
Chapter One - A New Dawn


Everything was aching.

His fingers to his toes, it all hurt.

"Inquiry. Shall I nullify the effects of pain?"

Robotic yet beautiful, a voice rang throughout his head. A reminder of stories about supreme and graceful goddesses, beautiful and elegant heroines, independent and daring damsels saving themselves. It offered the refuge he desperately sought. He reached out without question.

"Yes… please!" Voice hoarse, strained in desperation, he begged for an impossibility.

And yet, sudden and unexpected, a gasp tore itself from deep within his chest, relief spilling out of his soft lips as a cool wave crashed over him, washing away the agony. Like a miracle he'd always craved, his body relaxed of its own volition, in ways it had never once before. A sigh slid from his throat, parting his lips slightly as he melted into the soft bed below him.



He shot up straight, beautifully blue eyes searching, scanning, across his surroundings. Looking for nothing and everything at the same time.

He was no longer within a far too expensive apartment belonging to a witch; he was not under the sterile whites of a hospital room, breathing in the chemically clean scent; nor was he met with the comforting rose scent of his own homely apartment. Rather, it would appear, with worn, tawny burlap draped around him, across poles of twisting metal and gnarled wood, he was in some form of tent.

The question arose without a call. How?

No imaginable series of events could lead him to such a place, of that he was sure.

More importantly, why was his vision covered in some sort of user interface straight out of a role-playing game?

"Inquiry. Shall I attempt to recover data from before awakening?"

Once again, the voice of an angel rang through his mind and he began to look side to side, up and down, searching for the location of this person's call. Yet, he found himself alone, surrounded by nothing but a seemingly newly carved, ornate, oaken table and a few well-loved chairs of the same oak. As he sat upon a bed, raised atop a crumbling stone podium of sorts, he stared dumbly at his chest.

It was flat.

He didn't have his binder.

He was dreaming. That was it. He had to be.

"Negative. I formed a new body for you to live in this world. It is based on your previous body; however, you held a strong feeling of rejection to certain aspects of it. Thus, I reformed you to your needs," It responded.

"Okay, this has to stop. Where are you at?" Huffing testily, he looked around impatiently, as if expecting it to immediately hop out in response, from whatever hiding spot it was using.

"Answer. I am a part of you. I am System, you might refer to me as a she," It- she responded, voice a strange sort of dutiful, "As a part of your skill [User Interface], I am here to serve and guide you."

Serve? Guide? User Interface?

Okay, that last one was obvious, the ever-present beige icons and colorful bars across his vision marked his answer in bold and then highlighted it. And well, if he was to use his two remaining brain cells, the other two were damn obvious themselves. Even still, he had to ask the scorching question, "Why?"

"Answer. It is my primary directive and reason for creation."

Resolving to think of her as a kind of AI, he nodded to himself as if he understood, not understanding in the slightest. This was a weird dream for sure, he'd never imagined up a voice in his head before. However, the chest was something more familiar for his dreams.

Tilting his head side to side, he thought about whether to stay in this dreamland or wake up. He really did need to get out of that wench's apartment. So, with a sigh, he reached to pinch himself.

"Ouch!" He whimpered, acutely remembering the agony from before. But he thought that dreams canceled out pain. Which meant… no… there was no way.

Frantic, heart racing, pulsing in his ears, he looked to his hands.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

He looked up for two counts, swallowing a dry throat. Everything was fine, he was just dreaming. He looked back down.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… nine… ten…

No. No way. There was no way.

He looked away again, repeating the process over and over again. One... two… three…

Defeated from the fifteenth check, he fell back in defeat, onto the plush bed. Air rushed by ears, a thud resounded as he hit the mattress, soft, giving below him. The sensations helped in regaining his calm, regain his composure.

He couldn't wake up. That. That or-

Or he wasn't dreaming.

It had to be impossible, but he couldn't identify any aspects of a dream. He couldn't find a single sign that he was dreaming. So, he wasn't… he really wasn't…

He was…

Actually, he didn't know what he was, beyond the fact that he felt like a protagonist of an otherworld anime.

Pushing himself back up, he pulled his knees into his at last flat chest, bewitching features screwed up adorably in confusion. His soft lips pouted in bewilderment, hair tickling his shoulders as he swayed his head side to side in contemplation.

"Well this certainly isn't normal," He decided, attempting conversation with his only understanding of what was going on, "Mind telling me how I got here?"

"Answer to inquiry accepted. Beginning attempt to retrieve lost data. Please stand by."

Releasing a defeated sigh, he dropped to the side, still curled up like a frightened hedgehog. It appeared it would take a while and he probably couldn't talk to her while she was working. Squirming around, buzzing with a nervous energy that just needed to go somewhere, he tried to think of something to do. He blinked a few times, looking around and trying to ignore the icons- oh! There was something.

He turned his attention to the user interface he'd been ignoring far too long. It would be a good idea to test that out now, while he was in a safe spot instead of when he was in a pickle.

Where to begin… there was a quickbar split in the middle by his health, mana, and stamina bars. It held what appeared to be a scroll, spell or ability. He tried to point at it to see what it was, but his finger went right through. He tried a few times but only got the same result, drawing a childish huff from him as he waved his arm around, whining, "Just select already!!"

And with a thought, it highlighted itself. [Total Map Reveal], it read.

As it didn't seem so bad, he thought and activated it excitedly now that he knew how the UI functioned. It was like an extra limb and the spell took effect within a moment, triggering a flash on the minimap as everything was revealed to him. It was effective, perhaps he shouldn't have used it so carelessly.

He opened the minimap to a full view and closely examined the way an outlined area highlighted itself in bright blues. Moments later, it weakened, diminishing into the actual map. It seemed a sizable area, including a city and a few villages, one of which he was within. With some effort, he zoomed in on it, inspecting the area he was in and counting the moving blue dots. Forty-seven, by his count, though he was sure he could have over or undercounted, so he didn't bother to assume himself right.

However, that wasn't the most interesting thing to him. Each dot had a level! An actual, honest-to-god level. With a max of forty-three and a lowest of one, he couldn't help comparing it to a video game and it had him increasingly eager to see his own stats. So much so, he didn't bother checking out anymore and skipped straight to the drop list to the top right corner of his vision.

Down dropped a list of icons, a faceless portrait, a hand surrounded with sparks, a closed messenger bag, a compass- likely a second way to expand the map, a bullet point list, and two greyed out icons, one of a gear, the other of a pencil. Of course, he selected the faceless portrait without hesitation, practically vibrating out of the bed in animated excitement. He ignored the other symbols in favor of checking out his level.

It took a mere instant to open, revealing his status for the first time.

Nocturne Amina

Level 838

He, Nocturne, stopped there.

Level eight-hundred-and-thirty-eight?! How did he get so high? Was this his magic isekai protagonist powers that made him the overpowered faceless protagonist? Like that was happening, there was no way.

He hadn't spent all his life building up a persona of elegance just to throw it away now, no, he was going to continue with all of his two brain cells to make his life as interesting as he could! He'd complete an epic goal and not just wander around like some lame protagonists he knew of. He just needed something cool to do…

World domination? No, sounded complicated and involved.

Slay a dragon? Might be a bit too simple.

Get a boyfriend? Definitely on the list.

…okay, he'd work on the incredible mission later. First, he wanted to fan over his newfound powers for a bit, which meant next was…

Just as he was about to select his next icon to test, a rustling from the tent flap stole his attention, sunlight streaming in from where it pulled open.

And the following deep rumble of a voice stole his heart.

"Del estra er puella."

[Skill gained: Fortis Language]

Acting on instinct, he promptly sat up, legs hanging off the bed, just as his once stretched shirt hung off his soft, fawn skin. With burning cheeks, he crossed one leg over the other, straightening out his back.

Instinct driving his body, Nocturne thrust himself into a sitting position, delicate legs hanging over the edge of the crimson bed. Coughing in embarrassment, he tilted his head to the side, shifting one leg over the other to stop himself from bouncing it. His cheeks burned as he calmed himself down, describing the situation to himself.

Hot man. Really, really hot man. Language barrier. Skill gained.

Right, he told himself, he could sort it out, easy as pie. Except pie wasn't easy. First thing first, that skill. He was likely to find that in the bullet point list, so he quickly selected that and without giving himself time to read the skills that were there, he scanned down to [Fortis Language] and activated it, filling it with skill points when he was prompted.

Language barrier sorted, hopefully. He'd gotten the skill when the man, that beautiful man, had spoken, so it wasn't amiss to believe that the skill would help Nocturne speak with him.

"And you are?" Poised and perfect as he always had to be, Nocturne hoped he was using the right language. He tried not to look like he was thirsting after the man as he looked the giant in the eye. God, he had to be eight feet, at least.

As if remembering his place, the man- a gorgeous man with cheekbones that could cut glass, beautifully scarred copper skin, a strong jawline tracked by a scruffy Brett beard that made Nocturne want to cry from a worshipful bliss, amber eyes that had pierced his frozen soul, a voice that captured his heart in a single line- dropped to one knee. Warmth radiated from those eyes burning brilliantly bright like the fiery sun, the shoulder-length brunette hair that Nocturne wanted to pet with all his genderqueer heart, and those muscles… he had to stop himself from drooling. But now was not the time for being a disaster, not if he wanted his flawless reputation in one piece.

"My apologies for not introducing myself sooner, Sir. I am the son of a long line of bodyguards. I was sent to check on your condition and report back to the elders," He spoke with a strong voice, enticing fluttering butterflies in Nocturne's stomach, as he kept his eyes on the ground, "I do hope our healers did an adequate job with your treatment, I had been in charge of overseeing it so seeing you awakened and in good health is a relief-" He stopped abruptly, eyes darting up. He began continuing, frantic, "Unless, you are not! I would not want to assume. I remember how you looked when I found you… I truly hope you feel better, but I would not want to project my feelings onto you! My thoughts on your health and safety are nothing compared to your own. Why, I would hate to-"

Adorable. Nocturne wanted to scream from the overwhelming cuteness before him, but he thankfully kept his cool in the face of overwhelming warmth, calmly interrupting his babbling, "I am well, thank you for your concern." Giving a follow-up smile, gentle and serene, his assurances quickly calmed the man before him, even if he still overflowed with an embarrassment that threatened to drown Nocturne.

However, more important to him at that moment, Nocturne decidedly did not like referring to the man as 'the man', the only issue was that he didn't have anything else to call him. As his UI displayed him akin to a nameless NPC, he assumed the man didn't have one.


Level 37

Title(s): Bookish Bruiser

There was nothing else to call him. And yet it felt… objectifying to call him by a job title rather than something more personal, it made him feel like he wasn't a person. It must have been his experience with customer service, those stories still gave him shivers. If only he could do something about it, like a nickname, perhaps.

"Do you not have a name?" The question was presented innocently, it was simple and to the point. Something anyone would ask, really.

Unsurprisingly, in response, the man shook his head no. It seemed the question was of assistance in regaining his composure as when he spoke again, he did not seem as overwhelmed, "I do not. If you wish to call me something, I would be most honored to accept a name from you."

It went better than expected, Nocturne was granted the perfect opportunity to get on pleasant terms with this wonderful man. So, with a memory about a myth of an unstoppable warrior, Nocturne stood, regal in his posture, "Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Karna. My name is…"

His name was… he wasn't Avery anymore. This was the time to accept it.

He took the first step of his new life; towards the place his heart now lay.

"My name is Nocturne."

Nodding respectfully, Karna held his eyes for one long, perfect moment, "It is the utmost pleasure, Master Nocturne."

The [AR Display] had updated to reflect Karna's absolute acceptance of the name, proudly displaying it for all to see- if anyone could see it at all. Perhaps there should be an element of surprise that a simple name, one he'd thought up on the fly, could hold any significance to another. Perhaps. Still, it was flattering. The mere idea that such a wonderful man had enjoyed it sent butterflies flying through his insides. It made him want to squeal in excitement, much like a stereotypical schoolgirl who'd just gotten asked out by her crush.

"Now then, ah, might you tell me what happened?" The feelings quickly became a distraction, addressing the elephant in the room felt like his only way out, "I'm not sure how I got here."

All the respect he'd been given caused the hairs on the back of Nocturne's neck to raise. God, did he hope he wasn't transported into another person's body. No matter what System had told him, there were no means of truly knowing if the body was new or not. Besides, how could it have been made in the first place? Would he have to fake amnesia? He hoped not, he wasn't an actor, he was a business major- and an awful one at that. Dammit, he didn't know what to think.

Karna bowed his head, shifting his weight from his front foot to his back leg. "My apologies for not explaining sooner, you must have been confused," He began with yet another apology, one not needed but Nocturne appreciated the sound of his voice nonetheless, "A fortnight ago, I found you while I was guarding a patrol investigating a stray light from the Starfall. Something pulled me from the group and to the spot you lay, and I knew from the second I saw you; you are something incredible. Those markings on your skin told me the whole story, you are the one we have long been waiting for."

Thanking whatever greater power listened to his prayers, Nocturne was quick to accept the new information, welcoming it with open arms. He would far rather be part of some life-threatening prophecy than be put in an awkward situation. Such was the life of an anxiety-ridden college student.

"I see," Nodding to himself as his feet carrying him forward, instinctually, involuntarily, towards Karna, Nocturne gave a response, "Then you have my gratitude for finding me, Karna." The soft soundless steps came to a stop before the beast, his form, kneeling in submission, hulking in the eyes of petite one standing before it. "If there's anything I can do in return, please do not hesitate to ask," He continued, voice clear as glass, "I would be happy to assist you in the future."

In an instant, the world fell away, drained of all color but him and the brimming hope in his goldenrod eyes.

"Then, as selfish as it is for me to ask…" Swallowing dryly, Karna paused for his bearings, heart beating out of his chest, right into Nocturne's hands, "The elder council wishes to grant you a warrior to assist you. I ask you might consider me."

To stop the responding laugh would be an impossible feat, one that it was too late for. Still, there was no way he couldn't with the way Karna treated the question. No way with the way it pushed its way into Nocturne's chest, curling up in his heart. However, the way Karna's head drooped signaled he'd given off the wrong impression. Karna's now tight voice shook painfully, "I see, I understand I am a warrior unworthy-" Two delicate fingers cut him off, drawing out a doglike whine from where they rest below his chin.

A soft thumb pet over the track of a beard lining Karna's strong jaw. A smile stretched plush lips as a gentle kiss was pressed against his scarred forehead. Against it, came a whisper, compassionate and caring,

"Dear Karna, who else could it be?"

Did he just do that?! Was that reality?! Nocturne wanted to slap himself for being so dumb and forward, this wasn't a work of fiction, he couldn't keep following what a character would do! No matter his intent to comfort him, that was going too far! Stupid, stupid, stupid, he chided himself, oblivious to the way Karna gazed up at him in a state of revering awe.

Honestly, what was a no-life like him doing stepping closer to an Adonis like him, anyway? God, he was such a disaster, letting his emotions get the better of him like that. Karna was sure to retract his request now; he was going to hate him! ...or at the very least be creeped out. Nocturne wanted to cry.

"I vow to you; I shall do everything and anything within my power to live up to your expectations!"

Like a hot knife through butter, Karna's voice, full of admiration and worship, cut through Nocturne's doubts, clearing his mind of his worries. He hadn't minded at all, he'd liked it. All comprehensive thought stalled, and nothing remained but the moment, nothing but those burning golden eyes. Lemon Drop Sword-Lilies, the ones he had on his bedside table. Those were what they reminded him of. Strength and moral integrity, just from looking into that earnest gaze, Nocturne could tell that Karna held both in spades. Infatuation pierced his heart like a blade.

It wasn't love, not in the slightest. However, even before truly knowing the man, he couldn't help but feel jealous of the one that would steal Karna's heart. Such a beautiful man, through and through it seemed, anyone would be lucky to have him.

Stamping down the butterflies in his stomach and the rise of seething green with a fury, Nocturne cleared his throat. Back to business, no more indulging in those ridiculous fantasies of his. He would become weird if he let his thoughts run wild

"Thank you, Karna," He began, the need to show gratitude embedded somewhere deep in his consciousness, the want to hear the deep rumble of his voice once again driving him forward, "Now, you mentioned some elders? Am I to meet 'e- them?"

In response, Karna nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, they requested to meet you upon awakening, however…"

Nocturne tilted his head as Karna trailed off, "However?"

Swallowing shallowly, Karna slowly continued, looking like a dog that knows it did something wrong, a penitent look on his face, "I… was not among the ones granted permission to speak with you. I deeply apologize for stepping over my bounds, I simply could not stop myself. I am very sorry, Sir."

With a patient smile, Nocturne couldn't resist the appearance of a dejected puppy, reaching out to pet the brown mess of hair, "That's all? I'm happy you were the one I met, Karna, anyone who says you shouldn't have talked to me can come to me with that issue, alright? I'll have a word with 'em- ah, them." Though he laughed off his mistake, Nocturne wanted to hit himself as he slipped from his attempt at a more eloquent style of speech.

As though he were oblivious to the change in Nocturne's tone, Karna shone twice as bright as the blinding sun, "You have my gratitude, I thank you with all my heart for forgiving me."

Honestly, Karna was stealing Nocturne's heart with nothing but that warmth, one that both comforted and quieted Nocturne's troubled, queer soul, but also threatened to melt him into a puddle of joy. Oh, how he would happily perish in such a manner. He could think of no death he'd rather have. It was simply impossible to feel any other way about the matter when the clear picture of Karna as an overgrown puppy with, tail wagging in delight rose to the front of his mind. It was too much. He couldn't get over how adorable this brute of a man was.

Seriously, how could he exist? It defied everything Nocturne knew about men. Did he step straight out of a dating simulator or something? Well, if he did, hopefully, it wasn't too straight.

"Well then, I should meet 'em sooner than later, shouldn't I? Would you take me there?" Voice as calm as he could make it with waves of ecstasy crashing over him, Nocturne once again forgot to watch his words. He chided himself for it, kicking himself over and over for speaking in such a manner around someone, especially around him. Why couldn't he just talk as elegantly as he acted? Why was it so hard? He blamed his friends.

Finally standing, raising to his full height, Karna puffed out his chest in something akin to pride as he looked down to Nocturne with a stupid, dumb, radiant grin. "As you command!" He declared, voice loud yet obedient as if receiving a request straight from an all-powerful Queen. Oh, did he make Nocturne feel like one.

…Was he trying to kill him?

There was no other explanation for the way he was acting, all excitable and perfect. It was too adorable. It was cupid's arrow, struck through Nocturne's cold heart, lighting it ablaze. Perhaps it was what he'd heard people call 'gap moe'? It was so cute it was killing him.

Karna really was an overgrown puppy.

Nocturne wanted to scream in delight.

Next chapter