
Regression Without Regrets This Time

I'm tired. This time I want to live without regrets, and will just live alone, then live my life in peace *** Zenovia Ralliade. Instead of living peacefully, he attracts problems like a magnet No one even wants to touch a strand of Zenovia's hair. Because there are famous words on the Androtti continent "Don't touch young master Zenovia, if you don't want your country to be destroyed in 1 night"

Rainey_Ren · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Making a Big Mess? (5)

Ryan returned to Zenovia's room after 1 hour

"Zenovia, keep your promise. Open the door and come out"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm out"

Zenovia opened the door, Ryan looked at the black 'thing' between Zenovia's arms. Ryan asked at that time

"What's that?"

"this? It's Kitten"

Ryan looked at Zenovia suspiciously, and asked again

"Where did you get it?"

"When I went out without your knowledge"

"Why did you take it?"

"Because I want to"

Ryan frowned, he saw the black 'thing' that Zenovia called a kitten

'Isn't that too big for a kitten? I would have believed him if he said it was a tiger cub or something.'

Ryan cleared his throat

"Anyway, don't take the kitten with you, leave it in your room"


"Why are you silent? Quickly put the kitten back in your room."


Ryan looked like a parent scolding his child

Zenovia reluctantly went back to his room and put the kitten on his bed

Kitten, no. To be more precise, the little panther was actually 'Abyss' in its true form

"Sorry, I can't take you away. There is cake on the table, you can eat it. I'll go first" Zenovia said to 'Abyss'

Zenovia then came out, and started following Ryan to meet the designer

On the way, Zenovia thought Ryan would rant about his behavior

'Did I finally piss him off?'

Meanwhile, Ryan, who had a flat and calm face, was actually considering something

'...Should I speak? No, what if I say something that offends him? I don't want him to think about making the decision to tear off his wings or something, just because of a small matter.'

Ryan finally decided to shut his mouth


"Sorry for making you wait"

Ryan spoke to the designer who was supposed to meet Zenovia 2 or 3 hours ago

The designer smiled

"Haha... It's okay, young master. Looks like young master Zenovia has had a free spirit lately," said the designer sarcastically.

'He must be annoyed' thought Zenovia with a satisfied smile

Ryan just smiled awkwardly

"So, can you start, sir?"

The designer nodded to Ryan's question

Ryan sat on the sofa there, while Zenovia was being measured by the designer

After a while, the Designer finished measuring Zenovia

The designer went to wrote Zenovia's measurements in his book

"Young master Zenovia... it would be better if you ate more and exercised."

Ryan raised his eyebrows, he asked

"What's wrong with Zenovia?"

"Young master Zenovia is thinner than the last time I measured him"

Ryan looked at Zenovia who was quietly waiting

'...is that the reason he ordered so much food?'

Zenovia looked at Ryan, then smiled. Making Ryan frown

'Uh... why does he always smiling like that, I don't like it' thought Ryan once again

The designer started asking Zenovia about the style of clothing he wanted

"Okay, I'll try to send the clothes tonight. Just in time with the predictions"

Ryan and Zenovia nodded. Then they left the room

While outside, Zenovia was about to go back to his room. Ryan grabbed his shoulder

"I will send lots of food and don't forget to exercise Zenovia"

Zenovia looked at Ryan in disbelief

"I exercise every day"

"... Is that true?"

Zenovia nodded "breathing, that's exercise isn't it?"

Ryan is the one who is now looking at Zenovia in disbelief

"But I will accept a lot of food with open arms," said Zenovia while putting a smile that Ryan didn't like

Ryan released his grip on Zenovia's shoulder, after which Zenovia immediately left


Ryan went to the temple, where many allied families had already come

Ryan went to where the Ralliade family was gathered

His brothers looked at Ryan indifferently. Noctilucent asked at that time

"Ryan, where is Zenovia?"

"... he is getting ready"

"How much longer?"

"About 30 minutes... I can confirm that he will arrive on time"

Noctilucent nodded, some of his siblings, especially the twins, Fenryl and Freya grinned

"I can't wait to see the results of my youngest brother's failed prediction," said Fenryl

Ryan sits in 6th place, while Fenryl is in 5th seat and Freya is 4th

"No, why do you expect a failure like him to be able to do divination?" said one of his siblings

Ryan just listened to his sibling's chatter that was badmouthing Zenovia

After 30 minutes had passed, someone reported Zenovia's arrival

"Young master Zenovia Ralliade, enter the temple!"

People's gazes were focused on the entrance to the temple

Zenovia appeared confidently, his gray wings somehow made some angels and other divine races stunned, it looked unique

Zenovia put on his smile as usual, he headed towards where the Ralliade family was gathered

He sat in the 7th seat, the last empty seat

One approached Noctilucent and told him something

After that Noctilucent spoke

"Thank you to everyone who attended, I as the head of the Ralliade family say---"

While Noctilucent was talking, Zenovia just tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair while looking at the people present.

'There are a lot of them... they seem to really want to embarrass me?'

"Okay, with this. We will begin Zenovia Ralliade's divination"

The saint, waited for Zenovia to descend to the center of the temple

Zenovia stood up from his chair and went downstairs

Tap, tap, tap

Silence fell, and only the sound of Zenovia's footsteps could be heard in the bustling temple

After Zenovia stood before the Saint and the Altar. Saint spoke at that time

"I will ask questions, I hope you answer all questions honestly"

"Go on"

"Do you wholeheartedly respect the Archangels?"

"... No"

Everyone who listened to Zenovia's answer flinched

"May the Archangels forgive you. Next question. Will you volunteer to serve your family and clan as 'Ralliade'?"

"... my answer is the same as before"

The Saint sighed, some people started to get annoyed with Zenovia's answer and some started to ridicule him

"Last question. If you were a pointer, whether at the lowest or highest level, what would you do with your 'Points'?"

"...hmm, it might make a mess"

The Saint flinched

"How can you say something like that? Being a Pointer is an honor. You shouldn't-"

Zenovia interrupted Saint

"That's right, I forgot to add. Apart from causing chaos, I also want to destroy the angels who act like they are the highest race just because they are called the 'divine race'"

Zenovia's words made several angels feel like their blood was boiling

Zenovia smiled, while in the row the Ralliade family was sitting...

Ryan, looking panicked, Freya and Fenryl grinned

His remaining siblings also grinned, they must be took this as entertainment.