
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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140 Chs


Regressor's Instruction Manual Episode 954

Atmosphere (5) (Illustration)

It was an appearance as if a king himself were traveling.

Of course, the importance of the control tower goes without saying, but it feels a bit excessive.

It's not a religious event, nor a visit to another country. This is undoubtedly an expedition to conquer a dungeon, and investing an entire attack force in escort troops is not the wisest choice.

The quality and scale of the troops surrounding the kiln is more than a match for a ship's crew... It seemed like an exaggeration.

The news that the Honorary Cardinal was heading to the dungeon just to play around seemed possible.

The exterior of the carriage was unnecessarily luxurious, and the surroundings were filled with members of the Blue Guild, including knights.

Four carriers were sweating profusely as they carried the kiln. While their stats may be slightly lower, these intermediate adventurers are indeed skilled. Their relaxed composure is unwavering, almost as if they are seasoned kiln carriers, and the interior is as comfortable and splendid as a high-class carriage.

The magically expanded interior includes a bed, sofa, and even a small kitchen. It looks like it could comfortably accommodate about four people.

As I watched the carriers, who were bearing such a weight, a sense of empathy naturally arose.

'These guys...'

They even seem overly tense. It's as if they've received a threat that they'll lose their three legs if they make a mistake and drop the kiln.

If they're sweating this much even in this cold underground, there must be a problem.

'I feel bad for them for some reason...'

I was just too comfortable. As I absentmindedly swung my carriage a little, I heard a voice from the side.

"Lee Ki-young, would you like another drink?"

"Yes, thank you, Yuno."

"It's a pleasure to see you again after such a long time, Lee Ki-young."

Seeing her sipping her tea, I indeed felt that it had been a while since we met. Though we maintained contact through messages, our different spheres of activity meant few chances to meet face-to-face.

Yuno was effectively Celia's ruler, burdened with numerous responsibilities as a result.

"How long has it been since we rested like this...?"

'We're not really resting now. We're going on an expedition.'

She could only think like that because she was so comfortable here.

"Do you remember? In the black world..."

I don't remember, but I should nod to keep the mood positive.

"Leaving on this expedition together, it's been a while... It feels like a dream to be able to be with you, Master, no, Lee Ki-young. How precious this time is..."


"Oh! By the way, Lee Ki-young."


"I've heard that the guardian of the Silver-Haired Child hasn't been decided yet." [[Thronus]]

Well, Hyun-sung is the guardian for now...

"I heard that Kim Hyun Sung is the guardian but is resisting... Could I talk to Thronus about it?"

"T-Thrunos' guardian is Hyun-sung oppa... Right, Sora?"

A soft murmur came from Jung Ha-yan.

"Thronus needs Hyun-sung oppa because he needs to learn swordsmanship. Not just swordsmanship, but he's teaching everything else too... If it's not Hyun-sung oppa, it won't work."

It's a reasonable point. She once went berserk trying to kill him... Now, she doesn't exhibit that behavior.

With heightened self-esteem, Jung Ha-yan lost interest in Katsugano Yuno.

Unlike her who's practically glued to me, Katsugano was an outsider who occasionally hung around Lindel and probably thought there wouldn't be any conflict with me.

Even Katsugano Yuno hadn't received news of the baby. Naturally, she felt the difference between herself, who confidently held the position of Seraphim's guardian, and others.

Interestingly, Yuno was also ignoring Jung Ha-yan.

There wasn't any other reason. The first encounter with Jung Ha-yan was a long chess game, and that's the very reason she remembered.

Although she was quiet and well-behaved, sometimes she would cast pitiful glances at Jung Ha-yan.

"Jung Ha-yan, we need to discuss Sera's education."

"Ah, yes... Sora. That's right. Oh, right, oppa. I have various thoughts. Because of Sera's education..."


"They say social skills are somewhat important."

Really? I knew it.

"Of course, I know Sera gets along well with other friends, but it might be good for him to go to school... Sera seems to lack some social skills..."

"We can consider that gradually. It might be good to ask for Sera's opinion after this expedition."

Of course, in such moments, Katsugano Yuno would discreetly withdraw. For some reason, I felt an uncomfortable sense of guilt toward her and it made me uneasy.

The moment when the tapping sound came through the window was just then.

'Dammit. Thank goodness.'


"Yes, Hyun-sung."

"Are you okay inside?"

"Yes, of course."

"Being inside might be stuffy and tiring... How about taking a short break?"

But if I say that, how will it go? What would someone nearby say? Logically, I'm the one who should be tired from being here. Or should I say the people going down to the underground should be tired?

The carriers are sweating like crazy, how could they be tired from looking at me?


"You seem very tired. I'll arrange for a short rest."

'Darn it... They'll probably curse again. If we rest, will they set up camp? That's not what I want.'

Without a doubt, nobody here wants to rest. Whenever we take a break, there's always so much to do.

"I'll take a short break then."

Kim Hyun-sung confidently declares.

"Yes, Captain."

The subordinates nod, but their expressions aren't exactly pleased.

Different from everyone else, the adventurers' sighs started to emerge.

"Damn it..."

"It's annoying. Seriously."

"What can you do? Darn it. What kind of ridiculousness is this...? Planning to conquer a dungeon. Ridiculous. Did we come here for a picnic? We haven't even entered the dungeon yet..."

"Set up camp. Move quickly!"

"Yes, yes."

'Darn it. I shouldn't have come.'

Everyone here is top-tier adventurers. Most of them are figures who wield significant power in various guilds and cities, and they consist of members who are respected and admired.

Seeing these individuals setting up camp, cleaning the ground, and preparing tents is incredibly strange.

Especially the youngest members of each group are running around like sparks on their feet.

The mercenary known as the Executioner's Halberd is pounding stakes into the ground to set up the camp, and the fellow known as the Pyromancer of Scorching Heat is preparing flames.

Everyone is moving energetically, and they could be considered as top of the top, but sighs of discomfort can be heard from all directions.

"Damn it... That's why I didn't want to be assigned to this expedition..."

Nevertheless, this person doesn't retreat.

"It seems there are too many stones on the ground."

"I'll handle it."

Upon that single word, the members finished their tasks and were busily moving larger and smaller stones to the side.

Was it just my imagination that they tripped over a stone? Of course, having stones on the ground is a bit annoying.

"Please ensure proper hygiene."

"Yes, I'll handle it."

"Could you wait a moment, Ki-young?"

The only ones happy are the carriers. Having pushed their physical limits, they cautiously set down the carriage, then move to a distant area to rest.

I apologize for the mistake. Here is the corrected translation:

It seems as if I'm gazing at the inside of the carriage from a distance.

"I will step out."

'How is something like this even possible?'

The space that was empty just a moment ago is now fully set up in the blink of an eye.

As I step out, I still feel like resenting eyes are directed at me, though I can't quite understand why.

Could it be that they're blaming me for this situation? Or is it because of that guy with me? If he hadn't tagged along, we might not have been in this predicament.

For now, I had no choice but to pretend to be unwell. I need to instill the notion that it's due to health reasons so that the discontent among the expedition members can be minimized.

Honorary Cardinal, exhausted from the lengthy expedition, and the Saint who, despite his illness, joined the expedition with much difficulty.

"Ki-young, are you alright? It's just that your health..."

"I'm fine. Everyone is in a difficult situation... I'll do my best to endure."

I smiled weakly, as if I could collapse at any moment. The emphasis, as always, is on my determination.

Encouraging the expedition members resting in the area is also necessary.

I was worried that Kim Hyun-sung might follow, but Jung Ha-yan, who hurriedly arrived, took him away.

I don't know what those two want to say, but the atmosphere doesn't seem that relaxed.

They exchange a few words with serious expressions. I pretend not to notice and continue walking with Yuno, seeing the expedition members comfortably resting.

"Could I sit down for a moment?"

"Ah, it's Ki-young."

I shake hands firmly, a brief exchange of gazes, and a single smile.

I am Ki-young, option 1. Don't forget.

"Gathering like this for the continent, I'm not sure how to express my gratitude, Honorary Cardinal. When you put it that way, how can I..."

"Thank you. Thank you, Honorary Cardinal."

"If you have any discomfort or suggestions during the expedition... I'm always here, waiting."

"Could there even be something like that?"

"It's a relief."

Encouraging words need to be given to the hardworking carriers as well.

These people have skin tanned as if they've spent a long time outdoors. Their experience in field operations is evident.

I grasp the hands of those who are huddled together and chatting.

"Honorary Cardinal?"

"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you."

"How can we ever think of that...?"

The Saint of Light extends a hand equally to those marginalized...

"If only I could have walked on my own... But I suppose this is all I can offer."

A luxurious box likely contains a premium potion set, including fatigue recovery potions. And those are expensive.

"You don't need to go this far, Honorary Cardinal... We..."

"I understand how difficult and tiring it must be for all of you... Please accept it."


"Consider it my heart, and please accept it."

"If you put it that way... Thank you very much."

"And... I'd like to invite you to a dinner tonight... Would your schedule be alright?"


Don't feel burdened. It's simply a relaxed dinner gathering."

"Yes... If you say so..."

Yuno, who cautiously approached, continued the conversation. It was an expected statement, of course.

"Lee Ki-young, tonight you have an appointment."

Yes, I was aware of that. I just suggested we grab a meal together.

"I see. It's a pity, but we'll have to aim for another opportunity."

"Don't worry about us. Your guidance is more than enough."

"No, I really want to treat you all... But I'll have to bring it up again when I have the time."

"Yes... Yes! We'll be waiting."

A hearty response resounds. The carriers also pick up their spirits energetically. Encouragement and support are quite effective. Instead of resentful glances, the happiness of taking care of them settles in.

Compared to the adventurers who came on the expedition together, the ragtag group with mediocre skills, and the dinner with the distinguished Honorary Cardinal that can't be bought even with money, is just around the corner. How delightful must that feel?

'Should I just hire them as full-time employees?'

It's comfortable, but...

"Then, please take care of us in the future as well, everyone."

"We want to convey that we'll ensure your safety, Honorary Cardinal."

Yeah. Yeah, blondie. You're really good at talking.

In the midst of managing the expedition, a new officer, Plopherta, came running in a hurry from a distance. And it was right at that moment.

"I'll report, Commander. The 6th Assault Unit has encountered the hidden boss monster. The 6th Assault Unit that was ambushed, although they regrouped belatedly, the strategy failed, resulting in significant damage. While there aren't many casualties... Commander Elios, the leader of the assault unit..."

'What? That guy died?'

"It's confirmed that he sustained serious injuries."

'Shit, I need to control my expression.'

"That... well..."

But... is Hye-jin okay?

*The illustration of Sun Hee-yeong is attached on the next page.