
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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140 Chs


Regressor's Instructions Manual Episode 956

Atmosphere (7)

It was probably an event that happened a long time ago. A history that existed here before the Benigore's Church took root.

It's a story that isn't even well-known.

If the Mole Saintess wasn't Benigore, the situation might have become more complicated. However, considering the circumstances, it's right to think of the Mole Saintess's narrative as Benigore's narrative.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have turned this place into a dungeon. Moreover, wasn't the carved image of Benigore within the main entrance the most significant evidence?

If her story is about a saint who lived her whole life underground, blocking the continent's crisis from birth to death... the subject matter should be fine.

Judgment has been made that it should be enough to push away other stories.

What was a little strange was that Benigore's story was edited. In fact, the continentals were unaware of what had happened here.

Even though I looked for recollections related to the Church and religious texts related to Benigore, there was no story of her living her entire life underground.

She was remembered as the goddess who brought light to the continent, and there was no mention of her life as a human being.

Over time, the story changes and evolves, so there are many strange points in saying that her myth disappeared in the process of creating her narrative.

'Could it have been intentionally hidden?'

Even if I were a religious figure, I would have hidden it.

It would seem too dirty to say that, for the stability of the continent, they put a healthy person underground and saved the continent's crisis.

They probably just packaged it as the saint Benigore saving the continent... Ultimately, isn't it correct to think that this is how her position was established?

If so, did Benigore want to hide this story or reveal it?

Initially, she might have wanted to hide her pathetic life. If not, the timing of turning the Mole Saintess's cozy resting place into a dungeon would have been advanced.

Since the Benigore's Church was already well-established, there was no need to embark on an adventure.

Memories of when she was human could have been memories she didn't want to recall, or there could have been a possibility she wanted to deny.

Or perhaps she didn't even place hope in the continent...

When the dungeon was established, the Mole Saintess's cozy sanctuary was revealed on the continent, and even if the truth became exposed and the place was targeted, nothing would change.

She must have experienced all of this here, fuck.

Benigore's question could be approximately understood.

'Isn't this Benigore asking for my help? She wants me to deal with the saint trapped in iron and inform people that such a thing happened.'

Benigore's blood is still flowing from the Iron maiden. Naturally, her body must still be lying there.

Additionally, the messenger, Gerk, hadn't yet fulfilled his mission.

If this dungeon hadn't appeared, the Mole Saintess's story might have remained underground for her entire life.

[Chu... Honorary Cardinal... Chu... Chu... Chu...]

But... I wonder if it can understand this, shit. Too much time has passed.

At that time, it probably wasn't an empire either. It might have just been an ordinary kingdom.

[Chu... Honorable...? You... ...]

Was there even an Honorary Cardinal at that time? The position might have been slightly different.

Fuck, when I think about it, the Benigore's Church might not have existed in the beginning. What was the name of the Church? It seems to have changed a lot...

I acted unnecessarily. The messenger, Gerk, said to take his orders, but he doesn't seem to be following my orders properly. Even people are staring at me. What will I become? [[Lol]]

This won't work, Shit.

When in doubt, emit light. No matter what, spread your wings and emit light. [[This is embarrassing for some reason]]

After quietly exiting outside, begin to unfold the wings of brilliant light. The enormous sacredness begins to take its place in the surroundings.

A faint light, a light that anyone would recognize as different, a light that could blind someone, 'that light.'

Unknowingly, I let out an exclamation of admiration, and the blacksmiths and knights around me stare at me in silence. Their gazes reflect in my sight.

[Ahh... Ahhh!]

Even the monsters are startled.

"Messenger Gerk, fulfill your mission."

I put strength into my voice, speaking not with forceful command, but with a gentle persuasion.

Gerk... How difficult it must have been for you. The days when you wandered like a wraith.

The Saint of this light understands it all. It's alright. Release it. Pour out everything within you.


Yes. Yes. That's right.

I can't tell where its eyes are. I couldn't even call it a face. But tears flow from the eyes scattered all over its body.

Trembling, Messenger Gerk stops his actions and starts speaking.

[Mole... Mole... The saint... took her own life... in the Iron Maiden... She ended her life... The saint who supported the continent for so long... The suffering saint...]

'Ugh, this bastard. Why can't it speak properly?'

[The radiant and glorious crisis of the continent... now...]


'Ugh, I want to punch this bastard. Seriously.'

[In the underground... notify the Church... We cannot leave the continent to collapse like this...]


[A saint will be born... Ah... A saint will be born... This saint will love the continent... Embrace the continent... Live for the continent... But remember... my sons and daughters... my precious descendants... Prevent this saint from seeing the sky. Prevent this saint from seeing the light... If this saint looks upon the light, she will lose everything... She will lose all her divine power and miracles...]

'What's that? Is that a prophecy?'

[A new prophecy is needed. A new trust... A new light is needed to support the continent...]

'What the hell, fuck, this atmosphere is weird... Let's dim the brightness of the light a little. It would be good to fold the wings a bit.'

[The continent... radiant and glorious... continent... O continent... Continent!!]

'What the hell... This guy is strange.'

[A saint!! A saint will appear!!]

Damn, it startled me.

[A saint will appear!!!]


[A saint will appear!! As prophesied!!! This saint will love the continent... Embrace the continent!! Live for the continent!! But remember!! My sons and daughters... My precious descendants!!! Prevent this saint from seeing the sky! Prevent this saint from seeing the light... If this saint looks upon the light, she will lose everything... Ah... She will lose all her divine power and miracles!!! A saint!! A saint will appear!!!]

'Fuck! Damn it, Hyunseong!'


[A saint!!!]

For a moment, it's such a grotesque scene that I almost forget the concept, and the mouths embedded within the creature suddenly open, screaming those words repeatedly.

[A saint will appear!! He has appeared!!!]

'Damn, who the hell heard this?'

Fortunately or unfortunately, no one paid attention to it's voice. Everyone seemed to be focused on the monster's transformation.

Even if someone heard, they'd probably think they misheard.

But one person seems to have heard clearly.

Without hesitation, a pair of arms fly out of the body of the rampaging monster, straight at me.

There's no time to stare in bewilderment.

I had to make a comment about the monster's frenzy.

"Completely... He's completely fallen..."

If he can't communicate with me... in any case, he's fallen.


"Grant him rest..."

The problem is that bestowing rest isn't easy. Kim Hyun-Sung torn-off its arm splits further. Like vomiting out what it had consumed, the white monsters continuously burst forth from the spot.

[The Saint is coming!!!]

'Get lost!'

[The Saint is coming! The Saint will come!!!]

The sight of those creatures sticking to the ceiling or walls and crawling their way down is disgustingly disturbing.

[The Saint is coming!]

It mindlessly reach out its arms and try to attach themselves to my side, not caring about its own bodies. It's obvious what their goal is.

Naturally, Lee Kiyoung remains composed. The number, whether it's many or few, doesn't matter.

Well, the creature appeared at the entrance like a guardian of sorts.

The expedition members quickly attach themselves to the split creatures, and various colored spells are scattered in all directions.

Amidst this, Kim Hyun-Sung, with wings, is in the process of slaughtering those who move while airborne. Although the number seemed too much for one person to handle, it meant nothing to Kim Hyun-Sung.

By releasing a pair of wings and rotating in the air, the creatures that were once in the air fall to the ground.

The fallen pieces of flesh extend parts of their bodies to advance, but they're nothing more than flesh chunks.


And they can reunite again.

The flesh that can't advance entrusts their bodies to Gerk, again.

[The Saint!!!! The continent... The continent will be saved once again!!! Glorious and magnificent for eternity... It will be left that way!!]

'This is simple.'

Sneakily glancing at Han sora, she nods her head and recites a spell. The preparations are complete as she sends a magic of poison type toward the flesh chunks.

The violet surface that can self-purify seemed to be gradually softening, but there's no way it won't have an effect.

The body becomes dull, and the fused flesh that wasn't done properly falls off.

[For the future of the continent!! A new Saint!!!!]

The creature wasn't maintaining its form properly. It's like a stage testing the strength of the raid party's attacks.

[Aaaa--- Aaaaah!!]

Knowing that it can't use its bulky body, it stretches its hand toward me as much as possible. But with a sizzling sound, its arm melts away.


Jung Ha-Yan, who is quietly reciting a spell next to me, comes into view.

'I wonder what items this guy will drop.'

Functional ones are good, but items related to the dungeon would be even better.

The journal of Messenger Gerk, or things like letters or documents that can assist in conquering. Naturally, if expensive items appear, they're obviously good.

Even as different thoughts cross my mind, the hunt continues. However, there's no need to watch closely or comment.

Everyone is faithfully fulfilling their tasks, and they nod their heads. But there are noticeable moments.

'These guys are seriously creepy.'

Their appearance is creepy enough, but their actions are even more so. The charred flesh and flayed flesh continue to move toward here.

They're moving as if they're determined to get the Saint in their hands... as if they can only think of one thing, extending their hands and feet, raising their voices.

[Saint!!! Saint!!!!]

'Ugh... damn.'

[Gehuuh! Saint!!!]

It's not just me who's in a daze. All the soldiers on the front line are staring at it with faces showing disgust.

The creature doesn't fear injury or death. In the dungeon, there are many types of monsters, but most are cautious of creatures like these.

[Hahaha!!! Hahaha... Hahaha!!! The Saint!!! He's coming!!! The Saint is coming!!! The Saint!!!! The Saint is here!!!]

Not a single person relaxes their expression until the raid is over. They've realized that the dungeon is weirder and more bizarre than they thought.

'Shit... I'm creeped out too.'

I never thought it would turn out like this. Seriously, guys. Seriously, Hyun-Sung...

"For heaven's sake..."


"For heaven's sake! Didn't I tell you not to come?!"

The appearance of Kim Hyun-Sung after the battle...

Without a doubt, It could be described as if the seizure button had been pressed.


Ki-young is seriously a pain in the arse sometimes.