't cry. Why are you crying?"

"I must be a bad person. I... I want to help carry the burden too, but... I'm... I'm too scared. There are too many frightening things. I don't know if my choices are right...."


"In case I make a mistake... In case things go wrong... I've made too many mistakes in my life... I... I don't think I'm a strong person. Sob... It doesn't matter if I'm wrong..."

While the speech was disjointed and incomprehensible, it conveyed Kim Hyun Sung's desire to express something. Some supported his heartfelt confession, but...

"Don't do this here. Go inside and rest for now. I think I roughly understand what Hyun Sung wants to say... Let's talk again tomorrow morning."

"Ki Young."

"You're very drunk."

"I'm like this because I'm drunk...."

"Let's talk about this tomorrow. It's time to stop drinking."


"I think it's best to stop drinking now."

"Yes. I won't drink anymore. Yes...."

"It's a promise."

"Yes. I promise. I promise."

"Go to sleep quickly."


Was that reassuring? The guy who had been lying sprawled on the floor like a homeless person finally closed his eyes and slowly began to sink into slumber.

'We subdued him in one go.'

"Hyung-nim. Hyung-nim, what about..."

"Move him to his room."

"R-right. I didn't expect Hyung to do this... Anyway, he's been scolded. I'll firmly tell him not to do this again tomorrow morning. You can relax."

"No, there's no need for that... Anyway... Hayan. Let's go inside first."

"Yes? Yes. Oppa."

This guy, Kim Hyun Sung, probably thinks it's all over.


Tomorrow morning, he'll wake up thinking we'll reconcile, and sleep peacefully with a happy face, while being uplifted by Park Deok Gu.

The smile on Kim Hyun Sung's face, sleeping blissfully, hinted that all conflicts had indeed been resolved. Whether he remembers or not, at this moment, he looks truly happy.

'I guess it's over like this.'

I'm relieved inside.

Perhaps Ki Young won't have to manipulate Kim Hyun Sung for a while.

Surely, he won't.


Before this guy sobers up, I'll probably disappear to the Rohan Continent.


Sorry for the huge skip, I didn't have the chapters so I'll only be releasing what I have available. You can read the missing chapters on Wattpad.